2,240 research outputs found

    Charge Transfer and Charge Transport on the Double Helix

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    We present a short review of various experiments that measure charge transfer and charge transport in DNA. Some general comments are made on the possible connection between 'chemistry-style' charge transfer experiments that probe fluorescence quenching and remote oxidative damage and 'physics-style' measurements that measure transport properties as defined typically in the solid-state. We then describe measurements performed by our group on the millimeter wave response of DNA. By measuring over a wide range of humidity conditions and comparing the response of single strand DNA and double strand DNA, we show that the appreciable AC conductivity of DNA is not due to photon assisted hopping between localized states, but instead due to dissipation from dipole motion in the surrounding water helix.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Pressure Induced Hydration Dynamics of Membranes

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    Pressure-jump initiated time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of dynamics of the hydration of the hexagonal phase in biological membranes show that (i) the relaxation of the unit cell spacing is non-exponential in time; (ii) the Bragg peaks shift smoothly to their final positions without significant broadening or loss in crystalline order. This suggests that the hydration is not diffusion limited but occurs via a rather homogeneous swelling of the whole lattice, described by power law kinetics with an exponent ÎČ=1.3±0.2 \beta = 1.3 \pm 0.2.Comment: REVTEX 3, 10 pages,3 figures(available on request),#

    Microwave shielding of transparent and conducting single-walled carbon nanotube films

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    The authors measured the transport properties of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) films in the microwave frequency range from 10 MHz to 30 GHz by using the Corbino reflection technique from temperatures of 20-400 K. Based on the real and imaginary parts of the microwave conductivity, they calculated the shielding effectiveness for various film thicknesses. Shielding effectiveness of 43 dB at 10 MHz and 28 dB at 10 GHz are found for films with 90% optical transmittance, which suggests that SWCNT films are promising as a type of transparent microwave shielding material. By combining their data with those from the literature, the conductivity of SWCNT films was established in a broad frequency range from dc to visible.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bourgeois and bourgeoisie from 1789 – 1844: a study in the evolution of French political theory

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    This thesis deals with the evolution of the words “bourgeois” and “bourgeoisies” as terms in French social and political theory from 1789 to 1844. Firstly, it analyses the use of the words in the French Revolution. Two meanings are shown to develop during this period, one to denote a small aristocracy of the rich and the other to denote the mass of citizens. Secondly, the development of the words by the liberals is considered when the terms come to refer to the industrial class, i.e. the class which has discovered new means of production and thereby the basis for a new peaceful and prosperous society. Thirdly, the ideas of Saint-Simon are considered and it is shown that he created a new definition whereby the bourgeoisie is regarded as a small group of idlers. A study of the Saint-Simonists shows that they extended this definition to mean the idler and non-productive class owing all the instruments of production. Moreover, in the 1830’s, it came to mean all the owners of the means of production whether idler or not, in other words, the capitalists. In addition, however, the terms became associated with certain moral attributes such as egoism, greed, and selfishness. This line was especially developed by the communists. Finally, the last popular definition is shown to be that of the Fourierist. They stated that the bourgeoisic was the extensive middle class due for extinction in the hands of the new financial aristocracy. In the conclusion, it is pointed out the terms vary in meaning according to the social theory used and do not denote a social group in the same way as, say, the terms “shopkeepers”, “doctors”. Consequently, if they are not expressly related to some theory, they can refer to any of a large number of different things

    Entanglement degradation of a two-mode squeezed vacuum in absorbing and amplifying optical fibers

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    Applying the recently developed formalism of quantum-state transformation at absorbing dielectric four-port devices [L.~Kn\"oll, S.~Scheel, E.~Schmidt, D.-G.~Welsch, and A.V.~Chizhov, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 59}, 4716 (1999)], we calculate the quantum state of the outgoing modes of a two-mode squeezed vacuum transmitted through optical fibers of given extinction coefficients. Using the Peres--Horodecki separability criterion for continuous variable systems [R.~Simon, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 2726 (2000)], we compute the maximal length of transmission of a two-mode squeezed vacuum through an absorbing system for which the transmitted state is still inseparable. Further, we calculate the maximal gain for which inseparability can be observed in an amplifying setup. Finally, we estimate an upper bound of the entanglement preserved after transmission through an absorbing system. The results show that the characteristic length of entanglement degradation drastically decreases with increasing strength of squeezing.Comment: Paper presented at the International Conference on Quantum Optics and VIII Seminar on Quantum Optics, Raubichi, Belarus, May 28-31, 2000, 11 pages, LaTeX2e, 4 eps figure

    Sum Rules and Ward Identities in the Kondo Lattice

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    We derive a generalized Luttinger-Ward expression for the Free energy of a many body system involving a constrained Hilbert space. In the large NN limit, we are able to explicity write the entropy as a functional of the Green's functions. Using this method we obtain a Luttinger sum rule for the Kondo lattice. One of the fascinating aspects of the sum rule, is that it contains two components, one describing the heavy electron Fermi surface, the other, a sea of oppositely charged, spinless fermions. In the heavy electron state, this sea of spinless fermions is completely filled and the electron Fermi surface expands by one electron per unit cell to compensate the positively charged background, forming a ``large'' Fermi surface. Arbitrarily weak magnetism causes the spinless Fermi sea to annihilate with part of the Fermi sea of the conduction electrons, leading to a small Fermi surface. Our results thus enable us to show that the Fermi surface volume contracts from a large, to a small volume at a quantum critical point. However, the sum rules also permit the possible formation of a new phase, sandwiched between the antiferromagnet and the heavy electron phase, where the charged spinless fermions develop a true Fermi surface.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. Version two contains a proof of the "Entropy formula" which connects the entropy directly to the Green's functions. Version three contains corrections to typos and a more extensive discussion of the physics at finite

    Scaling Study and Thermodynamic Properties of the cubic Helimagnet FeGe

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    The critical behavior of the cubic helimagnet FeGe was obtained from isothermal magnetization data in very close vicinity of the ordering temperature. A thorough and consistent scaling analysis of these data revealed the critical exponents ÎČ=0.368\beta=0.368, Îł=1.382\gamma=1.382, and ÎŽ=4.787\delta=4.787. The anomaly in the specific heat associated with the magnetic ordering can be well described by the critical exponent α=−0.133\alpha=-0.133. The values of these exponents corroborate that the magnetic phase transition in FeGe belongs to the isotropic 3D-Heisenberg universality class. The specific heat data are well described by ab initio phonon calculations and confirm the localized character of the magnetic moments.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
