62,390 research outputs found

    Lensing Magnification and QSO-Galaxy Cross-Correlations: Observations, Theory and Simulations

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    We review observations and gravitational lensing theory related to the magnification of background QSOs by intervening overdensities, and the induced cross-correlation between sources and foreground galaxies. We pay special attention to simulations, and present some preliminary results from high resolution cluster simulations, which show the role of the halo core and substructure on non-linear magnification. For massive clusters, deviations from the weak gravitational lensing regime are significant on arcmin scales and bellow. The accumulated knowledge in the field already shows that gravitational lensing magnification is an important astrophysical and cosmological tool.Comment: 6 pages. Presented at "100 years of relativity -- international conference on classical and quantum aspects of gravity and cosmology", 200

    Q methodology to define policy issues and promote stakeholder dialogue in Praia da Vitória Bay in Terceira, Azores

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    When dealing with complex issues commonly found in Coastal Zones, there is a need to find an efficient assessment strategy of processes and their causes, as well as a method which could effectively promote a dialogue with the stakeholder affected by these processes. This dialogues is an essential part of problem structuring routine since it allows mutual learning by generating and evaluating divergent knowledge claims and viewpoints. Problem structuring can start from a broad subject that is refined until the definition of a policy issue which requires a deeper analysis of its cause, as well, as possible alternatives of action. We explore the use of Q methodology as a tool for problem structuring and policy issue definition. In addition, Q methodology can be suitable for a first evaluation of the system in analysis while uncovering the several perspectives of stakeholders. We applied this methodology in Praia da Vitória Coastal System located in Terceira Island, in Azores Archipelago. The method has been applied in its original format as a method of identifying stakeholders discourse. Additionally we modified it and use it in group discussions aiming at promoting stakeholder dialogues. Results obtained show that Q methodology is an adequate to understand the value and interest of stakeholders, while adding useful information for stakeholder selection in stakeholder dialogues. The use of the method in its original format and in group session also allowed a reflection concerning the challenge of designing and promoting dialogue processes.

    Wspieranie pedagogiki demokratycznej? Budżet partycypacyjny w Lizbonie

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    Social participation is a tool to strengthen peoples’ autonomy and ability to decide upon public issues. It is also an educational and learning tool. In recent times, new forms of social participation have emerged such as the participatory budgets. These foster democratic participation and contribute to more transparent and efficient ways of governing. The participatory budget of Lisbon is an interesting example of municipal social organisation and participation involving learning. The main research question of this article is as follows: how is the participatory budget of Lisbon fostering social learning? Data collected by the use of semi-directed interviews and documental analysis showed that social learning occurred through peoples’ commitment and involvement in local public political issues. However it did not boost the development of an effective democratic participatory experienceU czestnictwo społeczne jest narzędziem wzmacniającym autonomię i zdolność decydowania o kwestiach publicznych. Jest to także narzędzie uczenia innych i uczenia się. W ostatnim czasie pojawiły się nowe formy partycypacji społecznej, takie jak budżety partycypacyjne. Wspierają one demokratyczny udział i przyczyniają się do bardziej przejrzystych i skutecznych sposobów rządzenia. Udział w budżecie w Lizbonie jest interesującym przykładem miejskiej organizacji społecznej i uczestnictwa w takiej edukacji. Główne pytanie badawcze tego artykułu przedstawia się następująco: jak budżet partycypacyjny w Lizbonie wspiera społeczne uczenie się? Dane zebrane przy użyciu częściowo ustrukturyzowanych wywiadów i analizy dokumentacji wykazały, że społeczne uczenie się pojawiło się dzięki zaangażowaniu ludzi w lokalne kwestie polityczne. Nie zwiększyło jednak znacząco doświadczenia w zakresie skuteczności demokratycznego uczestnictwa