66 research outputs found

    A magnetic barrier in confined two-dimensional electron gases: Nanomagnetometers and magnetic switches

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    We investigate the conductance properties of a hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor structure consisting of a confined two-dimensional electron gas and a transverse ferromagnetic strip on top. Within the framework of the Landauer-B\"uttiker model, we develop an alternative way to consider magnetic fields. Our method describes devices ranging from a recently realized nanomagnetometer down to quasi one-dimensional quantum wires. We provide a rigorous way to relate the measured resistance to the actual magnetization of the strip. Regarding the quasi one-dimensional wires we propose a new device application, a tunable magnetic switch.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures included, to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Adiabatic charge and spin pumping through quantum dots with ferromagnetic leads

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    We study adiabatic pumping of electrons through quantum dots attached to ferromagnetic leads. Hereby we make use of a real-time diagrammatic technique in the adiabatic limit that takes into account strong Coulomb interaction in the dot. We analyze the degree of spin polarization of electrons pumped from a ferromagnet through the dot to a nonmagnetic lead (N-dot-F) as well as the dependence of the pumped charge on the relative leads' magnetization orientations for a spin-valve (F-dot-F) structure. For the former case, we find that, depending on the relative coupling strength to the leads, spin and charge can, on average, be pumped in opposite directions. For the latter case, we find an angular dependence of the pumped charge, that becomes more and more anharmonic for large spin polarization in the leads.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Generation of pure spin currents by superconducting proximity effect in quantum dots

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    We investigate electronic transport in a three-terminal hybrid system, composed by an interacting quantum dot tunnel coupled to one superconducting, one ferromagnetic, and one normal lead. Despite the tendency of the charging energy to suppress the superconducting proximity effect when the quantum dot is in equilibrium, the non-equilibrium proximity effect can give rise to a large Andreev current. The presence of the ferromagnet can lead to a finite spin accumulation on the dot. We find that the interplay of the Andreev current and spin accumulation can generate a pure spin current, with no associated charge transport, in the normal lead. This situation is realised by tuning the quantum-dot spectrum by means of a gate voltage.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Signatures of spin-related phases in transport through regular polygons

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    We address the subject of transport in one-dimensional ballistic polygon loops subject to Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We identify the role played by the polygon vertices in the accumulation of spin-related phases by studying interference effects as a function of the spin-orbit coupling strength. We find that the vertices act as strong spin-scattering centers that hinder the developing of Aharovov-Casher and Berry phases. In particular, we show that the oscillation frequency of interference pattern can be doubled by modifying the shape of the loop from a square to a circle.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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