2,552 research outputs found

    Methodology for the improvement integrated magnetics design, and solutions obtained applying it

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    Technology offered by Carlos III of Madrid University, Spain. It allows increasing the optimization capability of the design of integrated magnetic components, by means of the extension of the degrees of freedom in the design procedure. It is possible to simplify the design, improved performance and reduce size and costs of the component. Custom made solutions based in this method, applied to electric systems or power electronics, are offered

    On the Optimal Control of a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluids

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    We consider optimal control problems of systems governed by stationary, incompressible generalized Navier-Stokes equations with shear dependent viscosity in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional domain. We study a general class of viscosity functions including shear-thinning and shear-thickening behavior. We prove an existence result for such class of optimal control problems

    Existence of optimal boundary control for the Navier-Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions

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    Variational approaches have been used successfully as a strategy to take advantage from real data measurements. In several applications, this approach gives a means to increase the accuracy of numerical simulations. In the particular case of fluid dynamics, it leads to optimal control problems with non standard cost functionals which, when constraint to the Navier-Stokes equations, require a non-standard theoretical frame to ensure the existence of solution. In this work, we prove the existence of solution for a class of such type of optimal control problems. Before doing that, we ensure the existence and uniqueness of solution for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes equations, with mixed-boundary conditions, a particular type of boundary conditions very common in applications to biomedical problems

    Ontología. Hermenéutica de la facticidad. Martin Heidegger. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1999

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    La razón poética. Una aproximación (María Zambrano y Heidegger)

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    A partir del pensamiento de Heidegger, se esboza el ámbito desde el cual se podríaentender la razón poética postulada y ejercida por María Zambrano. Para ello se distingue, en primer lugar, entre ratio y lógos. Luego, se ve el origen de lo poético en la poíesis (pro-ducir), y a la poíesis como alétheia (desocultar, desvelamiento, verdad). En tercer lugar, se vincula la razón poética con el pensar meditativo (besinnliches Denken) y la serenidad (Gelassenheit). La razón poética estaría en íntima unión con el lógos –no con la ratio–, con el pensar meditativo –no con el pensamiento calculador–, con un tipo de poetizar originario que se diferencia de la poesía tal como es concebida habitualmente, y con la serenidad como un peculiar dejar ser (Seinlassen).Heidegger’s thinking permits outlines the field where you could understand the poetic reason, postulated and exercised by María Zambrano. In order to clarify this idea, the present paper offers, first, a difference between ratio and logos, and then, it delineate the source of poetic in poiesis (bringing-forth), poiesis understood as aletheia (revealing, unconcealment, truth). Poetic reason, in the third place, is associated to meditative thinking (besinnliches Denken) and releasement (Gelassenheit). Poetic reason is related directly with logos –not with ratio–, and also with meditative thinking –not with calculative thinking–, a type of originary poetry differentfrom the way that poetry is usually conceived, also with releasement understood as a peculiar letting be (Seinlassen)

    Cristóbal Holzapfel, A la búsqueda del sentido. Editorial Sudamericana, Santiago de Chile, 2005. 247 páginas

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    Se trata de una obra estrictamente filosófica, en la que el autor pone en juego los procedimientos y el estilo de la filosofía. Sin embargo, es un libro que nos atañe a todos _nos dediquemos a la filosofía o no_, siendo accesible a un público amplio de lectores _de ningún modo, pues, restringido a especialistas.  

    Closed form solutions to the optimality equation of minimal norm actuation

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    This research focused on the problem of minimal norm actuation in the context of partial natural frequency or pole assignment applied to undamped vibrating systems by state feedback control. The result of the research was the closed form solutions for the minimal norm control input and gain vectors. These closed form solutions should took open loop eigenpairs and the desired frequencies of the controlled system and outputted the optimal controller parameters. This optimization technique ensures that the system’s dynamics will be effectively controlled while keeping the controller effort minimal. The controller must then be able to shift only the desired the system poles anywhere in the complex s-plane in order to give the system certain desired characteristics with no spillover. The open loop system dynamics were found by applying a discrete model of the studied vibrating system and then finding the eigenvalue problem associated with the second-order open loop system equations. A first order realization was then performed on the system in order to know its response to certain initial conditions. The system’s dynamics where to be modified via closed loop control. Partial natural frequency assignment was chosen as the control technique so that certain system frequencies could be left untouched to ensure that the system will not respond in an unexpected manner. The control was to be optimized by minimizing the norm of the control input and gain vectors. A closed form solution for these vectors was found in so that these vectors could be simply calculated using an algorithm that takes the open loop eigenpairs and the desired eigenvalues of the system and outputs the two vectors. This closed form solution was successful implemented and the controller parameters found were applied to a vibrational system. A simulation for the un-optimized and optimized cases was performed applying both controllers to the same system. The response and controller forces for both cases were plotted in MATLAB and compared. Both systems showed the desired system response meaning that they both had the same effect on the system. Inspecting both controller efforts showed that the optimal control case simulation showed less controller effort than the arbitrary case thus showing successful implementation of minimal norm actuation

    Improving the Generation of Labeled Network Traffic Datasets Through Machine Learning Techniques

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    The problem of detecting malicious behavior in network traffic has become an extremely difficult challenge for the security community. Consequently, several intelligence-based tools have been proposed to generate models capable of understanding the information traveling through the network and to help in the identification of suspicious connections as soon as possible. However, the lack of high-quality datasets has been one of the main obstacles in the developing of reliable intelligence-based tools. A well-labeled dataset is fundamental not only for the process of automatically learning models but also for testing its performance. Recently, RiskID emerged with the goal of providing to the network security community a collaborative tool for helping the labeling process. Through the use of visual and statistical techniques, RiskID facilitates to the user the generation of labeled datasets from real connections. In this article, we present a machine learning extension for RiskID, to help the user in the malware identification process. A preliminary study shows that as the size of labeled data increases, the use of machine learning models can be a valuable tool during the labeling process of future traffic connections.VI Workshop de Seguridad Informática (WSI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Determination of the optical bandgap of thin amorphous (SiC) 1-x (AIN) x films produced by radio frequency dual magnetron sputtering

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    Películas delgadas amorfas semiconductoras de amplio ancho de banda del compuesto pseudobinario (SiC)1-x(AlN)x fueron depositadas por pulverización por un sistema de dos magnetrones de radio frecuencia sobre CaF2, MgO, Al2O3 y vidrio. Con el fin de determinar el ancho de banda óptico versus la composición de la película, se realizaron medidas espectroscópicas de la transmisión de donde el índice de refracción y el coeficiente de absorción fueron calculados y medidas espectroscópicas de la dispersión de energía (EDS) de donde la composición fue determinada. El ancho de banda óptico es determinado para cada composición a partir del coeficiente de absorción de dos maneras distintas: según el gráfico de Tauc y utilizando el gráfico de (αhν)2. la dependencia del ancho de banda con la composición x puede ser descrita por la ley empírica de Vegard para aleaciones
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