1,296 research outputs found

    survAIval: Survival Analysis with the Eyes of AI

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    In this study, we propose a novel approach to enrich the training data for automated driving by using a self-designed driving simulator and two human drivers to generate safety-critical corner cases in a short period of time, as already presented in~\cite{kowol22simulator}. Our results show that incorporating these corner cases during training improves the recognition of corner cases during testing, even though, they were recorded due to visual impairment. Using the corner case triggering pipeline developed in the previous work, we investigate the effectiveness of using expert models to overcome the domain gap due to different weather conditions and times of day, compared to a universal model from a development perspective. Our study reveals that expert models can provide significant benefits in terms of performance and efficiency, and can reduce the time and effort required for model training. Our results contribute to the progress of automated driving, providing a pathway for safer and more reliable autonomous vehicles on the road in the future

    Industrial production quantities and uses of ten engineered nanomaterials in Europe and the world

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    Not much is known so far about the amounts of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) that are produced but this information is crucial for environmental exposure assessment. This paper provides worldwide and Europe-wide estimates for the production and use of ten different ENM (TiO2, ZnO, FeO x , AlO x , SiO2, CeO2, Ag, quantum dots, CNT, and fullerenes) based on a survey sent to companies producing and using ENM. The companies were asked about their estimate of the worldwide or regional market and not about their company-specific production, information that they would be less likely to communicate. The study focused on the actual production quantities and not the production capacities. The survey also addressed information on distribution of the produced ENM to different product categories. The results reveal that some ENM are produced in Europe in small amounts (less than 10t/year for Ag, QDs and fullerenes). The most produced ENM is TiO2 with up to 10,000t of worldwide production. CeO2, FeO x , AlO x , ZnO, and CNT are produced between 100 and 1000t/year. The data for SiO2 cover the whole range from less than 10 to more than 10,000t/year, which is indicative of problems related to the definition of this material (is pyrogenic silica considered an ENM or not?). For seven ENM we have obtained the first estimates for their distribution to different product categories, information that also forms the base for life-cycle based exposure analysi

    A universal strategy for high-yield production of soluble and functional clostridial collagenases in E. coli

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    Clostridial collagenases are foe and friend: on the one hand, these enzymes enable host infiltration and colonization by pathogenic clostridia, and on the other hand, they are valuable biotechnological tools due to their capacity to degrade various types of collagen and gelatine. However, the demand for high-grade preparations exceeds supply due to their pathogenic origin and the intricate purification of homogeneous isoforms. We present the establishment of an Escherichia coli expression system for a variety of constructs of collagenase G (ColG) and H (ColH) from Clostridium histolyticum and collagenase T (ColT) from Clostridium tetani, mimicking the isoforms in vivo. Based on a setup of five different expression strains and two expression vectors, 12 different constructs were expressed, and a flexible purification platform was established, consisting of various orthogonal chromatography steps adaptable to the individual needs of the respective variant. This fast, cost-effective, and easy-to-establish platform enabled us to obtain at least 10 mg of highly pure mono-isoformic protein per liter of culture, ideally suited for numerous sophisticated downstream applications. This production and purification platform paves the way for systematic screenings of recombinant collagenases to enlighten the biochemical function and to identify key residues and motifs in collagenolysis

    Stratification of cumulative antibiograms in hospitals for hospital unit, specimen type, isolate sequence and duration of hospital stay

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    Background Empirical antibiotic therapy is based on patients' characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility data. Hospital-wide cumulative antibiograms may not sufficiently support informed decision-making for optimal treatment of hospitalized patients. Methods We studied different approaches to analysing antimicrobial susceptibility rates (SRs) of all diagnostic bacterial isolates collected from patients hospitalized between July 2005 and June 2007 at the University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland. We compared stratification for unit-specific, specimen type-specific (blood, urinary, respiratory versus all specimens) and isolate sequence-specific (first, follow-up versus all isolates) data with hospital-wide cumulative antibiograms, and studied changes of mean SR during the course of hospitalization. Results A total of 16 281 isolates (7965 first, 1201 follow-up and 7115 repeat isolates) were tested. We found relevant differences in SRs across different hospital departments. Mean SRs of Escherichia coli to ciprofloxacin ranged between 64.5% and 95.1% in various departments, and mean SRs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to imipenem and meropenem ranged from 54.2% to 100% and 80.4% to 100%, respectively. Compared with hospital cumulative antibiograms, lower SRs were observed in intensive care unit specimens, follow-up isolates and isolates causing nosocomial infections (except for Staphylococcus aureus). Decreasing SRs were observed in first isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci with increasing interval between hospital admission and specimen collection. Isolates from different anatomical sites showed variations in SRs. Conclusions We recommend the reporting of unit-specific rather than hospital-wide cumulative antibiograms. Decreasing antimicrobial susceptibility during hospitalization and variations in SRs in isolates from different anatomical sites should be taken into account when selecting empirical antibiotic treatmen

    Diagnostic issues and capabilities in 48 isolation facilities in 16 European countries: data from EuroNHID surveys

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    Background: Highly infectious diseases (HIDs) are defined as being transmissible from person to person, causing life-threatening illnesses and presenting a serious public health hazard. The sampling, handling and transport of specimens from patients with HIDs present specific bio-safety concerns. Findings The European Network for HID project aimed to record, in a cross-sectional study, the infection control capabilities of referral centers for HIDs across Europe and assesses the level of achievement to previously published guidelines. In this paper, we report the current diagnostic capabilities and bio-safety measures applied to diagnostic procedures in these referral centers. Overall, 48 isolation facilities in 16 European countries were evaluated. Although 81% of these referral centers are located near a biosafety level 3 laboratory, 11% and 31% of them still performed their microbiological and routine diagnostic analyses, respectively, without bio-safety measures. Conclusions: The discrepancies among the referral centers surveyed between the level of practices and the European Network of Infectious Diseases (EUNID) recommendations have multiple reasons of which the interest of the individuals in charge and the investment they put in preparedness to emerging outbreaks. Despite the fact that the less prepared centers can improve by just updating their practice and policies any support to help them to achieve an acceptable level of biosecurity is welcome

    Accumulation of specific sterol precursors targets a MAP kinase cascade mediating cell-cell recognition and fusion

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    Sterols are vital components of eukaryotic cell membranes. Defects in sterol biosynthesis, which result in the accumulation of precursor molecules, are commonly associated with cellular disorders and disease. However, the effects of these sterol precursors on the metabolism, signaling, and behavior of cells are only poorly understood. In this study, we show that the accumulation of only ergosterol precursors with a conjugated double bond in their aliphatic side chain specifically disrupts cell–cell communication and fusion in the fungus Neurospora crassa. Genetically identical germinating spores of this fungus undergo cell–cell fusion, thereby forming a highly interconnected supracellular network during colony initiation. Before fusion, the cells use an unusual signaling mechanism that involves the coordinated and alternating switching between signal sending and receiving states of the two fusion partners. Accumulation of only ergosterol precursors with a conjugated double bond in their aliphatic side chain disrupts this coordinated cell–cell communication and suppresses cell fusion. These specific sterol precursors target a single ERK-like mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (MAK-1)-signaling cascade, whereas a second MAP kinase pathway (MAK-2), which is also involved in cell fusion, is unaffected. These observations indicate that a minor specific change in sterol structure can exert a strong detrimental effect on a key signaling pathway of the cell, resulting in the absence of cell fusion

    The furan microsolvation blind challenge for quantum chemical methods: First steps

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    © 2018 Author(s). Herein we present the results of a blind challenge to quantum chemical methods in the calculation of dimerization preferences in the low temperature gas phase. The target of study was the first step of the microsolvation of furan, 2-methylfuran and 2,5-dimethylfuran with methanol. The dimers were investigated through IR spectroscopy of a supersonic jet expansion. From the measured bands, it was possible to identify a persistent hydrogen bonding OH-O motif in the predominant species. From the presence of another band, which can be attributed to an OH-π interaction, we were able to assert that the energy gap between the two types of dimers should be less than or close to 1 kJ/mol across the series. These values served as a first evaluation ruler for the 12 entries featured in the challenge. A tentative stricter evaluation of the challenge results is also carried out, combining theoretical and experimental results in order to define a smaller error bar. The process was carried out in a double-blind fashion, with both theory and experimental groups unaware of the results on the other side, with the exception of the 2,5-dimethylfuran system which was featured in an earlier publication

    Isolation facilities for highly infectious diseases in Europe - A cross-sectional analysis in 16 countries

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    BACKGROUND: Highly Infectious Diseases (HIDs) are (i) easily transmissible form person to person; (ii) cause a life-threatening illness with no or few treatment options; and (iii) pose a threat for both personnel and the public. Hence, even suspected HID cases should be managed in specialised facilities minimizing infection risks but allowing state-of-the-art critical care. Consensus statements on the operational management of isolation facilities have been published recently. The study presented was set up to compare the operational management, resources, and technical equipment among European isolation facilities. Due to differences in geography, population density, and national response plans it was hypothesized that adherence to recommendations will vary. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Until mid of 2010 the European Network for Highly Infectious Diseases conducted a cross-sectional analysis of isolation facilities in Europe, recruiting 48 isolation facilities in 16 countries. Three checklists were disseminated, assessing 44 items and 148 specific questions. The median feedback rate for specific questions was 97.9% (n = 47/48) (range: n = 7/48 (14.6%) to n = 48/48 (100%). Although all facilities enrolled were nominated specialised facilities' serving countries or regions, their design, equipment and personnel management varied. Eighteen facilities fulfilled the definition of a High Level Isolation Unit'. In contrast, 24 facilities could not operate independently from their co-located hospital, and five could not ensure access to equipment essential for infection control. Data presented are not representative for the EU in general, as only 16/27 (59.3%) of all Member States agreed to participate. Another limitation of this study is the time elapsed between data collection and publication; e.g. in Germany one additional facility opened in the meantime. CONCLUSION: There are disparities both within and between European countries regarding the design and equipment of isolation facilities. With regard to the International Health Regulations, terminology, capacities and equipment should be standardised

    Amenability of groups and GG-sets

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    This text surveys classical and recent results in the field of amenability of groups, from a combinatorial standpoint. It has served as the support of courses at the University of G\"ottingen and the \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure. The goals of the text are (1) to be as self-contained as possible, so as to serve as a good introduction for newcomers to the field; (2) to stress the use of combinatorial tools, in collaboration with functional analysis, probability etc., with discrete groups in focus; (3) to consider from the beginning the more general notion of amenable actions; (4) to describe recent classes of examples, and in particular groups acting on Cantor sets and topological full groups