13,642 research outputs found

    Exploratory development of a glass ceramic automobile thermal reactor

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    This report summarizes the design, fabrication and test results obtained for glass-ceramic (CER-VIT) automotive thermal reactors. Several reactor designs were evaluated using both engine-dynamometer and vehicle road tests. A maximum reactor life of about 330 hours was achieved in engine-dynamometer tests with peak gas temperatures of about 1065 C (1950 F). Reactor failures were mechanically induced. No evidence of chemical degradation was observed. It was concluded that to be useful for longer times, the CER-VIT parts would require a mounting system that was an improvement over those tested in this program. A reactor employing such a system was designed and fabricated

    Degenerate mixing of plasma waves on cold, magnetized single-species plasmas

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    In the cold-fluid dispersion relation ω = ω_p/[1+(k_⊥/k_z)^(2]1/2) for Trivelpiece-Gould waves on an infinitely long magnetized plasma cylinder, the transverse and axial wavenumbers appear only in the combination k_⊥/k_z. As a result, for any frequency ω<ω_p, there are infinitely many degenerate waves, all having the same value of k_⊥/k_z. On a cold finite-length plasma column, these degenerate waves reflect into one another at the ends; thus, each standing-wave normal mode of the bounded plasma is a mixture of many degenerate waves, not a single standing wave as is often assumed. A striking feature of the many-wave modes is that the short-wavelength waves often add constructively along resonance cones given by dz/dr = ±(ω_p^2/ω^2-1)^(1/2). Also, the presence of short wavelengths in the admixture for a predominantly long-wavelength mode enhances the viscous damping beyond what the single-wave approximation would predict. Here, numerical solutions are obtained for modes of a cylindrical plasma column with rounded ends. Exploiting the fact that the modes of a spheroidal plasma are known analytically (the Dubin modes), a perturbation analysis is used to investigate the mixing of low-order, nearly degenerate Dubin modes caused by small deformations of a plasma spheroid

    Integrable Electron Model with Correlated Hopping and Quantum Supersymmetry

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    We give the quantum analogue of a recently introduced electron model which generalizes the Hubbard model with additional correlated hopping terms and electron pair hopping. The model contains two independent parameters and is invariant with respect to the quantum superalgebra Uq(gl(2∣1))U_q(gl(2|1)). It is integrable in one dimension by means of the quantum inverse scattering method.Comment: 7 pages, AmsTex fil
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