270 research outputs found

    « À qui la faute ? À la loi ! » : désarticulation et lacunes du droit des marchés financiers dans La Maison Nucingen

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    Publié à la fin de 1838, La Maison Nucingen est l’un des textes les plus énigmatiques de Balzac. À travers l’analyse du contexte historique et juridique dans lequel le roman a été composé, cet essai se propose d’aider à décoder plusieurs aspects d’illisibilité du texte soulignés par les critiques. Selon l’hypothèse avancée, La Maison Nucingen correspond moins à un récit financier qu’à l’un des romans les plus « profondément juridiques » de toute la Comédie humaine dans lequel s’exprime donc la fonction didactique que le droit incarne dans l’oeuvre de Balzac

    A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach for Optimizing Tool Utilization and Makespan in FMS Scheduling

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    This paper proposes a genetic algorithm approach to solve the identical parallel machines problem with tooling constraints in job shop flexible manufacturing systems (JS-FMSs) with the consideration of tool wear. The approach takes into account the residual useful life of tools and allocates a set of jobs with specific processing times and tooling requirements on identical parallel machines. Two metrics are introduced to evaluate the scheduling decisions and optimize the scheduling process, with the competitive goal of maximizing tool utilization and minimizing production makespan. The proposed approach searches for a set of optimal solutions on the Pareto front that offers the best possible balance between these two objectives, achieving optimal local performance in terms of both makespan and tool utilization. The approach is implemented with a customized genetic algorithm and validated on a real case study from a company operating in the aerospace sector, which confirms its effectiveness in increasing tool utilization and reducing the makespan. The results show that the proposed approach has significant practical implications for the manufacturing industry, particularly in the production of high-value materials such as those in the aerospace sector that require costly tools. This paper contributes to the operational research community by providing advanced scheduling algorithms that can optimize both the makespan and the tool utilization concurrently, improving production efficiency and maintaining competitiveness in the manufacturing industry

    Preliminary study on a kinetic energy recovery system for sailing yachts

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    This paper presents the preliminary theoretical results obtained on a model of a kinetic energy recovery system for sailing yachts, based on the conversion of wave-induced boat oscillations (heave, pitch and roll) into electric energy by means of a linear generator. The recovery system is based on a linear generator, with a mass oscillating along the vertical axis and gaining kinetic energy: the resulting mechanical energy can be extracted (by means of electromagnetic damping) and converted into electricity. The oscillating mass incorporates permanent magnets which, moving in proximity of stator windings, generate electric power due to electromagnetic induction. The device aims at recovering as much kinetic energy as possible from the natural movements of a sailing yacht on the sea, therefore taking the view of a boat as a moving wave energy converter with energy harvesting capability. The boat's motions can be vertical oscillations due to the buoyancy in the presence of sea waves, both when the boat is still or sailing, and rolling and pitching motions originated both by sailing in wavy waters and by the normal boat dynamics due to the sails' propulsion. Linear generators will convert kinetic energy into electrical energy to be used as “green” electricity for any possible application on board. Preliminary calculations show that a properly configured system could be able to recover approximately 100 W under most sea conditions on an almost continuous basis, which can be an extremely attractive result since an electric energy availability of 1–2 kWh on a sailing yacht is of significant interest

    An Innovative Business Model for a Multi-echelon Supply Chain Inventory Management Pattern

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    Nowadays, companies are experimenting novel organizational solutions to efficiently operate in uncertain and highly dynamic scenarios. As a potential solution, this paper proposes a new business model for a multi-echelon Supply Chain inventory management pattern. Specifically, an inventory model with proactive lateral transshipments was developed and subsequently tested carrying out 288 experiments with the aim of assessing transshipments impact on the performance of a two-echelon Supply Chain. The final goal was to investigate the potential reduction of the overall cost of the enterprise and, conversely, whether this approach could promote significant improvements in the level of service, achievable through a more efficient management of resources. The analyses and simulations indicate the use of large batches and/or low-cost products did not demand the necessity of transshipment events. These preliminary findings could be potentially validated and tested in the future considering more complex networks or multiple products

    A novel throughput control algorithm for semi-heterarchical industry 4.0 architecture

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    Modern market scenarios are imposing a radical change in the production concept, driving companies’ attention to customer satisfaction through increased product customization and quick response strategies to maintain competitiveness. At the same time, the growing development of Industry 4.0 technologies made possible the creation of new manufacturing paradigms in which an increased level of autonomy is one of the key concepts to consider. Taking the advantage from the recent development around the semi-heterarchical architecture, this work proposes a first model for the throughput control of a production system managed by such an architecture. A cascade control algorithm is proposed considering work-in-progress (WIP) as the primary control lever for achieving a specific throughput target. It is composed of an optimal control law based on an analytical model of the considered production system, and of a secondary proportional-integral-derivative controller capable of performing an additional control action that addresses the error raised by the theoretical model’s. The proposed throughput control algorithm has been tested in different simulated scenarios, and the results showed that the combination of the control actions made it possible to have continuous adjustment of the WIP of the controlled production system, maintaining it at the minimum value required to achieve the requested throughput with nearly zero errors

    Agile six sigma in healthcare: Case study at santobono pediatric hospital

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    Healthcare is one of the most complex systems to manage. In recent years, the control of processes and the modelling of public administrations have been considered some of the main areas of interest in management. In particular, one of the most problematic issues is the management of waiting lists and the consequent absenteeism of patients. Patient no-shows imply a loss of time and resources, and in this paper, the strategy of overbooking is analysed as a solution. Here, a real waiting list process is simulated with discrete event simulation (DES) software, and the activities performed by hospital staff are reproduced. The methodology employed combines agile manufacturing and Six Sigma, focusing on a paediatric public hospital pavilion. Different scenarios show that the overbooking strategy is effective in ensuring fairness of access to services. Indeed, all patients respect the times dictated by the waiting list, without “favouritism”, which is guaranteed by the logic of replacement. In a comparison between a real sample of bookings and a simulated sample designed to improve no-shows, no statistically significant difference is found. This model will allow health managers to provide patients with faster service and to better manage their resources. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Domani Ă© Ieri. Memorie da(e)ll'UniversitĂ 

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    Tredici profili di studiosi e intellettuali - giuristi, storici, matematici. Un intreccio di vite, di epoche e di generazioni. Per ricordare una stagione e ritrovare il tempo perduto; ma anche - e soprattutto - per restituire il senso dell'UniversitĂ : di ieri, di oggi e di domani

    Interessi degli amministratori (commento all’art. 2391 cod. civ.)

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    Il lavoro analizza la nuova disposizione dettata in tema di interessi degli amministratori dalla riforma organica del diritto delle società di capitale. Si mette in luce il significato del passaggio da una disciplina che dava rilevanza solo alla situazione di conflitto di interessi ad una disciplina che considera rilevante ogni interesse anche concorrente e correlato con quello sociale; in particolare si sottolinea la centralità dell'obbligo di motivazione come garanzia della correttezza del procedimento decisionale. Si analizza altresì il problema del rapporto tra disciplina degli interessi degli amministratori e presidi a garanzia del corretto esercizio del potere di amministrazione nei gruppi di società.The work analyses the new provision dictated on the subject of directors' interests by the organic reform of the law on corporations. It highlights the significance of the passage from a discipline that gave relevance only to the situation of conflict of interests to a discipline that considers as relevant any interest, including those that are concurrent and correlated with the company's interest; in particular, the Author points out the centrality of the obligation to provide reasons as a guarantee of the correctness of the decision-making process . It is also analysed the problem of the relationship between regulations governing the interests of directors and safeguards to guarantee the correct exercise of administrative power in groups of companie

    Divagaciones sobre los títulos de crédito entre «law and humanities»

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