4 research outputs found

    The Mechanism of Solid State Joining THA with AlMg3Mn Alloy

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    The results of experimental study of solid state joining of tungsten heavy alloy (THA) with AlMg3Mn alloy are presented. The aim of these investigations was to study the mechanism of joining two extremely different materials used for military applications. The continuous rotary friction welding method was used in the experiment. The parameters of friction welding process i.e. friction load and friction time in whole studies were changed in the range 10 to 30kN and 0,5 to 10s respectively while forging load and time were constant and equals 50kN and 5s. The results presented here concerns only a small part whole studies which were described elsewhere. These are focused on the mechanism of joining which can be adhesive or diffusion controlled. The experiment included macro- and microstructure observations which were supplemented with SEM investigations. The goal of the last one was to reveal the character of fracture surface after tensile test and to looking for anticipated diffusion of aluminum into THA matrix. The results showed that joining of THA with AlMg2Mn alloy has mainly adhesive character, although the diffusion cannot be excluded

    The Tactical and Technical Characteristics of Medium Calibre Programmable Ammunition Analysis

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    Przedmiotem analizy była amunicja produkowana przez firmy: Oerlikon oraz Bofors, o kalibrach 30, 35, 40 oraz 57 mm. Analizowane naboje reprezentowały dwie grupy, różniące się konstrukcją, to jest: typem pocisku i zapalnika oraz sposobem jego programowania. Amunicja pierwszej grupy charakteryzowała się zastosowaniem pocisku typu szrapnel i zapalnika czasowego, programowanego po wylocie pocisku z przewodu lufy, zaś amunicja drugiej grupy posiadała pocisk odłamkowy z elementami o wymuszonej fragmentacji i wielofunkcyjny zapalnik czasowo-zbliżeniowy, programowany przed załadowaniem naboju do komory nabojowej. Przedstawiona metodyka analizy i otrzymane wyniki pozwalają na dokonanie porównania i wstępną ocenę systemu uzbrojenia strzelającego amunicją programowalną pod kątem jego efektywności.The subject of analysis was ammunition produced by: Oerlikon and Bofors (30, 35, 40 and 57 mm calibre). The analysed ammunition represented two groups, differ by construction, which is: type of shell, fuse and the method of programming. TheAmmunition of first group was characterised by shrapnel type of shell and time fuse, programming after exiting the barrel. The second group is specified by fragmentation shell with forced fragmentation elements and multifunctional time-proximity fuse, programmed before round is loaded to the chamber. The presented method of analysis and results will allow to do comparison and initial prognosis of programmable ammunition firing system, by efficiency

    The Mechanism of Solid State Joining THA with AlMg3Mn Alloy

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    The results of experimental study of solid state joining of tungsten heavy alloy (THA) with AlMg3Mn alloy are presented. The aim of these investigations was to study the mechanism of joining two extremely different materials used for military applications. The continuous rotary friction welding method was used in the experiment. The parameters of friction welding process i.e. friction load and friction time in whole studies were changed in the range 10 to 30kN and 0,5 to 10s respectively while forging load and time were constant and equals 50kN and 5s. The results presented here concerns only a small part whole studies which were described elsewhere. These are focused on the mechanism of joining which can be adhesive or diffusion controlled. The experiment included macro- and microstructure observations which were supplemented with SEM investigations. The goal of the last one was to reveal the character of fracture surface after tensile test and to looking for anticipated diffusion of aluminum into THA matrix. The results showed that joining of THA with AlMg2Mn alloy has mainly adhesive character, although the diffusion cannot be excluded

    Application of friction welding of Weight Heavy Alloy with wrought AlMg3 alloy for special purposes

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    Przedmiotem pracy są wyniki badań procesu zgrzewania tarciowego wolframowego stopu ciężkiego WHA (ang. Weight Heavy Alloy) ze stopem aluminium AlMg3. Stwierdzono, że zgrzewanie tarciowe wolframowego stopu ciężkiego o gęstości 17,5 Mg/m3 ze stopem Al zapewnia uzyskanie wytrzymałości złącza przewyższającej granicę plastyczności obrobionego plastycznie stopu AlMg3. Wytrzymałość złącza wydaje się obiecująca z punktu widzenia wymagań, jakie muszą być spełnione w wypadku amunicji podkalibrowej, gdzie pręty z WHA pełnią funkcję penetratorów kinetycznych i w których stop aluminium stanowi czepiec balistyczny.The results of studies concerning friction welding of Weight Heavy Alloy (WHA) with AlMg3 alloy are presented. The friction welding of density 17,5 Mg/m3 with aluminum alloy showed that it is possible to reach the joints with the strength exceeding the yield strength of wrought AlMg3 alloy. This strength looks to be promising from point of view of condition which have to be fulfilled in case of armor subcaliber ammunition, where WHA rods play the role Kinetic Energy Penetrators and aluminum is used for projectile ballistic cup