1,007 research outputs found

    A Bloom filter based semi-index on qq-grams

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    We present a simple qq-gram based semi-index, which allows to look for a pattern typically only in a small fraction of text blocks. Several space-time tradeoffs are presented. Experiments on Pizza & Chili datasets show that our solution is up to three orders of magnitude faster than the Claude et al. \cite{CNPSTjda10} semi-index at a comparable space usage

    The role of transnational integration in forming of Northeast Asian Community

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    The paper will analyse building and stumbling blocks of possible formation of the Northeast Asian Community in the foreseeable future. Analysis will be primarily based on system-theory, but only transnational and international levels (understood as inter-state level) will be taken into account. Supranational level, being at a very early stage of development in Northeast Asia, will be mentioned in a model, however, not fully analysed in this paper. The hypothesis of presented paper is as follows: building blocks of NE Asia Community exist at the transnational level (especially economic cooperation) and stumbling blocks at international (inter-state) level, especially in the political sphere

    Will Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership Agreement increase the competitiveness of the Asia-Pacific region?

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    Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena, czy Porozumienie o Strategicznym Partnerstwie Transpacyficznym poprawi konkurencyjność regionu Azji i Pacyfiku poprzez utworzenie wysokiej jakości strefy wolnego handlu (usuwającej wszystkie bariery dla handlu), biorąc pod uwagę różne przeszkody opisane w tekście. Prezydent Barack Obama postawił za cel zakończenie negocjacji dziewięciu stron do listopada 2011, ale pojawiają się wątpliwości, czy jest możliwe zakończenie negocjacji FTA, obejmującej handel dobrami i usługami, reguły pochodzenia, techniczne bariery dla handlu, ograniczenia sanitarne i fitosanitarne, prawa własności intelektualnej, a nawet zamówienia rządowe, czy politykę konkurencji stron. Potrzeba sukcesu może skłaniać do szukania rozwiązania akceptowalnego dla wszystkich stron, ale w oparciu o najmniejszy wspólny mianownik.The basic goal of this paper is to assess, whether the Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership will increase the competitiveness of the Asia-Pacific Region by creating a high-quality Free Trade Area, having in mind various obstacles characterized in the text. As President Barack Obama set a goal of concluding the negotiations of nine parties till November 2011, there are doubts whether it is possible to conclude negotiations of an FTA encompassing trade in goods and services, rules of origin, technical trade barriers, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, IPR, but also government procurement and competition policies in participating countries. The need for success may lead to looking for a solution acceptable for all the different parties, but of poor quality, basing on the lowest common denominator

    The main dimensions of Sino-American relations 1989-2001

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    This article traces the relations between two the most important countries on the world stage (taking into account the size of their territories, population and Gross Domestic Product), i.e. the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America. It focuses on the twelve-year span of 1989-2001 that is marked at one end by the Tiananmen Square massacre and the, at least symbolic, exclusion of China from the international community, and at the other end by the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, which were a sort of catalyst for the already improving bilateral relations and the accession of the PRC (The People’s Republic of China) to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in November 2001. The author briefly analyses the historical context of bilateral relations from 1949, when the PRC was created and relations were broken off, through the normalization decade of the 1970s, trying to describe the circumstances of this process. In the main part of the article the policies of three presidential administrations are depicted. One may observe that, in spite of many problems, which could negatively affect the relationship, it gradually improved, mainly due to economic reasons. The political relations tend to be good as well, because each side aims at the assurance of peace and stability in the region, which is essential for their harmonious development. The most important contradiction in bilateral relations is the Taiwan question, which is regarded as one of the most dangerous issues for the contemporary world order. One should also mention WMD proliferation, human rights issues and the problem of the National Missile Defense

    Selected problems of the U.S. foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region after 1989

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