148 research outputs found

    Duplex tab exhaust nozzle

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    An exhaust nozzle includes a conical duct terminating in an annular outlet. A row of vortex generating duplex tabs are mounted in the outlet. The tabs have compound radial and circumferential aft inclination inside the outlet for generating streamwise vortices for attenuating exhaust noise while reducing performance loss

    Supersonic Jet Excitation using Flapping Injection

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    Supersonic jet noise reduction is important for high speed military aircraft. Lower acoustic levels would reduce structural fatigue leading to longer lifetime of the jet aircraft. It is not solely structural aspects which are of importance, health issues of the pilot and the airfield per- sonnel are also very important, as high acoustic levels may result in severe hearing damage. It remains a major challenge to reduce the overall noise levels of the aircraft, where the supersonic exhaust is the main noise source for near ground operation. Fluidic injection into the supersonic jet at the nozzle exhaust has been shown as a promising method for noise reduction. It has been shown to speed up the mix- ing process of the main jet, hence reducing the kinetic energy level of the jet and the power of the total acoustic radiation. Furthermore, the interaction mechanism between the fluidic injection and the shock structure in the jet exhaust plays a crucial role in the total noise radia- tion. In this study, LES is used to investigate the change in flow struc- tures of a supersonic (M=1.56) jet from a converging-diverging nozzle. Six fluidic actuators, evenly distributed around the nozzle exit, inject air in a radial direction towards the main flow axis with a total mass flow ratio of 3%. Steady injection is compared with flapping injection. With flapping injection turned on, the injection angle of each injector is varied sinusoidally in the nozzle exit plane and the variation is the same for all injectors. This fluid dynamics video is submitted to the APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion 2013 at the 66 the Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (24-26 November, Pittsburgh, PA, USA).Comment: 3 pages, 2 linked animations/video

    Experimental investigations of mixing characteristics in model rotating detonation engine geometries

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    This work examines the mechanisms of reactant mixing in a model Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE) geometry. RDEs are emerging as one of the highest potential applications for achieving Pressure Gain Combustion (PGC). Reactant mixing has been identified as a crucial component of efficient RDE operation. Therefore, a scaled model of a typical RDE engine geometry was examined in a water tunnel using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) to observe the influence of fuel injection position, confinement geometry, and blowing ratio on the mixing characteristics and quality of mixing

    Antisymmetric oscillation modes in rectangular screeching jets

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    In this paper, the origin and the properties of the oscillation modes in screeching non-ideally expanded rectangular jets are investigated using compressible implicit LES of rectangular supersonic jets. At the exit of a converging diverging rectangular nozzle of aspect ratio 2 and of design Mach number 1.5, the jets are under- and over-expanded. Seven simulations with four different temperature ratios ranging from 1 to 3 and two different nozzle pressure ratios are performed. The geometry of the nozzle and the exit conditions are chosen such that to match the experimental study conducted at the University of Cincinnati. First, the over-expanded jets are studied. It is shown that the total number of shock cells decreases with increased temperature ratio. However, the temperature does not influence the size of the first shock cell and the linear decrease of the shock cell size in the downstream direction. The spreading of the jet is observed to be higher along the minor axis plane than along the major axis plane. The intensity of the screech noise increases with the temperature ratio in the present study although the opposite is observed in the experiments. Moreover, for jet temperature ratios of 2.5 and 3, the strong flapping motion of the jet along the minor axis plane due to the screech feedback mechanism yields to an antisymmetric organization of the Mach wave radiation. Thereafter, the near- and far-field acoustic are studied. In the near-field, screech tones are captured, whose frequencies are consistent with both experimental data and theoretical models. In the far-field, four acoustic components typical of non-ideally expanded supersonic jets are observed, namely the screech noise, the broadband shock-associated noise, the mixing noise and the Mach wave noise. Their directivities and frequencies are in agreement with experimental results and models. The mechanism of the screech noise generation is studied by using a Fourier decomposition of the pressure field. For the four over-expanded jets, a flapping motion along the diagonal or along the minor axis plane of the jet is noted. Finally, the hypothesis that the acoustic waves completing the feedback loop in these jets are linked to the upstream-propagating acoustic wave modes of the equivalent ideally expanded jets is tested. Using a jet vortex sheet model to describe the dispersion relations of these modes, it is found that this hypothesis allows us to explain the antisymmetric jet oscillation observed at the screech frequencies. Based on frequency-wavenumber decomposition of the pressure fluctuations in the jets, it is shown that at the screech frequencies, acoustic waves propagating in the upstream direction at the ambient speed of sound exist also in the jet flow, additionally to the acoustic waves propagating outside of the jet. These acoustic waves belong to the neutral acoustic wave modes of the equivalent ideally expanded jet. These results support the idea that a vortex sheet model of the corresponding 2-D planar ideally expanded jet is capable of predicting the wave modes of a non-ideally expanded rectangular supersonic jet. They also suggest that these waves are involved in the feedback part of the screech mechanism; explaining why, for the simulated screeching rectangular jets, the associated oscillation mode is antisymmetric

    On the response of a rectangular supersonic jet to a near-field located parallel flat plate

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    In this paper, the flow and acoustic fields of a rectangular over-expanded supersonic jet interacting with a parallel plate are investigated using compressible LES. The jet exits from a converging diverging rectangular nozzle of aspect ratio 2 with a design Mach number 1.5. Four simulations with four different distances between the lower inner lip of the rectangular jet in the minor axis plane and the plate ranging from 0 to 3 equivalent diameters are performed. The geometry of the nozzle, the positions of the plate, and the exit conditions are chosen in order to match those in an experimental study conducted at the University of Cincinnati. Snapshots and mean velocity fields are first presented. A good agreement with the PIV experimental measurements is found. The overall sound pressure levels are then plotted along the minor and major axis. In a previous paper, the corresponding free jet has been found to undergo a strong flapping motion in the minor axis plane due to the screech feedback mechanism. In the present study, it is seen that the intensity of the screech feedback mechanism increases for some distances from the ground and decreases for some others, as compared to the corresponding free jet. A study of the jets shear-layers is then proposed, first by looking at two points space-time cross correlations of the axial velocity. The convection of the turbulent flow structures is thus studied. Then, two points space-time cross correlations of the pressure along the jets shear-layers are proposed and an amplification of the aeroacoustic feedback mechanism leading to screech noise is observed in the lower jet shear-layers for two cases. It is also observed that the screech feedback mechanism establishes mainly between the nozzle lips and the end of the tenth shock cell. The acoustic loading on the plate is finally studied. As pointed out in a previous study, the flapping motion of the jet at the screech frequency seems to yield to an asymmetric organization of the Mach wave radiation also at the screech frequency. Those organized Mach waves impinge on the plate, are reflected, and propagate back towards the jet, exciting the shear-layer at the screech frequency. This will amplify the screech mechanism in the lower jet shear-layer. However, this amplification happens only for some nozzle-to-plate distances. The mechanism leading to this behaviour is explained

    Temperature effects on the aerodynamic and acoustic fields of a rectangular supersonic jet

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    In the first part of the paper, a modified artificial dissipation mechanism permitting to perform Large-Eddy Simulations of highly compressible flows is proposed. This dissipation mechanism is evaluated using one linear 2-D test case and two non-linear 2-D test cases. In the second part, the flow and acoustic near-field of rectangular supersonic jets are explored using compressible LES based on this modified artificial dissipation mechanism. At the exit of a converging diverging rectangular nozzle of aspect ratio 2 and of design Mach number 1.5, the jets are overexpanded. Four simulations with four different temperature ratios ranging from 1 to 3 are performed in order to characterize the effect of the temperature on the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic fields of the jets. The geometry of the nozzle and the exit conditions are chosen in order to match those in the experimental study conducted at the University of Cincinnati. It is shown that the total number of cells in the shock cell structure decreases with the increase of the temperature ratio. However, the temperature does not influence the size of the first shock cell and the linear decrease of the shock cell size in the downstream direction. The Overall Sound Pressure Levels are then plotted along the minor and major axis. It is seen that the intensity of the screech feedback mechanism increases with the Temperature Ratio. Moreover, for JetTR25 and JetTR3, the strong flapping motion of the jet along the minor axis due to the screech feedback mechanism seems to yield to an asymmetric organization of the Mach wave radiation. The convection velocity of the turbulent structures in the jet shear layers along the minor axis is then studied. Once normalized by the jet exit velocity, the convection velocity is shown to decrease with the jet temperature ratio. In the last part of the paper, the near- and far-field acoustic are studied. In the near-field, screech tones which frequencies are consistent with both experimental data and a theoretical model are observed. In the far-field, four acoustic components typical of non-ideally supersonic jets are observed, namely the screech noise, the broadband shock-associated noise, the mixing noise and the Mach wave noise. Their directivities and frequencies are in agreement with experimental results and models

    Impaired aortic distensibility and elevated central blood pressure in Turner Syndrome:a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study

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    Abstract Background Women with Turner Syndrome have an increased risk for aortic dissection. Arterial stiffening is a risk factor for aortic dilatation and dissection. Here we investigate if arterial stiffening can be observed in Turner Syndrome patients and is an initial step in the development of aortic dilatation and subsequent dissection. Methods Fifty-seven women with Turner Syndrome (48 years [29–66]) and thirty-six age- and sex-matched controls (49 years [26–68]) were included. Distensibility, blood pressure, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), the augmentation index (Aix) and central blood pressure were determined using cardiovascular magnetic resonance, a 24-h blood pressure measurement and applanation tonometry. Aortic distensibility was determined at three locations: ascending aorta, transverse aortic arch, and descending aorta. Results Mean aortic distensibility in the descending aorta was significantly lower in Turner Syndrome compared to healthy controls (P = 0.02), however, this was due to a much lower distensibility among Turner Syndrome with coarctation, while Turner Syndrome without coarctation had similar distensibility as controls. Both the mean heart rate adjusted Aix (31.4% vs. 24.4%; P = 0.02) and central diastolic blood pressure (78.8 mmHg vs. 73.7 mmHg; P = 0.02) were higher in Turner Syndrome compared to controls, and these indices correlated significantly with ambulatory night-time diastolic blood pressure. The presence of aortic coarctation (r = − 0.44, P = 0.005) and a higher central systolic blood pressure (r = − 0.34, P = 0.03), age and presence of diabetes were inversely correlated with aortic distensibility in TS. Conclusion Aortic wall function in the descending aorta is impaired in Turner Syndrome with lower distensibility among those with coarctation of the aorta, and among all Turner Syndrome higher Aix, and elevated central diastolic blood pressure when compared to sex- and age-matched controls. Trial registration The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (#NCT01678274) on September 3, 2012

    L'educació creadora

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    Aquest treball està basat en un projecte d'investigació envers l'expressió lliure, a partir dels conceptes que ens proporciona l'educació creadora. El seu objectiu principal és donar a conèixer aquesta visió per tal d'afavorir la reflexió i el plantejament d'altres vies educatives. Per a fer-ho, he assistit a conferències, formacions i tallers que sustenten l'àmbit més teòric. En relació a la part empírica del treball, he realitzat un projecte en comú amb la facultat de comunicació audiovisual, el qual es desenvolupa a partir d'un documental que representa el resultat final de la recerca
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