8,803 research outputs found

    Unidentified EGRET sources in the Galaxy

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    Identifying gamma-ray sources in the Galaxy is hampered by their poor localization, source confusion, and the large variety of potential emitters. Neutron stars and their environment offer various ways to power gamma-ray sources: pulsed emission from the open magnetosphere and unpulsed gamma rays from the wind nebula and from the cosmic rays accelerated in the supernova remnant. While the latter still awaits confirmation, new candidate associations bring forward the importance of 10-kyr old pulsars as GeV sources, with a diversity that will help constrain the acceleration mechanisms near the pulsar and in the wind. Theoretical interest in the gamma-ray activity of X-ray binaries and micro-quasars has also been revived by the emergence of a subset of variable sources in the inner Galaxy and another one in the halo.Comment: 8 pages, Proc. of the Texas Symposium, 2002, Florence, Ital

    Off-Beam Gamma-Ray Pulsars and Unidentified EGRET Sources in the Gould Belt

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    We investigate whether gamma-ray pulsars viewed at a large angle to the neutron star magnetic pole could contribute to the new population of galactic unidentified EGRET sources associated with the Gould Belt. The faint, soft nature of these sources is distinctly different from both the properties of unidentified EGRET sources along the galactic plane and of the known gamma-ray pulsars. We explore the possibility, within the polar cap model, that some of these sources are emission from pulsars seen at lines of sight that miss both the bright gamma-ray cone beams and the radio beam. The off-beam gamma-rays come from high-altitude curvature emission of primary particles, are radiated over a large solid angle and have a much softer spectrum than that of the main beams. We estimate that the detectability of such off-beam emission is about a factor of 4-5 higher than that of the on-beam emission. At least some of the radio-quiet Gould Belt sources detected by EGRET could therefore be such off-beam gamma-ray pulsars. GLAST should be able to detect pulsations in most of these sources.Comment: 5 pages, uses emulateapj.sty, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Young and middle age pulsar light-curve morphology: Comparison of Fermi observations with gamma-ray and radio emission geometries

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    Thanks to the huge amount of gamma-ray pulsar photons collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope since June 2008, it is now possible to constrain gamma-ray geometrical models by comparing simulated and observed light-curve morphological characteristics. We assumed vacuum-retarded dipole pulsar magnetic field and tested simulated and observed morphological light-curve characteristics in the framework of two pole emission geometries, Polar Cap (PC), radio, and Slot Gap (SG), and Outer Gap (OG)/One Pole Caustic (OPC) emission geometries. We compared simulated and observed/estimated light-curve morphological parameters as a function of observable and non-observable pulsar parameters. The PC model gives the poorest description of the LAT pulsar light-curve morphology. The OPC best explains both the observed gamma-ray peak multiplicity and shape classes. The OPC and SG models describe the observed gamma-ray peak-separation distribution for low- and high-peak separations, respectively. This suggests that the OPC geometry best explains the single-peak structure but does not manage to describe the widely separated peaks predicted in the framework of the SG model as the emission from the two magnetic hemispheres. The OPC radio-lag distribution shows higher agreement with observations suggesting that assuming polar radio emission, the gamma-ray emission regions are likely to be located in the outer magnetosphere. The larger agreement between simulated and LAT estimations in the framework of the OPC suggests that the OPC model best predicts the observed variety of profile shapes. The larger agreement between observations and the OPC model jointly with the need to explain the abundant 0.5 separated peaks with two-pole emission geometries, calls for thin OPC gaps to explain the single-peak geometry but highlights the need of two-pole caustic emission geometry to explain widely separated peaks.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures, 8 tables; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Cosmic-ray propagation properties for an origin in SNRs

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    We have studied the impact of cosmic-ray acceleration in SNR on the spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei in the Galaxy using a series expansion of the propagation equation, which allows us to use analytical solutions for part of the problem and an efficient numerical treatment of the remaining equations and thus accurately describes the cosmic-ray propagation on small scales around their sources in three spatial dimensions and time. We found strong variations of the cosmic-ray nuclei flux by typically 20% with occasional spikes of much higher amplitude, but only minor changes in the spectral distribution. The locally measured spectra of primary cosmic rays fit well into the obtained range of possible spectra. We further showed that the spectra of the secondary element Boron show almost no variations, so that the above findings also imply significant fluctuations of the Boron-to-Carbon ratio. Therefore the commonly used method of determining CR propagation parameters by fitting secondary-to-primary ratios appears flawed on account of the variations that these ratios would show throughout the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Light-curve modelling constraints on the obliquities and aspect angles of the young Fermi pulsars

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    In more than four years of observation the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite has identified pulsed γ\gamma-ray emission from more than 80 young pulsars, providing light curves with high statistics. Fitting the observations with geometrical models can provide estimates of the magnetic obliquity α\alpha and aspect angle ζ\zeta, yielding estimates of the radiation beaming factor and luminosity. Using γ\gamma-ray emission geometries (Polar Cap, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, One Pole Caustic) and radio emission geometry, we fit γ\gamma-ray light curves for 76 young pulsars and we jointly fit their γ\gamma-ray plus radio light curves when possible. We find that a joint radio plus γ\gamma-ray fit strategy is important to obtain (α\alpha, ζ\zeta) estimates that can explain simultaneous radio and γ\gamma-ray emission. The intermediate-to-high altitude magnetosphere models, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, and One pole Caustic, are favoured in explaining the observations. We find no evolution of α\alpha on a time scale of a million years. For all emission geometries our derived γ\gamma-ray beaming factors are generally less than one and do not significantly evolve with the spin-down power. A more pronounced beaming factor vs. spin-down power correlation is observed for Slot Gap model and radio-quiet pulsars and for the Outer Gap model and radio-loud pulsars. For all models, the correlation between γ\gamma-ray luminosity and spin-down power is consistent with a square root dependence. The γ\gamma-ray luminosities obtained by using our beaming factors not exceed the spin-down power. This suggests that assuming a beaming factor of one for all objects, as done in other studies, likely overestimates the real values. The data show a relation between the pulsar spectral characteristics and the width of the accelerator gap that is consistent with the theoretical prediction for the Slot Gap model.Comment: 90 pages, 80 figures (63 in Appendices), accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The interstellar environment in the outer Galaxy as seen in γ-rays by Fermi

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    Gamma-ray emission produced by interactions between cosmic rays (CRs) and interstellar gas traces the product of their densities throughout the Milky Way. The outer Galaxy is a privileged target of investigation to separate interstellar structures seen along the line of sight. Recent observations by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) shed light on open questions of the EGRET era about the distribution of CR densities and the census of the interstellar medium. The gradient of γ-ray emissivities measured in the outer Galaxy is significantly flatter than predictions from widely used CR propagation models, given the rapid decline of putative CR sources beyond the solar circle. Large propagation volumes, with halo heights up to 20 kpc, or a flat CR source distribution are required to match the data. Other viable possibilities include non-uniform CR diffusion properties or more gas than accounted for by the radio/mm-wave data. γ-ray data constrain the evolution of the XCO = N(H2)/WCO ratio within a few kpc from the Sun. There is a significant increase by a factor 2 from nearby clouds in the Gould Belt to the local spur. No further significant variations are measured from the local spur to the Perseus spiral arm. At the level of statistical accuracy provided by the LAT data, the most important source of uncertainty, often overlooked so far, is due to the optical depth correction applied to derive the column densities of HI. Reliable determinations of the amount of atomic gas in the plane are key to better probe the properties of CRs in the Galaxy

    Phase resolved spectroscopy of the Vela pulsar with XMM-Newton

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    The ~10^4 y old Vela Pulsar represents the bridge between the young Crab-like and the middle-aged rotation powered pulsars. Its multiwavelength behaviour is due to the superposition of different spectral components. We take advantage of the unprecedented harvest of photons collected by XMM-Newton to assess the Vela Pulsar spectral shape and to study the pulsar spectrum as a function of its rotational phase. As for the middle-aged pulsars Geminga, PSR B0656+14 and PSR B1055-52 (the "Three Musketeers"), the phase-integrated spectrum of Vela is well described by a three-component model, consisting of two blackbodies (T_bb1=(1.06+/-0.03)x10^6 K, R_bb1=5.1+/-0.3 km, T_bb2=(2.16+/-0.06)x10^6 K, R_bb2=0.73+/-0.08 km) plus a power-law (gamma=2.2+/-0.3). The relative contributions of the three components are seen to vary as a function of the pulsar rotational phase. The two blackbodies have a shallow 7-9% modulation. The cooler blackbody, possibly related to the bulk of the neutron star surface, has a complex modulation, with two peaks per period, separated by ~0.35 in phase, the radio pulse occurring exactly in between. The hotter blackbody, possibly originating from a hot polar region, has a nearly sinusoidal modulation, with a single, broad maximum aligned with the second peak of the cooler blackbody, trailing the radio pulse by ~0.15 in phase. The non thermal component, magnetospheric in origin, is present only during 20% of the pulsar phase and appears to be opposite to the radio pulse. XMM-Newton phase-resolved spectroscopy unveils the link between the thermally emitting surface of the neutron star and its charge-filled magnetosphere, probing emission geometry as a function of the pulsar rotation. This is a fundamental piece of information for future 3-dimensional modeling of the pulsar magnetosphere.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap