167 research outputs found


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    To evaluate intravitreal aflibercept in macular telangiectasia Type 1 (MacTel 1) patients and measure their ocular angiogenic profile. Eight subjects with MacTel 1 refractory to bevacizumab, ranibizumab, or laser therapy and switched to aflibercept were included. Best-corrected visual acuity, central macular thickness, and cystic areas quantified on optical coherence tomography B-scans were assessed during 12 months. Perifoveal capillary densities were measured on optical coherence tomography angiography. Aqueous humor was sampled from six patients and eight control subjects undergoing cataract extraction. Growth factors were quantified using a multiarray immunoassay. Over 12 months, patients received 6.6 ± 1.4 (range, 5-8) intravitreal aflibercept injections. Twelve months after switching to aflibercept, best-corrected visual acuity increased by ≥5 letters in 5 of 8 patients, compared with preaflibercept levels. Mean best-corrected visual acuity improved from 79.6 (∼20/50) to 88.0 (∼20/35) Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters (P = 0.042), and central macular thickness decreased from 434 ± 98 μm to 293 ± 59 μm (P = 0.014). Compared with control subjects, the profile of angiogenic factors in MacTel 1 eyes revealed no difference in vascular endothelial growth factor-A levels but significantly higher levels of placental growth factor (P = 0.029), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (sFlt-1; P = 0.013), vascular endothelial growth factor-D (P = 0.050), and Tie-2 (P = 0.019). Placental growth factor levels inversely correlated with both superficial and deep capillary plexus densities on optical coherence tomography angiography (P = 0.03). The clinical response to aflibercept coupled to the angiogenic profile of MacTel 1 eyes support the implication of the placental growth factor/Flt-1 pathway in MacTel 1

    Comparative proximity biotinylation implicates the small GTPase RAB18 in sterol mobilization and biosynthesis

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    Loss of functional RAB18 causes the autosomal recessive condition Warburg Micro syndrome. To better understand this disease, we used proximity biotinylation to generate an inventory of potential RAB18 effectors. A restricted set of 28 RAB18-interactions were dependent on the binary RAB3GAP1-RAB3GAP2 RAB18-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) complex. 12 of these 28 interactions are supported by prior reports and we have directly validated novel interactions with SEC22A, TMCO4 and INPP5B. Consistent with a role for RAB18 in regulating membrane contact sites (MCSs), interactors included groups of microtubule/membrane-remodelling proteins, membrane-tethering and docking proteins, and lipid-modifying/transporting proteins. Two of the putative interactors, EBP and OSBPL2/ORP2, have sterol substrates. EBP is a Δ8-Δ7 sterol isomerase and ORP2 is a lipid transport protein. This prompted us to investigate a role for RAB18 in cholesterol biosynthesis. We find that the cholesterol precursor and EBP-product lathosterol accumulates in both RAB18-null HeLa cells and RAB3GAP1-null fibroblasts derived from an affected individual. Further, de novo cholesterol biosynthesis is impaired in cells in which RAB18 is absent or dysregulated, or in which ORP2 expression is disrupted. Our data demonstrate that GEF-dependent Rab-interactions are highly amenable to interrogation by proximity biotinylation and may suggest that Micro syndrome is a cholesterol biosynthesis disorder

    Sub-lethal radiation enhances anti-tumor immunotherapy in a transgenic mouse model of pancreatic cancer

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    BACKGROUND: It is not uncommon to observe circulating tumor antigen-specific T lymphocytes in cancer patients despite a lack of significant infiltration and destruction of their tumors. Thus, an important goal for tumor immunotherapy is to identify ways to modulate in vivo anti-tumor immunity to achieve clinical efficacy. We investigate this proposition in a spontaneous mouse tumor model, Rip1-Tag2. METHODS: Experimental therapies were carried out in two distinctive trial designs, intended to either intervene in the explosive growth of small tumors, or regress bulky end-stage tumors. Rip1-Tag2 mice received a single transfer of splenocytes from Tag-specific, CD4(+) T cell receptor transgenic mice, a single sub-lethal radiation, or a combination therapy in which the lymphocyte transfer was preceded by the sub-lethal radiation. Tumor burden, the extent of lymphocyte infiltration into solid tumors and host survival were used to assess the efficacy of these therapeutic approaches. RESULTS: In either intervention or regression, the transfer of Tag-specific T cells alone did not result in significant lymphocyte infiltration into solid tumors, not did it affect tumor growth or host survival. In contrast, the combination therapy resulted in significant reduction in tumor burden, increase in lymphocyte infiltration into solid tumors, and extension of survival. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that certain types of solid tumors may be intrinsically resistant to infiltration and destruction by tumor-specific T lymphocytes. Our data suggest that such resistance can be disrupted by sub-lethal radiation. The combinatorial approach presented here merits consideration in the design of clinical trials aimed to achieve T cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity

    Age at Menarche and Its Association with the Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components: Results from the KORA F4 Study

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    OBJECTIVE: The metabolic syndrome is a major public health challenge and identifies persons at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to examine the association between age at menarche and the metabolic syndrome (IDF and NCEP ATP III classification) and its components. DESIGN: 1536 women aged 32 to 81 years of the German population based KORA F4 study were investigated. Data was collected by standardized interviews, physical examinations, and whole blood and serum measurements. RESULTS: Young age at menarche was significantly associated with elevated body mass index (BMI), greater waist circumference, higher fasting glucose levels, and 2 hour glucose (oral glucose tolerance test), even after adjusting for the difference between current BMI and BMI at age 25. The significant effect on elevated triglycerides and systolic blood pressure was attenuated after adjustment for the BMI change. Age at menarche was inversely associated with the metabolic syndrome adjusting for age (p-values: <0.001 IDF, 0.003 NCEP classification) and additional potential confounders including lifestyle and reproductive history factors (p-values: 0.001, 0.005). Associations remain significant when additionally controlling for recollected BMI at age 25 (p-values: 0.008, 0.033) or the BMI change since age 25 (p-values: 0.005, 0.022). CONCLUSION: Young age at menarche might play a role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. This association is only partially mediated by weight gain and increased BMI. A history of early menarche may help to identify women at risk for the metabolic syndrome

    Evolutionary factors affecting Lactate dehydrogenase A and B variation in the Daphnia pulex species complex

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    Background: Evidence for historical, demographic and selective factors affecting enzyme evolution can be obtained by examining nucleotide sequence variation in candidate genes such as Lactate dehydrogenase (Ldh). Two closely related Daphnia species can be distinguished by their electrophoretic Ldh genotype and habitat. Daphnia pulex populations are fixed for the S allele and inhabit temporary ponds, while D. pulicaria populations are fixed for the F allele and inhabit large stratified lakes. One locus is detected in most allozyme surveys, but genome sequencing has revealed two genes, LdhA and LdhB. Results: We sequenced both Ldh genes from 70 isolates of these two species from North America to determine if the association between Ldh genotype and habitat shows evidence for selection, and to elucidate the evolutionary history of the two genes. We found that alleles in the pond-dwelling D. pulex and in the lake-dwelling D. pulicaria form distinct groups at both loci, and the substitution of Glutamine (S) for Glutamic acid (F) at amino acid 229 likely causes the electrophoretic mobility shift in the LDHA protein. Nucleotide diversity in both Ldh genes is much lower in D. pulicaria than in D. pulex. Moreover, the lack of spatial structuring of the variation in both genes over a wide geographic area is consistent with a recent demographic expansion of lake populations. Neutrality tests indicate that both genes are under purifying selection, but the intensity is much stronger on LdhA. Conclusions: Although lake-dwelling D. pulicaria hybridizes with the other lineages in the pulex species complex, it remains distinct ecologically and genetically. This ecological divergence, coupled with the intensity of purifying selection on LdhA and the strong association between its genotype and habitat, suggests that experimental studies would be useful to determine if variation in molecular function provides evidence that LDHA variants are adaptive

    Lutein and zeaxanthin attenuates VEGF-induced neovascularisation in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells through a Nox4-dependent pathway

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (DR) are two of the most common and severe causes of vision loss in the population. Both conditions are associated with excessive levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the eye which results in an increase in the formation of new blood vessels through a process called neovascularisation. As such, anti-VEGF therapies are currently utilised as a treatment for patients with AMD however they are associated with painful administration of injections and potential degeneration of healthy endothelium. There is therefore growing interest in alternate treatment options to reduce neovascularisation in the eye. The use of carotenoids, lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z), has been shown to improve vision loss parameters in patients with AMD, however the underlying mechanisms are not well-understood. We studied the impact of these compounds on neovascularisation processes using an in vitro cell model of the retinal microvascular endothelium. Our findings show that L and Z reduced VEGF-induced tube formation whilst, in combination (5:1 ratio), the compounds significantly blocked VEGF-induced neovascularisation. The carotenoids, individually and in combination, reduced VEGF-induced oxidative stress concomitant with increased activity of the NADPH oxidase, Nox4. We further demonstrated that the Nox4 inhibitor, GLX7013114, attenuated the protective effect of L and Z. Taken together, these findings indicate the protective effect of the carotenoids, L and Z, in reducing VEGF-mediated neovascularisation via a Nox4-dependent pathway. These studies implicate the potential for these compounds to be used as a therapeutic approach for patients suffering from AMD and proliferative DR

    Structural basis of the filamin A actin-binding domain interaction with F-actin

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    Cryo-EM reconstructions were deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank with the following accession numbers: F20-F-actin-FLNaABD, EMD-7833; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-Q170P, EMD-7832; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-8918; Krios-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-7831. The corresponding FLNaABD-E254K filament model was deposited in the PDB with accession number 6D8C. Source data for F-actin-targeting analyses (Figs. 2c,d,g,h, 3b,c,e,f, 4d,e, 5c,d, and 6a,b) and co-sedimentation assays (Figs. 5g and 6d) are available with the paper online. Other data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. We thank Z. Razinia for generating numerous FLNa constructs, S. Wu for expertise in using the Krios microscope, J. Lees for advice on model refinement, and M. Lemmon for helpful comments in preparing the manuscript. We also thank the Yale Center for Research Computing for guidance and use of the Farnam Cluster, as well as the staff at the YMS Center for Molecular Imaging for the use of the EM Core Facility. This work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01-GM068600 (D.A.C.), R01-NS093704 (D.A.C.), R37-GM057247 (C.V.S.), R01-GM110530 (C.V.S.), T32-GM007324, T32-GM008283) and an award from American Heart Association (15PRE25700119 (D.V.I.)).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Treating Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders: The future is now

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    Pediatric neuromuscular diseases encompass all disorders with onset in childhood and where the primary area of pathology is in the peripheral nervous system. These conditions are largely genetic in etiology, and only those with a genetic underpinning will be presented in this review. This includes disorders of the anterior horn cell (e.g., spinal muscular atrophy), peripheral nerve (e.g., Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease), the neuromuscular junction (e.g., congenital myasthenic syndrome), and the muscle (myopathies and muscular dystrophies). Historically, pediatric neuromuscular disorders have uniformly been considered to be without treatment possibilities and to have dire prognoses. This perception has gradually changed, starting in part with the discovery and widespread application of corticosteroids for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. At present, several exciting therapeutic avenues are under investigation for a range of conditions, offering the potential for significant improvements in patient morbidities and mortality and, in some cases, curative intervention. In this review, we will present the current state of treatment for the most common pediatric neuromuscular conditions, and detail the treatment strategies with the greatest potential for helping with these devastating diseases

    Generation in vivo of peptide-specific cytotoxic T cells and presence of regulatory T cells during vaccination with hTERT (class I and II) peptide-pulsed DCs

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    Optimal techniques for DC generation for immunotherapy in cancer are yet to be established. Study aims were to evaluate: (i) DC activation/maturation milieu (TNF-α +/- IFN-α) and its effects on CD8+ hTERT-specific T cell responses to class I epitopes (p540 or p865), (ii) CD8+ hTERT-specific T cell responses elicited by vaccination with class I alone or both class I and II epitope (p766 and p672)-pulsed DCs, prepared without IFN-α, (iii) association between circulating T regulatory cells (Tregs) and clinical responses