462 research outputs found

    The Waters of Lethe as the Only cure for a Martial Life: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Homecoming Soldier Topics in HBO’s Rome

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    [EN] A transversal issue through the ages, post-traumatic stress disorder and problems concerning soldier’s adaptation to civilian life were as present in Antiquity as they are nowadays. Mainly a film studies essay, the present text is an attempt to understand how HBO’s Rome series more or less covert allusion to posttraumatic stress disorder might have resonated in audiences marked by this clinical condition, and the specific context of American filmic production in the first, war-driven, decade of the 21st Century. By way of introduction, we will first carry out a survey regarding the complex relation the public establishes with modern representations of the past to, subsequently, dissect some crucial narrative points which we take as illustrative paradigms. Through a close analysis, almost a diagnosis process, of the two main characters, Pullo and Vorenus, we intend to show how post-traumatic stress disorder representations are imbedded in those characters and to what extent the staging of this problem using an Antiquity background may be understood as a symbolic metaphor in the new millennium. [ES] Temas transversales a través de las edades, el trastorno de estrés post-traumático y los problemas relativos a la adaptación del soldado a la vida civil estaban tan presentes en la antigüedad como hoy en día. Principalmente un ensayo de estudios cinematográficos, el presente texto es un intento de comprender cómo la alusión más o menos encubierta del trastorno de estrés post-traumático en la serie Rome puede tener resonado en un público marcado por esta condición clínica, en el contexto específico de la producción americana cinematográfica de la primera beligerante década del siglo 21. A modo de introducción, primero se llevará a cabo un estudio acerca de la compleja relación que el público establece con las representaciones modernas del pasado para, posteriormente, analizar algunos puntos cruciales de la narrativa que tomamos como paradigmas ilustrativos. A través de un análisis minucioso, casi un proceso de diagnóstico, de los dos personajes principales, Pullo y Voreno, tenemos la intención de mostrar cómo representaciones del trastorno por estrés pos-traumático están incorporados en estos personajes y en qué medida la puesta en escena de este problema mediante un fondo de antigüedad puede ser entendida como una metáfora simbólica en el nuevo milenio

    Shining light on the DVS pixel: A tutorial and discussion about biasing and optimization

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    The operation of the DVS event camera is controlled by the user through adjusting different bias parameters. These biases affect the response of the camera by controlling - among other parameters - the bandwidth, sensitivity, and maximum firing rate of the pixels. Besides determining the response of the camera to input signals, biases significantly impact its noise performance. Bias optimization is a multivariate process depending on the task and the scene, to which the user's knowledge about pixel design and non-idealities can be of great importance. In this paper, we go step-by-step along the signal pathway of the DVS pixel, shining light on its low-level operation and non-idealities, comparing pixel level measurements with array level measurements, and discussing and how biasing and illumination affect the pixel's behavior. With the results and discussion presented, we aim to help DVS users achieve more hardware-aware camera utilization and modelling.Comment: Accepted at 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW); 4th International Workshop on Event-Based Visio

    As migrações europeias: o exemplo do povoamento açoriano do Alentejo em finais do século XVIII

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    Durante o reinado de D. Maria I num curto período de tempo, entre os anos de 1786 e 1787, mais de dois mil açorianos dirigem-se para o Alentejo com o intuito de o povoarem e de o transformarem economicamente. Não se afastando aparentemente de outros modelos das migrações europeias setecentistas, este é um processo que poderá abrir um novo paradigma na história das migrações no velho continente. Com visíveis influências do Mercantilismo e do Fisiocratismo o processo muito deveu à visão de um homem, Diogo Inácio de Pina Manique. É nele e na Intendência-Geral de Polícia que estavam centralizadas as competências para conseguir operacionalizar o processo. Planificado com rigor a nível de logística, de integração e de ocupação e extremamente centralizado e dotado de meios financeiros, o povoamento contou com o apoio das estruturas locais da Intendência-Geral de Polícia e de alguns membros influentes da estrutura militar e da corte. Constituindo um processo migratório com alguma especificidade é difícil encerrá-lo num conceito muito restrito, seja ele de migração interna, de migração de retorno ou de migração inversa. Trata-se aqui de um povoamento ou colonização inversa, algo muito inverosímil, mas que existe num país que daí a vinte anos veria uma colónia transformar-se em centro do Império. A presente dissertação incide na descrição, análise e comparação anacrónica e diacrónica do supracitado processo, para que se possa entende-lo na perspectiva proposta: ABSTRACT: During the reign of Mary I for a short period of time, between the years of 1786 and 1787, more than two thousand Azoreans were going to the Alentejo to settle it and transform it economically. Apparently not unusual among seventeenth century European migrations, this is a process that can create a new paradigm in the history of migrations in the old continent. With clear influences from such doctrines as mercantilism or fisiocratism the process owes much to the vision of a man, Diogo Inácio de Pina Manique. It’s in him and in the Intendência-Geral de Polícia that are centralized the competences to operationalize this process. Planned thoroughly at the level of logistics, of integration and occupation it is extremely centralized and endowed with financial means, the settlement has the support of the local structures of the Intendência-Geral de Polícia and of some members of the military and of the cohort. Constituting a migration process with some specificity it is hard to enclosure it in a strict concept, be it an internal migration, a return migration or a reverse migration. It happens to be a reverse settlement or a reverse colonization, something very unusual but that exists in a country that in twenty years time would see a colony transform itself in the centre of the empire. This dissertation centres its core in the description, analysis and anachronistic and diachronic comparison of the aforementioned process, so we can perceive it in the proposed perspective

    Quality of life: Non-amputee patients with diabetic foot ulcer versus amputee patients

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    A úlcera do Pé Diabético acarreta várias consequências para o indivíduo, família e sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a QdVRS de uma amostra de doentes com Pé Diabético e perceber se existem diferenças ao nível da QdVRS física (QVF) e QdVRS Mental (QVM) quando comparados com doentes com Pé Diabético já amputados. Estudo transversal que incluiu 175 doentes com úlcera de Pé Diabético. Destes, 102 doentes já tinham sido amputados e os restantes 73 iriam ser submetidos a uma amputação, pela primeira vez. Os doentes foram avaliados durante a hospitalização usando um questionário sociodemográfico e clínico bem como o SF-36. Os doentes apresentaram níveis baixos de QVF e moderados de QVM. Verificaram-se diferenças na QdVRS nos doentes com úlcera de Pé Diabético não amputados versus os doentes com úlcera de Pé Diabético já amputados, ao nível do género, idade, estatuto profissional e tipo de pé. Não se verificaram diferenças ao nível da QVF e QVM entre os doentes amputados e não amputados, mas os doentes com úlcera de Pé Diabético não amputados apresentaram melhor saúde geral quando comparados com os doentes já amputados. O nível da amputação revelou-se importante ao nível da saúde mental. Este trabalho enfatiza a necessidade de intervenções multidisciplinares para promover a QdVRS, nos doentes com ulceras de Pé Diabético não amputados e nos já amputados. Assim, o acompanhamento psicológico revela-se fundamental, nesta população.A Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) has several implications for individual, family and the health system. The aim of this study was to characterize the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), in a sample of patients with DFU and to find differences in physical (PHRQoL) and mental quality of life (MHRQoL) when compared with patients already amputated. Cross sectional study including 175 patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer. Of these, 102 were already amputated and 73 were going to be amputated for the first time. Patients were assessed during hospitalization using a socio demographic and clinical questionnaire as well as the SF-36. Patients showed low levels of PHRQoL and moderate levels of MHRQoL. There were differences in HRQoL in non-amputee patients with DFU versus patients with DFU already amputated, according to gender, professional status, age and type of foot. There were no differences in non-amputee and amputees patients on PHRQoL and MHRQoL but nonamputee patients with DFU showed better general health compared with patients already amputated. The level of amputation proved to be important for mental health. This study emphasizes the need for multidisciplinary interventions to promote HRQoL in non-amputee patients with DFU and those already amputated. Thus, psychological support seems essential, in this populatio

    The impact of ERP systems in internal auditing: the portuguese case

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    Nowadays, internal audit procedures are increasingly supported by the use of technological tools, such as integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, aiming to improve the performance of internal auditors, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of their work. In fact, the adoption of these systems, together with a good implementation strategy, enhances the strengths of a business, while mitigating its weaknesses. This study, through a questionnaire, aims to understand the impact of ERP systems on internal audit work in Portugal. Starting by understanding which systems, modules and functionalities are most used, the study also aims to assess how these systems influence the effectiveness and efficiency of audit work and also the level of satisfaction of internal auditors in their use. The main findings show that there is a wide variety of ERP systems used by internal auditors in Portugal, the most used being SAP ERP, and the Financial Accounting, Treasury and Purchasing modules. It is also concluded that internal auditors agree that the use of ERP functionalities positively influences the effectiveness and efficiency of their work, and they are generally satisfied with the use of these functionalities in their work.publishe

    The Iowa Gambling Task: a critical revision

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    O Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) é uma tarefa amplamente utilizada na avaliação da capacidade de tomada de decisão. Neste artigo, procede-se à revisão da literatura, comparando-se as versões do IGT, as diferentes medidas de avaliação do desempenho e as alterações introduzidas nos procedimentos, nomeadamente no feedback, na aleatorização espacial dos baralhos, no número de ensaios e de cartas por baralho, nas instruções, na remuneração e na manipulação das recompensas e punições. Desta análise, conclui-se que as diversas versões da tarefa, as alterações nos procedimentos de aplicação e as diferentes medidas utilizadas na avaliação têm impacto no desempenho, prejudicam a comparação entre estudos e as generalizações dos resultados. Finalmente, apresentam-se sugestões para uma maior adequação dos procedimentos.The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a widely used task in the assessment of the decision-making ability. In this article, we conduct a literature review by comparing IGT versions, different performance assessment measures, and changes to procedures including feedback, spatial randomization of decks, number of trials, number of cards per deck, instructions, payment, and rewards and punishments. On basis of this analysis, we conclude that different versions of the task, changes in application procedures and different measures used to assess the task have an impact on performance, thereby affecting comparison among studies and generalization of results. Finally, we offer suggestions to define adequate procedures

    Língua, nome e identidade numa situação de plurilinguismo concorrencial: o caso de Timor-Leste

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    Este ensaio debate as relações entre língua, nome e identidade no contexto plurilinguístico de Timor-Leste. Mais concretamente, aborda a questão da relação entre o nome próprio e o nome de família como uma das singularidades do sistema linguístico timorense. Através dos nomes e das práticas de nomeação em Timor-Leste e da forma como se constroem e se articulam com outros fenómenos coevos, pretendo chegar à discussão dos níveis de identidade cultural e das bases sobre as quais assenta o próprio sentimento de identidade nacional timorense.This essay discusses the interplay between language, name and identity in the plurilingual context of East-Timor. Namely, I will approach the relationships between given and family name as one of the distinctive characters of the Timorese linguistic system. Through names and naming practices in East-Timor, and the way they are construed and articulated with other contemporary phenomena, I will discuss the different levels of cultural identity and the bases that support the configuration and sense of Timorese national identity

    A Long and Winding Road: A Brief History of the Idea of a 'Government of National Unity' in Timor-Leste and its Current Implications

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    In his inauguration speech on 16 February 2015, Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo announced the mantra of his new government: ‘the members of the Sixth Government will put the interests of the people above any other partisan interests’ (16/2/2015:2). Resorting to this rhetorical topos may be warranted by the major realignment of the parliamentary support for the new government (commonly referred to as ‘National Unity’ or ‘National Inclusion’) now headed by a member of what was until then the sole opposition party, but the implicit disjunction between ‘people’s’ and ‘parties’’ interests suggests a political discourse emerging from a populist, authoritarian ethos rather than from the tradition of liberal democracies. The Minister of State at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, claims that the bold political move that accompanied the resignation of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão midway through his term and led to the reconfiguration of the political landscape — by means of a new governmental formula that defied established assumptions imposed in the transitional period and in force after independence — represents a transformation of ‘belligerent democracy to consensus democracy’ (24/1/2014). Formed in the national parliament and observing the basic rules of TimorLeste’s constitution, there is no reason to assume that Araújo’s government contradicts formal prescriptions of a democratic polity. However, it can be scrutinised and the wisdom of its underlying assumptions called into debate from the perspective of the long and winding road that leads to the consolidation of democracyAusAI

    Elections in Timor-Leste, 2022-2023

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    This brief essay introduces the government system of Timor-Leste enshrined in its Constitution and refers the main political conventions operating in its broad framework. Then, it refers the main features of the electoral system, distinguishing presidential and legislative elections, and offering a summary of the electoral administration.Next, it considers the 2022 presidential elections, placing those polls in the context of the evolution of the previous presidential terms in office and the sharp distinction of the incumbent’s mandate. A brief analysis of the results suggest that electors rejected the incumbent’s platform and chose a return to conventional forms of presidential rule.The third section described the framework for the 2023 parliamentary polls, underlining that these were not “coattails” elections as had been the case in 2007, 2012 and 2017, but still were fought along a default line similar to the 2022 presidential ones. The emerging results were in line with that of the previous year, and the way the country had been ruled for the last few years clearly rejected the incumbent’s platform and chose a return to conventional forms of presidential rule.The final section purports to reflect on some major challenges head: generational turnover and the anticipated eclipse of charismatic authority, new policies to address youth unrest, and economic diversification to combat excessive dependence on oil revenues

    Turismo videográfico no Centro de Portugal: produção e impacto de vídeos promocionais

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    The concept of film-induced tourism refers to travel activities to certain destinations motivated by films, TV series, and promotional videos. The exposure to enticing images allures tourists and boosts local economies and entrepreneurship. The strand of film-induced tourism, video-induced tourism (which concerns mainly promotional videos) needs to be further explored. The Portuguese case, concerning both film- and video-induced tourism, also needs to be mapped. Thus, the purpose of this study is twofold: it will discuss and explore the topics of film-induced tourism and video-induced tourism in Portugal; and it will provide insights into promotional videos released by the Turismo do Centro de Portugal Association. We will start by presenting an overview of these two concepts. Subsequently, we will tackle the Portuguese case and explain the strategies adopted to boost film- and video-induced tourism phenomena. Finally, we will carry out an overview of the Turismo do Centro videos and see how they fit into the organisation’s broader communication context. Exploring this case study will help us project how the strategy in which these videos are inserted may help the region in the post-pandemic economic recovery.O conceito de turismo cinematográfico refere-se a viagens para determinados destinos motivadas pelo visionamento de filmes, séries de TV e vídeos promocionais. A exposição a imagens cativantes atrai turistas, o que impulsiona as economias locais e o empreendedorismo. O turismo videográfico (que diz respeito principalmente a vídeos promocionais), ramo do turismo cinematográfico, necessita de ser mais explorado. O caso português, no que concerne tanto ao turismo cinematográfico como ao videográfico, também precisa de ser mapeado. O objetivo deste estudo é duplo: discutir e explorar as temáticas do turismo cinematográfico e videográfico em Portugal; e fornecer informações sobre vídeos promocionais divulgados pelo Turismo Centro de Portugal. Começaremos por apresentar uma visão geral sobre esses dois conceitos. Posteriormente, abordaremos o caso português e explicaremos as estratégias adotadas para potenciar os fenómenos de turismo cinematográfico e videográfico. Por fim, faremos um apanhado dos vídeos do Turismo do Centro e veremos como se enquadram no contexto mais amplo de comunicação da organização. A exploração deste caso de estudo irá ajudar-nos a vislumbrar como a estratégia na qual esses vídeos estão inseridos poderá ajudar a região na recuperação económica pós-pandémica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio