234 research outputs found

    Planar Visibility: Testing and Counting

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    In this paper we consider query versions of visibility testing and visibility counting. Let SS be a set of nn disjoint line segments in R2\R^2 and let ss be an element of SS. Visibility testing is to preprocess SS so that we can quickly determine if ss is visible from a query point qq. Visibility counting involves preprocessing SS so that one can quickly estimate the number of segments in SS visible from a query point qq. We present several data structures for the two query problems. The structures build upon a result by O'Rourke and Suri (1984) who showed that the subset, VS(s)V_S(s), of R2\R^2 that is weakly visible from a segment ss can be represented as the union of a set, CS(s)C_S(s), of O(n2)O(n^2) triangles, even though the complexity of VS(s)V_S(s) can be Ξ©(n4)\Omega(n^4). We define a variant of their covering, give efficient output-sensitive algorithms for computing it, and prove additional properties needed to obtain approximation bounds. Some of our bounds rely on a new combinatorial result that relates the number of segments of SS visible from a point pp to the number of triangles in ⋃s∈SCS(s)\bigcup_{s\in S} C_S(s) that contain pp.Comment: 22 page

    Notes on large angle crossing graphs

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    A graph G is an a-angle crossing (aAC) graph if every pair of crossing edges in G intersect at an angle of at least a. The concept of right angle crossing (RAC) graphs (a=Pi/2) was recently introduced by Didimo et. al. It was shown that any RAC graph with n vertices has at most 4n-10 edges and that there are infinitely many values of n for which there exists a RAC graph with n vertices and 4n-10 edges. In this paper, we give upper and lower bounds for the number of edges in aAC graphs for all 0 < a < Pi/2

    Fast Frechet Distance Between Curves With Long Edges

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    Computing the Fr\'echet distance between two polygonal curves takes roughly quadratic time. In this paper, we show that for a special class of curves the Fr\'echet distance computations become easier. Let PP and QQ be two polygonal curves in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with nn and mm vertices, respectively. We prove four results for the case when all edges of both curves are long compared to the Fr\'echet distance between them: (1) a linear-time algorithm for deciding the Fr\'echet distance between two curves, (2) an algorithm that computes the Fr\'echet distance in O((n+m)log⁑(n+m))O((n+m)\log (n+m)) time, (3) a linear-time d\sqrt{d}-approximation algorithm, and (4) a data structure that supports O(mlog⁑2n)O(m\log^2 n)-time decision queries, where mm is the number of vertices of the query curve and nn the number of vertices of the preprocessed curve

    Barrier Coverage with Non-uniform Lengths to Minimize Aggregate Movements

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    Given a line segment I=[0,L], the so-called barrier, and a set of n sensors with varying ranges positioned on the line containing I, the barrier coverage problem is to move the sensors so that they cover I, while minimising the total movement. In the case when all the sensors have the same radius the problem can be solved in O(n log n) time (Andrews and Wang, Algorithmica 2017). If the sensors have different radii the problem is known to be NP-hard to approximate within a constant factor (Czyzowicz et al., ADHOC-NOW 2009). We strengthen this result and prove that no polynomial time rho^{1-epsilon}-approximation algorithm exists unless P=NP, where rho is the ratio between the largest radius and the smallest radius. Even when we restrict the number of sensors that are allowed to move by a parameter k, the problem turns out to be W[1]-hard. On the positive side we show that a ((2+epsilon)rho+2/epsilon)-approximation can be computed in O(n^3/epsilon^2) time and we prove fixed-parameter tractability when parameterized by the total movement assuming all numbers in the input are integers

    Improving the dilation of a metric graph by adding edges

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    Most of the literature on spanners focuses on building the graph from scratch. This paper instead focuses on adding edges to improve an existing graph. A major open problem in this field is: given a graph embedded in a metric space, and a budget of k edges, which k edges do we add to produce a minimum-dilation graph? The special case where k=1 has been studied in the past, but no major breakthroughs have been made for k > 1. We provide the first positive result, an O(k)-approximation algorithm that runs in O(n^3 \log n) time
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