757 research outputs found

    Learning from the past with experiment databases

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    Thousands of Machine Learning research papers contain experimental comparisons that usually have been conducted with a single focus of interest, and detailed results are usually lost after publication. Once past experiments are collected in experiment databases they allow for additional and possibly much broader investigation. In this paper, we show how to use such a repository to answer various interesting research questions about learning algorithms and to verify a number of recent studies. Alongside performing elaborate comparisons and rankings of algorithms, we also investigate the effects of algorithm parameters and data properties, and study the learning curves and bias-variance profiles of algorithms to gain deeper insights into their behavior

    Oppsummering av systematiske oversikter om forebygging av fall i institusjoner

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    Rapporten beskriver en systematisk litteraturstudie hvor hensikten var Ä vurdere effekt av ulike tiltak for Ä forebygge fall i institusjon.Fall er den vanligste Ärsaken til at eldre skader seg i og utenfor helseinstitusjoner. Fall kan ha mange negative konsekvenser for eldre mennesker. Mellom 10 og 20 prosent av fallene i sykehjem gir alvorlig skade. Det finnes mange tiltak som kan forebygge fall. I denne rapporten har vi vurdert effekt av ulike tiltak for Ä forebygge fall i institusjon. Vi fant at: Antall fall i sykehus blir trolig redusert ved bruk av sammensatte tiltak, for eksempel opplÊring av personell og tilbud om trening til pasienter, tilpasset den enkelte institusjon. Antall fall eller omfang av hoftebrudd i omsorgsinstitusjoner ser ikke ut til Ä bli pÄvirket ved bruk av sammensatte tiltak sammenlignet med vanlig pleie. D-vitamintilskudd til pasienter i omsorgsinstitusjoner med lave nivÄer av D-vitamin vil trolig redusere antall fall, men ikke antall personer som faller. Bruk av et verktÞy for Ä vurdere risiko for fall i omsorgsinstitusjoner sammenlignet med en sykepleiers skjÞnn, gir trolig liten forskjell i fallrate og antall personer som faller. Diagnostisk nÞyaktighet av risikovurderingsverktÞyet STRATIFY er begrenset og bÞr ikke brukes alene for Ä identifisere individer med hÞy risiko for Ä falle. Det finnes mange andre tiltak for Ä forebygge fall, men resultatene fra studier av disse er usikre. Vi kan ikke konkludere med om tiltak som trening, legemiddelgjennomgang, formidling av strategi om beste praksis, svÊrt lav seng, nettbaserte fallforebyggende verktÞy eller bruk av brosjyrer pÄvirker antall fall eller antall personer som faller

    Oppsummering av systematiske oversikter om effekt av samstemming av legemiddellister

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    Beskriver en systematisk litteraturstudie hvor hensikten var Ă„ oppsummere kunnskap om samstemming av legemiddellister.Mange pasienter har flere sykdommer og bruker mange legemidler samtidig. Feilmedisinering fĂžrer hvert Ă„r til unĂždvendige pasientskader. Et tiltak innen pasientsikkerhetsprogrammet er samstemming av legemiddellister. Det innebĂŠrer at helsepersonell i samarbeid med pasienten sikrer at informasjonen om pasientens aktuelle legemiddelbruk er korrekt. I denne systematiske oversikten har vi sĂžkt etter og oppsummert forskning om samstemming av legemiddellister har effekt. Vi inkluderte ni systematiske oversikter. Oversiktene konkluderer at: ‱ samstemming av legemiddellister sannsynligvis reduserer antall uĂžnskede avvik. ‱ oversiktsforfatterne pĂ„peker at de inkluderte studiene gjennomgĂ„ende har metodologiske svakheter. ‱ Det er behov for systematisk forskningsoversikt om samstemming av legemidler av hĂžy kvalitet

    Loss of chromosome 11q21–23.1 and 17p and gain of chromosome 6p are independent prognostic indicators in B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was employed to study chromosomal aberrations in relation to cell proliferation, apoptosis, and patient survival in 94 cases of B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed between 1983 and 1993. Eighty cases had aberrations by CGH. Chromosomal regions 1p21–31.1 (10%), 6cen-q24 (12%), 8p (11%), 9p21-ter (14%), 11q21–23.1 (11%), 13q13–21.1 (12%), and 17p (15%) were frequently lost. Gains were found at 3q21-ter (22%), 6p (11%), 7p (12%), 8q23-ter (13%), 12cen-q15 (17%), 17q24-ter (13%), and 18q13.3–21 (20%). A high number of aberrations (≄ 4, 33 cases) was associated (P ≀ 0.001) with the mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtypes, a high fraction of tumour cells in S phase, and short survival (RR (relative risk) = 3.7). Loss of 1p21–31.1, 8p, 9p21-ter, 11q21–23.1, and 13q13–21.1 were associated with mantle cell lymphoma (P ≀ 0.03), while gain of 6p and 12cen-q15 were more frequent in diffuse large B-cell and small lymphocytic lymphoma, respectively (P = 0.04). Loss of 8p and 17p, and gain of 3q21-ter, 6p, 7p, and 8q23-ter were associated with a high S phase fraction (P ≀ 0.03), but none of the aberrations were associated with tumour apoptotic fraction (P ≄ 0.13). The most important prognostic CGH parameters (P < 0.001) were losses of 11q21–23.1 (RR = 3.8) and 17p (RR = 4.4), and gain of 6p (RR = 4.2). The latter parameters and IPI were the only ones with independent prognostic value (RR = 10, 5.0, 6.7, and 3.7, respectively; P < 0.001) when assessed together with lymphoma sub-type, primary versus relapse cases, treatment, B symptoms, S phase fraction, and presence of BCL1 and BCL2 translocations. A combined CGH/IPI binary parameter had high prognostic value for patients receiving different treatments, with various lymphoma sub-types, and for primary as well as relapse cases.© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Unusual orbital lymphoma undetectable by magnetic resonance imaging: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We report the case of a patient with orbital malignant lymphoma that was not detected by imaging studies when she presented with impaired vision, which lead to her eventual loss of sight.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 71-year-old Japanese woman complained of deteriorating vision in her left eye. On examination, papilledema was detected, but magnetic resonance imaging only showed slight thickening and enhancement of the left optic nerve. A diagnosis of idiopathic optic neuritis was made and corticosteroid pulse therapy was administered. During the next four months, the patient received a total of four courses of corticosteroid pulse therapy, but she still suffered from bilateral loss of vision. A second magnetic resonance imaging procedure revealed tumors in both orbits and a biopsy showed diffuse large B-cell malignant lymphoma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The possibility of malignant lymphoma should be considered in patients with recurrent optic neuropathy despite administration of corticosteroid pulse therapy, even when there are no abnormalities on cerebrospinal fluid examination or magnetic resonance imaging.</p

    Export of Ice Sheet Meltwater from Upernavik Fjord, West Greenland

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2022. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 52(3), (2022): 363–382, https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-21-0084.1.Meltwater from Greenland is an important freshwater source for the North Atlantic Ocean, released into the ocean at the head of fjords in the form of runoff, submarine melt, and icebergs. The meltwater release gives rise to complex in-fjord transformations that result in its dilution through mixing with other water masses. The transformed waters, which contain the meltwater, are exported from the fjords as a new water mass Glacially Modified Water (GMW). Here we use summer hydrographic data collected from 2013 to 2019 in Upernavik, a major glacial fjord in northwest Greenland, to describe the water masses that flow into the fjord from the shelf and the exported GMWs. Using an optimum multi-parameter technique across multiple years we then show that GMW is composed of 57.8% ± 8.1% Atlantic Water (AW), 41.0% ± 8.3% Polar Water (PW), 1.0% ± 0.1% subglacial discharge, and 0.2% ± 0.2% submarine meltwater. We show that the GMW fractional composition cannot be described by buoyant plume theory alone since it includes lateral mixing within the upper layers of the fjord not accounted for by buoyant plume dynamics. Consistent with its composition, we find that changes in GMW properties reflect changes in the AW and PW source waters. Using the obtained dilution ratios, this study suggests that the exchange across the fjord mouth during summer is on the order of 50 mSv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) (compared to a freshwater input of 0.5 mSv). This study provides a first-order parameterization for the exchange at the mouth of glacial fjords for large-scale ocean models.This work was partially supported by the Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD) at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. The authors thank NASA and the OMG consortium for making observational data freely available, and acknowledge M. Morlighem for good support in the early stages of this project. MM and LHS and would also like to thank Ø. Paasche, the ACER project, and the U.S. Norway Fulbright Foundation for the Norwegian Arctic Chair Grant 2019–20 that made the visit to Scripps Institution of Oceanography possible. FS acknowledges support from the DOE Office of Science Grant DE-SC0020073, Heising-Simons Foundation and from NSF and OCE-1756272. DAS acknowledges support from U.K. NERC Grants NE/P011365/1, NE/T011920/1, and NERC Independent Research Fellowship NE/T011920/1. MW was supported by an appointment to the NASA Postdoctoral Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, administered by the Universities Space Research Association under contract with NASA. CSA would like to acknowledge Geocenter Denmark for support to the project “Upernavik Glacier.

    Research on measures to reduce long-term and frequent workplace sickness absence: An evidence and gap map

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    Source at https://www.fhi.no/en/publ/2021/Research-on-measures-to-reduce-long-term-and-frequent-workplace-sickness-absence/SykefravÊret blant norske arbeidstakere ligger hÞyt, sammenlignet med andre land. Den nÄvÊrende IA-avtalen (Intensjonsavtale for et mer inkluderende arbeidsliv) har som mÄl Ä redusere frafall fra arbeidslivet og redusere sykefravÊret i Norge. IA-avtalen er tydelig pÄ at langtidssykmelding er en viktig Ärsak til frafall fra arbeidslivet og mer varige helserelaterte trygdeytelser. Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratets forsknings- og utviklingsprogram under IA-avtalen definerer langvarig og/eller hyppig gjentakende sykefravÊr som lengre enn Ätte uker. I Norge fins det en rekke innsatser for Ä redusere risikoen for langvarige og/eller hyppige gjentakende sykefravÊr, og dermed risiko for frafall fra arbeidslivet, slik som dialogmÞter, tjenestesamhandling mellom helsetjenesten og NAV (Helse|Arbeid), arbeidsrettede rehabiliteringstiltak og delvis/gradert sykmelding. Hensikten med denne kartleggingen, som presenteres i et forskningskart, er Ä fÄ en oversikt over forskningen om tiltak mot langvarige og/eller hyppige gjentakende sykefravÊr, danne et bilde av risiko for skjevheter i forskningen, samt Ä avdekke pÄ hvilke omrÄder forskningen er mangelfull
