1,059 research outputs found

    Exact many-electron ground states on the diamond Hubbard chain

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    Exact ground states of interacting electrons on the diamond Hubbard chain in a magnetic field are constructed which exhibit a wide range of properties such as flat-band ferromagnetism and correlation induced metallic, half-metallic or insulating behavior. The properties of these ground states can be tuned by changing the magnetic flux, local potentials, or electron density.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Lattice Dimerization in the Spin-Peierls Compound CuGeO3_3

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    The uniaxial pressure dependences of the exchange coupling and the structural distortion in the dimerized phase of CuGeO3_3 are analyzed. A minimum magnetic dimerization of 3 % is obtained, incompatible with an adiabatic approach to the spin-Peierls transition. Exploring the properties of an Heisenberg spin chain with dynamical spin-phonon coupling, the dimerization dependence of the spin excitation gap is found to be in qualitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure include

    Nature of the Peierls- to Mott-insulator transition in 1D

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    In order to clarify the physics of the crossover from a Peierls band insulator to a correlated Mott-Hubbard insulator, we analyze ground-state and spectral properties of the one-dimensional half-filled Holstein-Hubbard model using quasi-exact numerical techniques. In the adiabatic limit the transition is connected to the band to Mott insulator transition of the ionic Hubbard model. Depending on the strengths of the electron-phonon coupling and the Hubbard interaction the transition is either first order or evolves continuously across an intermediate phase with finite spin, charge, and optical excitation gaps.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures to appear in EPJ

    Quasiparticle anisotropy and pseudogap formation from the weak-coupling renormalization group point of view

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    Using the one-loop functional renormalization group technique we evaluate the self-energy in the weak-coupling regime of the 2D t-t' Hubbard model. At van Hove (vH) band fillings and at low temperatures the quasiparticle weight along the Fermi surface (FS) continuously vanishes on approaching the (pi,0) point where the quasiparticle concept is invalid. Away from vH band fillings the quasiparticle peak is formed inside an anisotropic pseudogap and the self-energy has the conventional Fermi-liquid characteristics near the Fermi level. The spectral weight of the quasiparticle features is reduced on parts of the FS between the near vicinity of hot spots and the FS points closest to (pi,0) and (0,pi).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Exact Bond Ordered Ground State for the Transition Between the Band and the Mott Insulator

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    We derive an effective Hamiltonian HeffH_{eff} for an ionic Hubbard chain, valid for tU,Δt\ll U,\Delta , where tt is the hopping, UU the Coulomb repulsion, and Δ\Delta the charge transfer energy. HeffH_{eff} is the minimal model for describing the transition from the band insulator (BI) (ΔUt\Delta -U\gg t) and the Mott insulator (MI) (UΔtU-\Delta \gg t). Using spin-particle transformations (Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{86}, 1082 (2001)), we map Heff(U=Δ)H_{eff}(U=\Delta) into an SU(3) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model whose exact ground state is known. In this way, we show rigorously that a spontaneously dimerized insulating ferroelectric phase appears in the transition region between the BI and MI

    From local to nonlocal Fermi liquid in doped antiferromagnets

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    The variation of single-particle spectral functions with doping is studied numerically within the t-J model. It is shown that corresponding self energies change from local ones at the intermediate doping to strongly nonlocal ones for a weakly doped antiferromagnet. The nonlocality shows up most clearly in the pseudogap emerging in the density of states, due to the onset of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, revtex, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    On different lagrangian formalisms for vector resonances within chiral perturbation theory

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    We study the relation of vector Proca field formalism and antisymmetric tensor field formalism for spin-one resonances in the context of the large N_C inspired chiral resonance Lagrangian systematically up to the order O(p6) and give a transparent prescription for the transition from vector to antisymmetric tensor Lagrangian and vice versa. We also discuss the possibility to describe the spin-one resonances using an alternative "mixed" first order formalism, which includes both types of fields simultaneously, and compare this one with the former two. We also briefly comment on the compatibility of the above lagrangian formalisms with the high-energy constraints for concrete VVP correlator.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Remnant Fermi Surfaces in Photoemission

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    Recent experiments have introduced a new concept for analyzing the photoemission spectra of correlated electrons -- the remnant Fermi surface (rFs), which can be measured even in systems which lack a conventional Fermi surface. Here, we analyze the rFs in a number of interacting electron models, and find that the results fall into two classes. For systems with pairing instabilities, the rFs is an accurate replica of the true Fermi surface. In the presence of nesting instabilities, the rFs is a map of the resulting superlattice Brillouin zone. The results suggest that the gap in Ca_2CuO_2Cl_2 is of nesting origin.Comment: 4 pages LaTex, 3 ps figure

    Suppression of static stripe formation by next-neighbor hopping

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    We show from real-space Hartree-Fock calculations within the extended Hubbard model that next-nearest neighbor (t') hopping processes act to suppress the formation of static charge stripes. This result is confirmed by investigating the evolution of charge-inhomogeneous corral and stripe phases with increasing t' of both signs. We propose that large t' values in YBCO prevent static stripe formation, while anomalously small t' in LSCO provides an additional reason for the appearance of static stripes only in these systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Disorder Induced Stripes in d-Wave Superconductors

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    Stripe phases are observed experimentally in several copper-based high-Tc superconductors near 1/8 hole doping. However, the specific characteristics may vary depending on the degree of dopant disorder and the presence or absence of a low- temperature tetragonal phase. On the basis of a Hartree-Fock decoupling scheme for the t-J model we discuss the diverse behavior of stripe phases. In particular the effect of inhomogeneities is investigated in two distinctly different parameter regimes which are characterized by the strength of the interaction. We observe that small concen- trations of impurities or vortices pin the unidirectional density waves, and dopant disorder is capable to stabilize a stripe phase in parameter regimes where homogeneous phases are typically favored in clean systems. The momentum-space results exhibit universal features for all coexisting density-wave solutions, nearly unchanged even in strongly disordered systems. These coexisting solutions feature generically a full energy gap and a particle-hole asymmetry in the density of states.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure