287 research outputs found

    Variations of the cephalic vein anterior to the clavicle in humans

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    Background: Clinicians should understand that jugulocephalic vein (JCV) variants may be occasionally found. This study aims to classify JCV variants and obtain their frequency. Ā  Materials and methods: We investigated anatomical variants of the cephalic vein in 55 human cadavers during a gross anatomy course at our medical school. Ā  Results: The percentage of JCVs that pass through the anterior part of the clavicle and anastomose to the jugular vein as per previous studies and our study was 2ā€“5%. Five cases with anastomosis between the cephalic and external jugular veins that pass through the anterior part of the clavicle were found. The courses were classified into 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B. Type 1 extends beyond the clavicle and anastomoses with the external jugular vein. Type 2 follows the same course as type 1, but anastomoses with the subclavian vein. Subtype A does not have a branch that anastomoses with the axillary vein, whereas subtype B does. We encountered two cases of type 1A and three of type 1B. Ā  Conclusions: Four anatomical variants of the cephalic vein around the clavicle were identified. Cliniciansā€™ knowledge of these variants is expected to decrease possible complications if venous access via the cephalic vein is needed

    Variations in the gonadal artery with a single common trunk: embryological hypotheses by observation

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    Background: A gonadal artery originates as a branch of the abdominal aorta and renal artery inferior to the level of origin of the renal arteries. Variations in multiple right testicular arteries (RTAs) arising from the abdominal aorta are common. We aimed to re-evaluate the unusual courses of gonadal arteries with a single common trunk in relation to the inferior vena cava and left renal vein and explain the developmental anatomy. Materials and methods: The observational cross-sectional study was performed on 54 Japanese adult cadavers (29 men and 25 women). We examined the literature and developed embryological hypotheses on the single common trunk of the gonadal artery. Results: The gonadal artery, testicular artery, and ovarian artery arose from the abdominal aorta in 93.1%, 96.3%, and 89.6% of cases, respectively, and from the renal artery in 4.9%, 3.7%, and 6.3% of cases, respectively. We found two rare variations in the RTAs observed during the routine dissection of two male cadavers; in these two cases, a single common trunk of the RTAs originated from the abdominal aorta. A single common trunk was found in 3.7% of cadavers, 2.0% of sides, and 2.0% of arteries in the gonadal artery and in 6.9% of cadavers, 3.8% of sides, and 3.7% of arteries in the testicular artery. All cases of the single common trunk, including those in past reports, were observed only in men. Conclusions: Knowledge of the variations in RTAs has important clinical consequences for invasive and non-invasive arterial procedures. In addition, this variation provides a new interpretation of the embryology of the gonadal artery. Variations similar to our findings have not been previously reported. Therefore, different variations concerning the RTA should be considered during surgical and non-surgical evaluations

    Common and separate origins of the left and right inferior phrenic artery with a review of the literature

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    In a 94-year-old male cadaver, upon which routine dissection was being conducted, a rare variation was found in the gastrophrenic trunk (GPT), the common trunk of the left gastric artery (LGA), right inferior phrenic artery (RIPA), and left inferior phrenic artery (LIPA); the GPT arises from the abdominal aorta. A hepatosplenic trunk accompanied the variation. In this variation, the RIPA first branched from the GPT and then to the LIPA and LGA. Variations in the common trunk of the LIPA and RIPA in the GPT are common, but to our knowledge, a variation (separate inferior phrenic artery in the GPT) similar to our findings has not been previously reported. We discuss the incidence and developmental and clinical significance of this variation with a detailed review of the literature. Knowledge of such a case has important clinical significance for invasive and non-invasive arterial procedures. Therefore, different variations concerning the LGA and inferior phrenic artery should be considered during surgical and non-surgical evaluations

    Anomalous connection of the left posterior renal vein with the left ascending lumbar vein in a Japanese cadaver

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    A rare variation was found in one of the two left renal veins in a 94-year-old male cadaver undergoing routine dissection. The characteristic findings in the cadaver included, in addition to the primary left renal vein, the presence of a posterior left renal vein draining to the left ascending lumbar vein without communicating with the inferior vena cava and other renal veins. Variations in the number and arrangement of the vessels terminating in the renal veins are common, but to our knowledge, variation similar to our findings has not been previously reported. This variation may represent an immature form of the complicated development of the renal vessels

    A gross anatomical study of the styloid process of the temporal bone in Japanese cadavers

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    Background: The incidence of an elongated styloid process (SP) and average length and diameter of SP have not been reported using Japanese cadavers. Data on the female-to-male ratio of an elongated SP vary. We calculated the average length and diameter of SP in Japanese cadavers and compared SP lengths between sexes. Materials and methods: Twenty-seven sides (right and left of bodies) in males and 51 sides in females were analyzed. Measurements were obtained from the inferior external acoustic meatus to the distal tip of the SP. SP diameters at the proximal base, midpoint, and distal tip were measured. SP >30 mm was considered elongated. We used Welchā€™s t-test for the statistical analysis. Fisherā€™s exact two-tailed test was also performed to analyze the female-to-male elongation ratio. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: SP elongation prevalence was 29.5% in our sample. The average full length was 27.04Ā±7.88 mm overall; the average diameters were 5.41Ā±1.77 mm at the proximal base and 2.21Ā±1.22 mm at the distal tip. The average SP measurement was 26.81Ā±5.92 mm in males and 27.16Ā±8.79 mm in females (p=0.74). The female-to-male ratio of SP elongation was 1:2 (p=0.041). Females had longer full lengths of non-elongated SPs than males (p=0.004). Males had wider diameters at the proximal base of elongated SPs than females (p=0.017). Conclusions: The average length of SP was 27.04 mm in the Japanese population and about 30% of the Japanese presented SPā‰„30 mm. Male had significantly higher rate than female among the SPā‰„30 mm, and female had significantly longer SPs than male among the SP<30 mm. Anatomically, the SP gets narrow as distally goes. Our anatomical findings would be beneficial to creating treatment plans, diagnosis, and surgery

    Association of bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine and its severity in Chinese patients

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    A caseā€“control study was conducted to examine the association between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 2 of the bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene (BMP-2) and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL), and to investigate whether SNPs of the Ser37Ala (T/G) and the Ser87Ser (A/G) in the BMP-2 gene are associated with genetic susceptibility to OPLL and its severity in Chinese subjects. The Ser87Ser (A/G) SNP has been implicated in bone mineral density (BMD) and increases the risk of OA in women. The Ser37Ala (T/G) SNP is associated with BMD and the rate of bone loss in osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures. A total of 57 OPLL patients and 135 non-OPLL controls were studied. Radiographs of the cervical spine were analyzed to determine the presence and the severity of OPLL. The association of two SNPs with the occurrence and the extent of OPLL were statistically evaluated. There was a significant association between the Ser37Ala (T/G) polymorphism and the occurrence of OPLL in the cervical spine. However, no significant association was found between the Ser37Ala (T/G) polymorphism and the more number of ossified cervical vertebrae in OPLL patients. There was a significant association between the Ser87Ser (A/G) polymorphism and the more number of ossified cervical vertebrae in OPLL patients. However, there was no statistical difference between the Ser87Ser (A/G) SNP and the occurrence of OPLL in the cervical spine. In addition, the Ser87Ser (A/G) polymorphism in male patients and in female patients showed no statistical difference between cases and controls. The present results demonstrate that BMP-2 Gene is not only a factor associated with the occurrence of OPLL, but also a factor related to more extensive OPLL. The ā€œGā€ allele in the Ser37Ala (T/G) polymorphism is associated with the occurrence of OPLL, but not more extensive OPLL in the cervical spine. The ā€œGā€ allele in the Ser87Ser (A/G) polymorphism promotes the extent of OPLL, whereas the ā€œAā€ allele in the Ser87Ser (A/G) polymorphism restricts ectopic ossification in the cervical spine at least in Chinese subjects

    Effect of manipulation of primary tumour vascularity on metastasis in an adenocarcinoma model

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    One explanation for the clinical association between tumour vascularity and probability of metastasis is that increased primary tumour vascularity enhances haematogenous dissemination by offering greater opportunity for tumour cell invasion into the circulation (intravasation). We devised an experimental tumour metastasis model that allowed manipulation of primary tumour vascularity with differential exposure of the primary and metastatic tumour site to angiogenic agents. We used this model to assess the effects of local and systemic increases in the level of the angiogenic agent basic fibroblast growth factor on metastasis. BDIX rats with implanted hind limb K12/TR adenocarcinoma tumours received either intratumoural or systemic, basic fibroblast growth factor or saline infusion. Both intratumoural and systemic basic fibroblast growth factor infusion resulted in significant increases in tumour vascularity, blood flow and growth, but not lung metastasis, compared with saline-infused controls. Raised basic fibroblast growth factor levels and increase in primary tumour vascularity did not increase metastasis. The clinical association between tumour vascularity and metastasis is most likely to arise from a metastatic tumour genotype that links increased tumour vascularity with greater metastatic potential

    Spatial Distribution of Dominant Arboreal Ants in a Malagasy Coastal Rainforest: Gaps and Presence of an Invasive Species

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    We conducted a survey along three belt transects located at increasing distances from the coast to determine whether a non-random arboreal ant assemblage, such as an ant mosaic, exists in the rainforest on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar. In most tropical rainforests, very populous colonies of territorially dominant arboreal ant species defend absolute territories distributed in a mosaic pattern. Among the 29 ant species recorded, only nine had colonies large enough to be considered potentially territorially dominant; the remaining species had smaller colonies and were considered non-dominant. Nevertheless, the null-model analyses used to examine the spatial structure of their assemblages did not reveal the existence of an ant mosaic. Inland, up to 44% of the trees were devoid of dominant arboreal ants, something not reported in other studies. While two Crematogaster species were not associated with one another, Brachymyrmex cordemoyi was positively associated with Technomyrmex albipes, which is considered an invasive speciesā€”a non-indigenous species that has an adverse ecological effect on the habitats it invades. The latter two species and Crematogaster ranavalonae were mutually exclusive. On the other hand, all of the trees in the coastal transect and at least 4 km of coast were occupied by T. albipes, and were interconnected by columns of workers. Technomyrmex albipes workers collected from different trees did not attack each other during confrontation tests, indicating that this species has formed a supercolony along the coast. Yet interspecific aggressiveness did occur between T. albipes and Crematogaster ranavalonae, a native species which is likely territorially dominant based on our intraspecific confrontation tests. These results suggest that the Masoala rainforest is threatened by a potential invasion by T. albipes, and that the penetration of this species further inland might be facilitated by the low density of native, territorially dominant arboreal ants normally able to limit its progression

    Fluorescent Microangiography Is a Novel and Widely Applicable Technique for Delineating the Renal Microvasculature

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    Rarefaction of the renal microvasculature correlates with declining kidney function. However, current technologies commonly used for its evaluation are limited by their reliance on endothelial cell antigen expression and assessment in two dimensions. We set out to establish a widely applicable and unbiased optical sectioning method to enable three dimensional imaging and reconstruction of the renal microvessels based on their luminal filling. The kidneys of subtotally nephrectomized (SNx) rats and their sham-operated counterparts were subjected to either routine two-dimensional immunohistochemistry or the novel technique of fluorescent microangiography (FMA). The latter was achieved by perfusion of the kidney with an agarose suspension of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres followed by optical sectioning of 200 Āµm thick cross-sections using a confocal microscope. The fluorescent microangiography method enabled the three-dimensional reconstruction of virtual microvascular casts and confirmed a reduction in both glomerular and peritubular capillary density in the kidneys of SNx rats, despite an overall increase in glomerular volume. FMA is an uncomplicated technique for evaluating the renal microvasculature that circumvents many of the limitations imposed by conventional analysis of two-dimensional tissue sections

    Crosstalk between Spinal Astrocytes and Neurons in Nerve Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain

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    Emerging research implicates the participation of spinal dorsal horn (SDH) neurons and astrocytes in nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain. However, the crosstalk between spinal astrocytes and neurons in neuropathic pain is not clear. Using a lumbar 5 (L5) spinal nerve ligation (SNL) pain model, we testified our hypothesis that SDH neurons and astrocytes reciprocally regulate each other to maintain the persistent neuropathic pain states. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was used as the astrocytic specific marker and Fos, protein of the protooncogene c-fos, was used as a marker for activated neurons. SNL induced a significant mechanical allodynia as well as activated SDH neurons indicated by the Fos expression at the early phase and activated astrocytes with the increased expression of GFAP during the late phase of pain, respectively. Intrathecal administration of c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASO) or astroglial toxin L-Ī±-aminoadipate (L-AA) reversed the mechanical allodynia, respectively. Immunofluorescent histochemistry revealed that intrathecal administration of c-fos ASO significantly suppressed activation of not only neurons but also astrocytes induced by SNL. Meanwhile, L-AA shortened the duration of neuronal activation by SNL. Our data offers evidence that neuronal and astrocytic activations are closely related with the maintenance of neuropathic pain through a reciprocal ā€œcrosstalkā€. The current study suggests that neuronal and non-neuronal elements should be taken integrally into consideration for nociceptive transmission, and that the intervention of such interaction may offer some novel pain therapeutic strategies
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