1,462 research outputs found

    The incidence and types of physical contact associated with body checking regulation experience in 13–14 year old Ice Hockey players

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    Background: Ice hockey has one of the highest sport participation and injury rates in youth in Canada. Body checking (BC) is the predominant mechanism of injury in leagues in which it is permitted. The objectives of this study were to determine whether the incidence and types of physical contact differ for Bantam players (aged 13–14 years) who were exposed to BC at Pee Wee level (aged 11–12 years) in Calgary, Alberta versus Bantam players who were not exposed to BC at Pee Wee level in Québec City, Québec. All teams were exposed to BC at bantam level; Methods: A cohort study was conducted in Québec City and Calgary. Sixteen games for Calgary and 15 for Québec City were randomly selected and analysed with a validated observation system to quantify five intensities of physical contact and to observe different types of physical contact such as slashing and holding; Results: A total of 5610 incidences of physical contact with the trunk and 3429 other types of physical contact were observed. Very light intensity trunk contact was more frequent in Calgary (adjusted incidence RR (ARR): 1.71; 95% CI: 1.28–2.29). Holding (ARR: 1.04; 95% CI: 1.02–1.07) and slashing (ARR: 1.38; 95% CI: 1.07–1.77) were more frequent in Calgary; Conclusion: Results suggest that players’ physical contacts differ between Bantam leagues in which BC was permitted at Pee Wee level and leagues in which it was not permitted until Bantam level. View Full-Tex

    Implantation multisite du programme Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) pour les personnes souffrant de schizophrénie. Élaboration d’une version renouvelée

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    Le programme Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) de Brenner et al. (1992), d’approche cognitivo-comportementale, a été implanté dans neuf milieux cliniques offrant des services aux personnes souffrant de schizophrénie. Une étude a permis de suivre l’implantation du programme IPT dans chacun des milieux, plus particulièrement d’évaluer le niveau de satisfaction des participants et des intervenants et d’identifier les points forts et les améliorations souhaitées. Les résultats permettent de constater que l’implantation a été un succès pour l’ensemble des neuf milieux. Les intervenants et les participants ont apprécié non seulement la structure hiérarchique qui tient compte davantage des besoins en réadaptation des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie, mais aussi son cadre d’application privilégié qui permet le suivi régulier d’un même groupe de patients pendant une année. Les modifications et ajouts proposés ont permis de développer une version québécoise du programme favorisant davantage l’atteinte des objectifs, particulièrement ceux liés au maintien et à la généralisation des apprentissages dans le contexte de vie réelle des participants.Brenner’s Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) program (Brenner et al., 1992 ; Pomini et al., 1998), a cognitive-behavioural approach, was implemented in nine of Quebec’s clinical settings that treat people with schizophrenia. A study allowed an evaluation of the IPT program in each location, with emphasis on the level of satisfaction of both participants and professionals, the program’s strong points, and areas where improvements were needed. The results have shown that the implementation of the program has been successful in all nine clinical settings. Professionals and participants appreciated the IPT program not only for its hierarchic structure that considers the rehabilitation needs of people affected by schizophrenia, but also for its customised application framework, which allows a regular follow-up of a similar group of patients over the course of a one year period. As a result of this study, the modifications proposed and additions have enabled the creation of a Quebec version of the IPT program, which better achieves its objectives, particularly those relating to the maintenance and generalisation of social learning in the context of a participant’s real-life situation.El programa de Tratamiento Psicológico Integral (Integrated Psychological Treatment IPT) de Brenner (Brenner et al., 1992; Pomini et al., 1998), de enfoque cognitivo-comportamental, ha sido implantado en nueve medios clínicos quebequenses que ofrecen servicios a personas que sufren de esquizofrenia. Un estudio ha permitido dar seguimiento a la implantación del programa IPT en cada uno de los medios, en particular, evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de los participantes y de los interventores acerca del programa e identificar los puntos fuertes y las mejoras deseadas. Los resultados permiten constatar que la implantación del programa ha sido un éxito en los nueve medios. Los interventores y los participantes han apreciado el programa IPT no sólo por su estructura jerárquica, que toma más en cuenta las necesidades de readaptación de las personas que sufren de esquizofrenia, sino también por su marco de aplicación privilegiada, que permite el seguimiento regular de un mismo grupo de pacientes durante un año. Las modificaciones y adiciones propuestas en el momento de este estudio han permitido desarrollar una versión quebequense del programa IPT que favorece más el logro de los objetivos, particularmente aquellos relacionados con el mantenimiento y generalización del aprendizaje en el contexto de la vida real de los participantes.O programa Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) de Brenner (Brenner et al., 1992; Pomini et al., 1998), de abordagem cognitivo-comportamental, foi implantado em nove meios clínicos quebequenses que oferecem serviços às pessoas que sofrem de esquizofrenia. Um estudo permitiu acompanhar a implantação do programa IPT em cada um dos meios, mais precisamente, ele permitiu avaliar o nível de satisfação dos participantes e dos atores com respeito ao programa, e identificar os pontos fortes e as melhorias almejadas. Os resultados permitem constatar que a implantação do programa foi um sucesso em todos os nove meios. Os atores e os participantes apreciaram o programa IPT, não apenas por sua estrutura hierárquica, que leva mais em consideração as necessidades de readaptação das pessoas que sofrem de esquizofrenia, mas também por seu quadro de aplicação privilegiado, que permite o acompanhamento regular de um mesmo grupo de pacientes durante um ano. As modificações e acréscimos propostos durante este estudo permitiu desenvolver uma versão quebequense do programa IPT, que favorece mais o alcance dos objetivos, principalmente os relacionados com a manutenção e a generalização das aprendizagens no contexto de vida real dos participantes

    Vulnerability of optical detection systems to megajoule class laser radiative environment

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    The Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) facility will host inertial confinement fusion experiments in order to achieve ignition by imploding a Deuterium-Tritium filled microballoon [1]. In this context an X-ray imaging system is necessary to diagnose the core size and the shape of the target in the 10-100 keV band. Such a diagnostic will be composed of two parts: an X-ray optical system and a detection assembly. The survivability of each element of this diagnostic has to be ensured within the mixed pulse consisting of X-rays, gamma rays and 14 MeV neutrons created by fusion reactions. The design of this diagnostic will take into account optics and detectors vulnerability to neutron yield of at least 1016. In this work, we will present the main results of our vulnerability studies and of our hardening-by-system and hardening-by-design studies

    Lagrange Duality in Set Optimization

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    Based on the complete-lattice approach, a new Lagrangian duality theory for set-valued optimization problems is presented. In contrast to previous approaches, set-valued versions for the known scalar formulas involving infimum and supremum are obtained. In particular, a strong duality theorem, which includes the existence of the dual solution, is given under very weak assumptions: The ordering cone may have an empty interior or may not be pointed. "Saddle sets" replace the usual notion of saddle points for the Lagrangian, and this concept is proven to be sufficient to show the equivalence between the existence of primal/dual solutions and strong duality on the one hand and the existence of a saddle set for the Lagrangian on the other hand

    Set optimization - a rather short introduction

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    Recent developments in set optimization are surveyed and extended including various set relations as well as fundamental constructions of a convex analysis for set- and vector-valued functions, and duality for set optimization problems. Extensive sections with bibliographical comments summarize the state of the art. Applications to vector optimization and financial risk measures are discussed along with algorithmic approaches to set optimization problems

    Multi-hydrogenated compounds monitoring in optical fibre manufacturing process by photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    Sub-ppm hydrogen chloride (HCl) and water vapour (H2O) monitoring using photoacoustic spectroscopy in optical fibre manufacturing is reported. The development and performance of a sensor based on an acoustic resonant configuration is described, and on-site measurements are presented. Two DFB lasers emitting in the 1370 nm and 1740 nm range were used for the detection of H2O and HCl, respectively. A detection limit (defined for a SNR=3) of 60 ppb for HCl and 40 ppb for H2O was achieved. Contamination sources of the carrier gas used for the fibre preform manufacturing are identified and discussed. © Springer-Verlag 2006

    Optical Sensor for the Detection of OH- Contamination during Optical Fibre Manufacturing

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    Sub-ppm (HCl) and (H2O) monitoring using photoacoustic spectroscopy is reported in optical fibre manufacturing for the production of low-water-peak fibres. Contamination sources of the carrier gas used for fibre preforms manufacturing were identified and discussed
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