20 research outputs found

    Teacher development in preparation for pedagogical reform associated with the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) of Swaziland.

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    Swaziland changed its pedagogy from the teacher-centred O level to IGCSE which is learnercentred. In preparation for a pedagogical change, some logistics were put into place; amongst these, teacher development. Research points out that what the teacher does in class is significant and has a bearing in the learner’s outcomes, therefore appropriate and adequate teacher training should be afforded to the implementers of a new pedagogy. This study seeks to find out how Swazi teachers were trained in preparation for the pedagogical change. The study was done in a qualitative manner, whereby semi-structured interviews were used as a method of collecting data. The study revealed that even though teachers were trained for the implementation of the new pedagogy, the training was not effective because it was for a few days, no effective follow up was made and it also did not take into consideration the teachers’ pedagogical needs, it assumed a one-size-fit all approach

    A qualitative study to explore daily versus on-demand oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in young people from South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remain vulnerable to HIV infection. While pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is highly effective in preventing HIV transmission as a daily or on-demand regimen, tailored approaches are necessary. The Combined HIV Adolescent PrEP and Prevention Study (CHAPS) is a mixed-methods research program investigating the acceptability and feasibility of implementing daily and on-demand PrEP among young people in SSA. It also aims to determine an on-demand dosing schedule for insertive sex. For this paper, we explored preferences for daily versus on-demand PrEP amongst adolescents as part of CHAPS. METHODS: Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants from Soweto and Cape Town (South Africa), Wakiso district (Uganda) and Chitungwiza (Zimbabwe). At the time of the study in 2018/2019, Uganda had not rolled out PrEP to the general population; in Zimbabwe, PrEP for young people was only available at selected sites with one located within the study recruitment area. In South Africa, PrEP was made available to selected high-risk groups. We conducted 60 in-depth interviews and 24 group discussions amongst young people aged 13-24 without HIV in South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. All in-depth interviews and group discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated to English. Data were analysed using framework analysis. The main themes were centered around preferences for daily and on-demand PrEP. RESULTS: Reasons for on-demand preferences included stigma, pill fatigue, adherence and side effects. Reasons for daily PrEP preferences included factors related to sexual risk behaviour, continuous protection against incidents of unintentional exposure, and the increased efficacy of a daily dose. Participants at all sites preferring daily PrEP identified the same reasons, with more males than females citing inadvertent blood contact or perceived increased efficacy. Similarly, participants at all sites preferring on-demand PrEP gave the same reasons for their preferences for on-demand PrEP; the exception was South Africans who did not mention the hope of having fewer side effects by not taking daily PrEP. Additionally, more males than females cited intermittent sex as a reason for opting for on-demand PrEP. CONCLUSIONS: Our study is the first known to explore and describe youth preferences for daily versus on-demand PrEP. While the choice is clear-cut, the reasons cited in the different options provide invaluable insights into their decisions, and the actual and perceived facilitators and barriers to access to PrEP. Further education is needed amongst young people, not only about PrEP but also in other areas of comprehensive sexuality education. Exploring all options of HIV prevention is crucial to provide a tailored, one-size-does-not-fit-all approach to adolescent care in SSA to reduce and, the continued and increasing risk of this preventable infection

    A qualitative study to identify critical attributes and attribute-levels for a discrete choice experiment on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery among young people in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa

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    Background The uptake and adherence of daily oral PrEP has been poor in high-risk populations in South Africa including young people. We used qualitative research methods to explore user preferences for daily and on-demand oral PrEP use among young South Africans, and to inform the identification of critical attributes and attribute-levels for quantitative analysis of user preferences, i.e. a discrete choice experiment (DCE). Methods Data were collected between September and November 2018 from eight group discussions and 20 in-depth interviews with young people 13 to 24 years in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Using a convenience sampling strategy, participants were stratified by sex and age. Interviewers used a semi-structured interview guide to discuss several attributes (dosing regimen, location, costs, side effects, and protection period) for PrEP access and use. Group discussions and in-depth interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated to English. We used framework analysis to explore context-specific attributes and attribute-levels for delivering oral PrEP in South Africa. The adolescent community advisory board, expert and study team opinions were consulted for the final DCE attributes and levels. Results We enrolled 74 participants who were 51% (n = 38/74) male, had a median age of 18.5 [Interquartile range = 16–21.25] years, 91% (n = 67/74) identified as heterosexual and 49% (n = 36/74) had not completed 12th grade education. Using the qualitative data, we identified five candidate attributes including (1) dosing regimen, (2) location to get PrEP, (3) cost, (4) route of administration and (5) frequency. After discussions with experts and the study team, we revised the DCE to include the following five attributes and levels: dosing regime: daily, and on-demand PrEP; location: private pharmacy, public clinic, mobile clinic, ATM); cost: free-of-charge, R50 (~2GBP), R265 (~12GBP); side effects: nausea, headache, rash; and duration of protection: fulltime protection versus when PrEP is used). Conclusions There is limited literature on qualitative research methods describing the step-by-step process of developing a DCE for PrEP in adolescents, especially in resource-constrained countries. We provide the process followed for the DCE technique to understand user preferences for daily and on-demand oral PrEP among young people in South Africa

    The potential effect of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) roll-out on sexual-risk behaviour among adolescents and young people in East and southern Africa.

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV-prevention strategy recommended for those at high-risk of infection, including adolescents and young people (AYP). We explored how PrEP roll-out could influence sexual risk behaviour among AYP in East and southern Africa. Twenty-four group discussions and 60 in-depth interviews were conducted with AYP between 13 and 24 years old, recruited from community settings in Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa, from September 2018 to January 2019. Participants perceived that PrEP availability could change sexual behaviour among AYP, influencing: (1) condom use (increased preference for condomless sex, reduced need and decrease in use of condoms, relief from condom use discomfort, consistent condom use to curb sexually transmitted infections and pregnancies); (2) sexual activities (increase in sexual partners and sexual encounters, early sexual debut, sexual experimentation and peace of mind during risky sex, sexual violence and perversion); (3) HIV risk perception (neglect of other HIV prevention strategies, unknown sexual partner HIV status, adoption of PrEP). PrEP initiation may be associated with increased interest in sexual activities and risky sexual behaviour among AYP. PrEP should be included as part of a combination package of HIV prevention strategies for AYP with methods to prevent other sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies

    Exploring Perceived Barriers and Facilitators of PrEP Uptake among Young People in Uganda, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an effective HIV prevention strategy. Few studies have explored adolescents and young people's perspectives toward PrEP. We conducted 24 group discussions and 60 in-depth interviews with males and females aged 13-24 years in Uganda, Zimbabwe, and South Africa between September 2018 and February 2019. We used the framework approach to generate themes and key concepts for analysis following the social ecological model. Young people expressed a willingness to use PrEP and identified potential barriers and facilitators of PrEP uptake. Barriers included factors at individual (fear of HIV, fear of side effects, and PrEP characteristics), interpersonal (parental influence, absence of a sexual partner), community (peer influence, social stigma), institutional (long waiting times at clinics, attitudes of health workers), and structural (cost of PrEP and mode of administration, accessibility concerns) levels. Facilitators included factors at individual (high HIV risk perception and preventing HIV/desire to remain HIV negative), interpersonal (peer influence, social support and care for PrEP uptake), community (adequate PrEP information and sensitization, evidence of PrEP efficacy and safety), institutional (convenient and responsive services, provision of appropriate and sufficiently resourced services), and structural (access and availability of PrEP, cost of PrEP) levels. The findings indicated that PrEP is an acceptable HIV prevention method. PrEP uptake is linked to personal and environmental factors that need to be considered for successful PrEP roll-out. Multi-level interventions needed to promote PrEP uptake should consider the social and structural drivers and focus on ways that can inspire PrEP uptake and limit the barriers

    A multi-country cross-sectional study to assess predictors of daily versus on-demand oral pre-exposure prophylaxis in youth from South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

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    INTRODUCTION: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) carries the burden of the HIV epidemic, especially among adolescents and young people (AYP). Little is known about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake and preferences among AYP in SSA. We describe preferences for daily and on-demand PrEP among AYP in South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2019 among 13- to 24-year olds, capturing socio-demographics, HIV risk behaviours and preferences for daily or on-demand PrEP. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios, adjusting for site, sex and age. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A total of 1330 participants from Cape Town (n = 239), Johannesburg (n = 200), Entebbe (n = 491) and Chitungwiza (n = 400) were enrolled; 673 (51%) were male, and the median age was 19 years (interquartile range 17-22 years). Of 1287 participants expressing a preference, 60% indicated a preference for on-demand PrEP with differences by site (p < 0.001), sex (p < 0.001) and age group (p = 0.003). On-demand PrEP was most preferred in Entebbe (75%), among males (65%) versus females (54%) and in older participants (62% in 18- to 24-year-olds vs. 47% in 13- to 15-year-olds). After adjusting for site, sex and age group, preference for on-demand PrEP decreased as sex frequency over the past month increased (p-trend = 0.004) and varied with the number of partners in the last 6 months, being least popular among those reporting four or more partners (p = 0.02). Participants knowing further in advance that they were likely to have sex were more likely to prefer on-demand PrEP (p-trend = 0.02). Participants having a larger age gap with their most recent partner and participants whose last partner was a transactional sex partner or client were both less likely to prefer on-demand compared to daily PrEP (p = 0.05 and p = 0.09, respectively). Participants who knew their most recent partner was living with HIV or who did not know the HIV status of their most recent partner were less likely to prefer on-demand PrEP (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that AYP in four SSA communities prefer on-demand over daily PrEP options, with differences seen by site, age and sex. PrEP demand creation needs to be reviewed, optimized and tailored to socio-demographic differences and designed in conjunction with AYP

    Symptoms of post-traumatic stress and associations with sexual behaviour and PrEP preferences among young people in South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: It is not known whether post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) increases HIV-risk behaviours among young people in sub-Saharan Africa. We assessed associations of PTSD symptoms with sexual behaviour, HIV risk perception, and attitudes towards PrEP among young people taking part in the CHAPS community survey. We hypothesised that PTSD symptoms would increase sexual behaviours associated with HIV risk, hinder PrEP uptake and influence preference for daily versus on-demand PrEP. METHODS: Young people without HIV, aged 13-24 years, were purposively recruited in Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa, Wakiso in Uganda, and Chitungwiza in Zimbabwe, and surveyed on socio-demographic characteristics, PrEP knowledge and attitudes, sexual behaviour, HIV perception and salience, and mental health. PTSD symptoms were measured using the Primary Care PTSD Screen for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (PC-PTSD-5). Logistic and ordinal logistic regression was used to assess associations between PC-PTSD-5 score and socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour, HIV risk perception, PrEP attitudes, and substance use, adjusting for age, sex, setting, depression and anxiety. RESULTS: Of 1330 young people (51% male, median age 19 years), 522 (39%) reported at least one PTSD symptom. There was strong evidence that having a higher PC-PTSD-5 score was associated with reported forced sex (OR 3.18, 95%CI: 2.05-4.93), self-perception as a person who takes risks (OR 1.12, 95%CI: 1.04-1.20), and increased frequency of thinking about risk of HIV acquisition (OR 1.16, 95%CI: 1.08-1.25). PTSD symptoms were not associated with willingness to take PrEP, preference for on-demand versus daily PrEP, or actual HIV risk behaviour such as condomless sex. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms consistent with probable PTSD were common among young people in South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe but did not impact PrEP attitudes or PrEP preferences. Evaluation for PTSD might form part of a general assessment in sexual and reproductive health services in these countries. More work is needed to understand the impact of PTSD on HIV-risk behaviour, forced sex and response to preventive strategies including PrEP

    Implementing ecological momentary assessments to measure violence and adolescent HIV transmission risk: Lessons from Johannesburg, South Africa.

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    Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is an important methodology to understand risky behaviour and holds promise for HIV research. EMA is still novel in sub-Saharan Africa. We describe challenges and lessons learned on a novel study implementing mobile phone EMAs with adolescent boys in South Africa. The Tsamaisano study was a longitudinal study from 2020-2023 to recruit adolescent boys aged 15-19 years; including those without HIV and those perinatally infected and living with HIV. Participants were prompted to complete 52 weekly mobile phone survey on emotional state, exposure to and perpetration of violence, and sexual risk behaviour. Surveys were delivered using a random algorithm to choose the day. We incorporated mechanisms to assess challenges and optimize survey completion: weekly team meetings with youth representation and real-time data monitoring. Additionally, 20 frequent vs infrequent survey submitters participated in qualitative interviews about barriers and recommendations. Real-time monitoring indicated low (defined as <50%) survey completion in the first months of study implementation. To ensure that both the adolescent participant and their caregiver understood the commitment required for successful EMA, we created and implemented a guided discussion around mobile phone access during the enrolment visit. We identified a need for increased and ongoing technical support; addressed by creating technical guides, implementing a standard two-week check-in call after enrolment, adding an automated request button for call-back assistance, creating a WhatsApp messaging stream, and reaching out to all participants failing to submit two sequential surveys. Entry-level smartphones, including those initially distributed by the study, did not have capacity for certain updates and had to be replaced with more expensive models. Participants struggled with randomly allocated survey days; completion improved with set completion days and targeted reminder messages. Together, these steps improved survey completion from 40% in December 2020 to 65% in April 2022. We describe key lessons learned to inform future study designs with mobile phone EMAs, drawing on our experience implementing such among adolescent boys, including persons living with HIV, in a low-and-middle income setting. The key lessons learned through the Tsamaisano study are important to inform future study designs with EMA utilizing mobile phone, electronic data collection among adolescent boys in low-and-middle-income settings

    Trajectories of HIV-Related Internalized Stigma and Disclosure Concerns Among ART Initiators and Non-initiators in South Africa

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    HIV-related stigma among people living with HIV (PLHIV) is associated with worse health outcomes. We used longitudinal data from a multisite cohort in South Africa to assess changes over time in stigma after HIV diagnosis and determine whether antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation is associated with stigma reduction. We administered the Internalized AIDS-Related Stigma Scale (IARSS, a six-item dichotomous scale questionnaire) at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months to newly diagnosed ART-eligible participants between 2014 and 2015. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the IARSS contained a four-item internalized stigma factor (α = .80) and a two-item disclosure concerns factor (α = .75). We fitted multiple logistic regression models specifying internalized stigma/disclosure concerns at 6 months as the outcome and ART initiation as the predictor of interest. Of the 500 participants (187 men and 313 women) enrolled, 308 (62%) initiated ART. Internalized stigma declined among people entering care (mean score, 1.0 to 0.7, p \u3c .01); however, disclosure concerns remained unchanged (percentage endorsing either disclosure concern item, 78% to 77%, p = .23). These findings were similar between ART initiators and noninitiators. We estimated a statistically significant positive association between ART initiation and disclosure concerns at 6 months (odds ratio [OR] = 1.88; 95% CI [1.20, 2.94]) but not between ART initiation and internalized stigma at 6 months (OR = 1.15; 95% CI [0.75, 1.78]). Among ART-eligible South African PLHIV entering into HIV care, internalized stigma modestly declined over time but disclosure concerns persisted. PLHIV who initiated ART were more likely to have persistent disclosure concerns over time as compared with those who did not start ART. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved