2,094 research outputs found

    The correct analysis and explanation of the Pioneer-Galileo anomalies

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    Tidal distension of spacecraft electronics due to spin and solar and galactic gravitation elegantly explains all variations in the anomaly reported by Anderson et al. Contrary to their conclusion, a constant residue seems to be present in lunar, terrestrial, and possibly planetary measurements, posing a problem of wider, more fundamental significance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, calculation error correcte

    Entanglement, thermalisation and stationarity: The computational foundations of quantum mechanics

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    'Tis said, to know others is to be learned, to know oneself, wise - I demonstrate that it could be more fundamental than knowing the rest of nature, by applying classical computational principles and engineering hindsight to derive and explain quantum entanglement, state space formalism and the statistical nature of quantum mechanics. I show that an entangled photon pair is literally no more than a 1-bit hologram, that the quantum state formalism is completely derivable from general considerations of representation of physical information, and that both the probabilistic aspects of quantum theory and the constancy of h are exactly predicted by the thermodynamics of representation, without precluding a fundamental, relative difference in spatial scale between non-colocated observers, leading to logical foundations of relativity and cosmology that show the current thinking in that field to be simplistic and erroneous.Comment: 10 page

    A wave effect enabling universal frequency scaling, monostatic passive radar, incoherent aperture synthesis, and general immunity to jamming and interference

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    A fundamental Doppler-like but asymmetric wave effect that shifts received signals in frequency in proportion to their respective source distances, was recently described as means for a whole new generation of communication technology using angle and distance, potentially replacing TDM, FDM or CDMA, for multiplexing. It is equivalent to wave packet compression by scaling of time at the receiver, converting path-dependent phase into distance-dependent shifts, and can multiply the capacity of physical channels. The effect was hitherto unsuspected in physics, appears to be responsible for both the cosmological acceleration and the Pioneer 10/11 anomaly, and is exhibited in audio data. This paper discusses how it may be exploited for instant, passive ranging of signal sources, for verification, rescue and navigation; incoherent aperture synthesis for smaller, yet more accurate radars; universal immunity to jamming or interference; and precision frequency scaling of radiant energy in general.Comment: Unclassified paper presented in IEEE MILCOM 2005 classified session. This early paper discussed the basics of time-varying diffraction and sampling, and their equivalence. A more rigorous treatment is given in arXiv:0812.1004. 7 pages, 6 figure

    Relativity of spatial scale and of the Hubble flow: The logical foundations of relativity and cosmology

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    Formalising the logical dependence of physical quantities on material referents of scale, I show that both Hubble's law and the cosmological constant are in fact exactly replicable by a spatial contraction of referents locally on earth, and that the Pioneer anomaly is irrefutable indication that this is the case. The formalism literally embodies Feynman's ``hot-plate'' model, predictably yielding a logical derivation of the relativity postulates, and importantly, suffices to demonstrate the inherent logical consistency of general relativity and quantum mechanics, whose foundations I have shown separately to be fundamentally computational. I further show that the spatial contraction of our referents also accounts for considerable planetary and geological data inexplicable in the standard model, and predicts that the Hubble flow appears differently or is altogether absent from platforms in deep space, depending on the local physics.Comment: 8 page

    Contraction and distension by tidal stress and its role as the cause of the Hubble redshift

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    I show that a cumulative contraction or expansion must result from repetitive tidal action in a curved stress field, depending on the direction of the curvature. The resulting expansion of solid materials onboard deep space probes and the corresponding contraction on earth would be of the right magnitude to account for all aspects of the Pioneer anomaly, leading to the two component model previously proposed. Importantly, I show via signal path analysis that the anomaly mathematically implies planetary Hubble flow, and that it is predicted by the standard model equations when the cosmological constant is also taken into account at this range. Also shown is that the variations of the anomaly do not permit a different explanation. The prediction of the Hubble flow occurring as a result in the view of the shrinking observer is now fully explained from both quantum and Doppler perspectives, fundamentally challenging the cosmological ideas of the past century. Lastly, I discuss how the contraction reconciles the geological evidence of a past expansion of the earth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figs. Fig 1 ack adde

    Observational evidence for travelling wave modes bearing distance proportional shifts

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    Discrepancies of range between the Space Surveillance Network radars and the Deep Space Network in tracking the 1998 earth flyby of NEAR, and between ESA's Doppler and range data in Rosetta's 2009 flyby, reveal a consistent excess delay, or lag, equal to instantaneous one-way travel time in the telemetry signals. These lags readily explain all details of the flyby anomaly, and are shown to be symptoms of chirp d'Alembertian travelling wave solutions, relating to traditional sinusoidal waves by a rotation of the spectral decomposition due to the clock acceleration caused by the Doppler rates during the flybys. The lags thus relate to special relativity, but yield distance proportional shifts like those of cosmology at short range.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    h is classical

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    Regardless of number, standing wave modes are by definition noninteracting, and therefore cannot thermalize by themselves. Doppler shifts due to thermal motions of cavity walls provide necessary mixing, but also preserve the amplitudes and phases. The lambda/2 intervals of the modes thus preserved must have equal energy expectations, say , in the resulting equilibrium. By definition again, they can be exchanged between modes only in whole numbers and hence only between harmonics. Each family of harmonic modes is thus self-contained and is disjoint from other families in such exchanges, and further, can have no more than one mode excited at any instant. The second property identifies harmonic families of standing wave modes as the harmonic oscillators of Planck's theory, since a family can only bear energy equal to exactly one of E, 2E, 3E, etc These two properties further imply that the energy expectation gets averaged only over an individual family, as the equilibrium energy steadily available at a given mode would have contributions from its entire harmonic family. Planck's equations reemerge, and radiation quantization arises as a classical rule = f, as a mode must contain a whole number of exchangeable lambda/2 intervals, but it only concerns equilibrium states. The result makes Planck constant h an analogue of Boltzmann's constant k for the frequency domain, and points to postulate-free explanations of all aspects of quantum and kinetic theories.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Two theorems of Jhon Bell and Communication Complexity

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    John Bell taught us that quantum mechanics can not be reproduced by non-contextual and local Hidden variable theory. The impossibility of replacing quantum mechanics by non-contextual Hidden Variable Theory can be turned to a impossible coloring pseudo-telepathy game to be played by two distant players. The game can not be won without communication in the classical world. But if the players share entangled state (quantum correlation) the game can be won deterministically using no communication. This again shows that though quantum correlation can not be used for communication, two parties can not simulate quantum correlation without classical communication. The motivation of the article is to present the earlier works on Hidden Variable Theory and recently developed pseudo-telepathy problem in a simpler way, which may be helpful for the beginners in this area.Comment: 11 pages, Invited lecture at the workshop on Quantum Information,computation and Communication (QICC-2005), IIT Kharagpur,India,February 200

    GHZ correlation provides secure Anonymous Veto Protocol

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    Anonymous Veto (AV) and Dining cryptographers (DC) are two basic primitives for the cryptographic problems where the main aim is to hide the identity of the senders of the messages. These can be achieved by classical methods where the security is based either on computational hardness or on shared private keys. In this regard, we present a secure quantum protocol for both DC and AV by exploiting the GHZ correlations. We first solve a generalized version of the DC problem with the help of multiparty GHZ state. This allow us to provide a secure quantum protocol for the AV. Securities for both the protocols rely on some novel and fundamental features of GHZ correlations related to quantum nonlocality.Comment: 5 pages, In this version we provide detail security proof of our quantum protocol

    Several foundational and information theoretic implications of Bell's theorem

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    In 1935, Albert Einstein and two colleagues, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen (EPR) developed a thought experiment to demonstrate what they felt was a lack of completeness in quantum mechanics. EPR also postulated the existence of more fundamental theory where physical reality of any system would be completely describe by the variables/states of that fundamental theory. This variable is commonly called hidden variable and the theory is called hidden variable theory (HVT). In 1964, John Bell proposed an empirically verifiable criterion to test for the existence of these HVTs. He derived an inequality, which must be satisfied by any theory that fulfill the conditions of locality and reality} He also showed that quantum mechanics, as it violates this inequality, is incompatible with any local-realistic theory. Later it has been shown that Bell's inequality can be derived from different set of assumptions and it also find applications in useful information theoretic protocols. In this review we will discuss various foundational as well as information theoretic implications of Bell's inequality. We will also discuss about some restricted nonlocal feature of quantum nonlocality and elaborate the role of Uncertainty principle and Complementarity principle in explaining this feature.Comment: 27 pages; This article is a modified version of the tutorial lecture delivered by G. Kar at IPQI, February 17-28, 2014, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Indi
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