175 research outputs found

    Aspects of blockchain reliability considering its consensus algorithms

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    The reliability of blockchain as an information system is discussed in this article. There were considered two types of models for blockchain systems. One assumes an almost ideal decentralized network with the probability of a software crush on an independent nodes, other adds to this approach a probability of the communication channels corruption. We study consensus algorithms used in blockchain and make assumptions about their reliability and functioning in practice

    Electrical Stimulation Modulates High γ Activity and Human Memory Performance.

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    Direct electrical stimulation of the brain has emerged as a powerful treatment for multiple neurological diseases, and as a potential technique to enhance human cognition. Despite its application in a range of brain disorders, it remains unclear how stimulation of discrete brain areas affects memory performance and the underlying electrophysiological activities. Here, we investigated the effect of direct electrical stimulation in four brain regions known to support declarative memory: hippocampus (HP), parahippocampal region (PH) neocortex, prefrontal cortex (PF), and lateral temporal cortex (TC). Intracranial EEG recordings with stimulation were collected from 22 patients during performance of verbal memory tasks. We found that high γ (62-118 Hz) activity induced by word presentation was modulated by electrical stimulation. This modulatory effect was greatest for trials with poor memory encoding. The high γ modulation correlated with the behavioral effect of stimulation in a given brain region: it was negative, i.e., the induced high γ activity was decreased, in the regions where stimulation decreased memory performance, and positive in the lateral TC where memory enhancement was observed. Our results suggest that the effect of electrical stimulation on high γ activity induced by word presentation may be a useful biomarker for mapping memory networks and guiding therapeutic brain stimulation

    Electrophysiological Signatures of Spatial Boundaries in the Human Subiculum.

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    Environmental boundaries play a crucial role in spatial navigation and memory across a wide range of distantly related species. In rodents, boundary representations have been identified at the single-cell level in the subiculum and entorhinal cortex of the hippocampal formation. Although studies of hippocampal function and spatial behavior suggest that similar representations might exist in humans, boundary-related neural activity has not been identified electrophysiologically in humans until now. To address this gap in the literature, we analyzed intracranial recordings from the hippocampal formation of surgical epilepsy patients (of both sexes) while they performed a virtual spatial navigation task and compared the power in three frequency bands (1-4, 4-10, and 30-90 Hz) for target locations near and far from the environmental boundaries. Our results suggest that encoding locations near boundaries elicited stronger theta oscillations than for target locations near the center of the environment and that this difference cannot be explained by variables such as trial length, speed, movement, or performance. These findings provide direct evidence of boundary-dependent neural activity localized in humans to the subiculum, the homolog of the hippocampal subregion in which most boundary cells are found in rodents, and indicate that this system can represent attended locations that rather than the position of one\u27s own body

    Ripple oscillations in the left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

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    Background: We sought to determine if ripple oscillations (80-120Hz), detected in intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings of epilepsy patients, correlate with an enhancement or disruption of verbal episodic memory encoding. Methods: We defined ripple and spike events in depth iEEG recordings during list learning in 107 patients with focal epilepsy. We used logistic regression models (LRMs) to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of ripple and spike events during word presentation and the odds of successful word recall following a distractor epoch, and included the seizure onset zone (SOZ) as a covariate in the LRMs. Results: We detected events during 58,312 word presentation trials from 7,630 unique electrode sites. The probability of ripple on spike (RonS) events was increased in the seizure onset zone (SOZ, p<0.04). In the left temporal neocortex RonS events during word presentation corresponded with a decrease in the odds ratio (OR) of successful recall, however this effect only met significance in the SOZ (OR of word recall 0.71, 95% CI: 0.59-0.85, n=158 events, adaptive Hochberg p<0.01). Ripple on oscillation events (RonO) that occurred in the left temporal neocortex non-SOZ also correlated with decreased odds of successful recall (OR 0.52, 95% CI: 0.34-0.80, n=140, adaptive Hochberg , p<0.01). Spikes and RonS that occurred during word presentation in the left middle temporal gyrus during word presentation correlated with the most significant decrease in the odds of successful recall, irrespective of the location of the SOZ (adaptive Hochberg, p<0.01). Conclusion: Ripples and spikes generated in left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

    White Matter Network Architecture Guides Direct Electrical Stimulation Through Optimal State Transitions

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    Electrical brain stimulation is currently being investigated as a therapy for neurological disease. However, opportunities to optimize such therapies are challenged by the fact that the beneficial impact of focal stimulation on both neighboring and distant regions is not well understood. Here, we use network control theory to build a model of brain network function that makes predictions about how stimulation spreads through the brain's white matter network and influences large-scale dynamics. We test these predictions using combined electrocorticography (ECoG) and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) data who volunteered to participate in an extensive stimulation regimen. We posit a specific model-based manner in which white matter tracts constrain stimulation, defining its capacity to drive the brain to new states, including states associated with successful memory encoding. In a first validation of our model, we find that the true pattern of white matter tracts can be used to more accurately predict the state transitions induced by direct electrical stimulation than the artificial patterns of null models. We then use a targeted optimal control framework to solve for the optimal energy required to drive the brain to a given state. We show that, intuitively, our model predicts larger energy requirements when starting from states that are farther away from a target memory state. We then suggest testable hypotheses about which structural properties will lead to efficient stimulation for improving memory based on energy requirements. Our work demonstrates that individual white matter architecture plays a vital role in guiding the dynamics of direct electrical stimulation, more generally offering empirical support for the utility of network control theoretic models of brain response to stimulation

    SorCS2 facilitates release of endostatin from astrocytes and controls post-stroke angiogenesis

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    SorCS2 is an intracellular sorting receptor of the VPS10P domain receptor gene family recently implicated in oxidative stress response. Here, we interrogated the relevance of stress-related activities of SorCS2 in the brain by exploring its role in ischemic stroke in mouse models and in patients. Although primarily seen in neurons in the healthy brain, expression of SorCS2 was massively induced in astrocytes surrounding the ischemic core in mice following stroke. Post-stroke induction was likely a result of increased levels of transforming growth factor β1 in damaged brain tissue, inducing Sorcs2 gene transcription in astrocytes but not neurons. Induced astrocytic expression of SorCS2 was also seen in stroke patients, substantiating the clinical relevance of this observation. In astrocytes in vitro and in the mouse brain in vivo, SorCS2 specifically controlled release of endostatin, a factor linked to post-stroke angiogenesis. The ability of astrocytes to release endostatin acutely after stroke was lost in mice deficient for SorCS2, resulting in a blunted endostatin response which coincided with impaired vascularization of the ischemic brain. Our findings identified activated astrocytes as a source for endostatin in modulation of post-stroke angiogenesis, and the importance of the sorting receptor SorCS2 in this brain stress response

    A new rhynchocephalian from the late jurassic of Germany with a dentition that is unique amongst tetrapods.

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    Rhynchocephalians, the sister group of squamates (lizards and snakes), are only represented by the single genus Sphenodon today. This taxon is often considered to represent a very conservative lineage. However, rhynchocephalians were common during the late Triassic to latest Jurassic periods, but rapidly declined afterwards, which is generally attributed to their supposedly adaptive inferiority to squamates and/or Mesozoic mammals, which radiated at that time. New finds of Mesozoic rhynchocephalians can thus provide important new information on the evolutionary history of the group. A new fossil relative of Sphenodon from the latest Jurassic of southern Germany, Oenosaurus muehlheimensis gen. et sp. nov., presents a dentition that is unique amongst tetrapods. The dentition of this taxon consists of massive, continuously growing tooth plates, probably indicating a crushing dentition, thus representing a previously unknown trophic adaptation in rhynchocephalians. The evolution of the extraordinary dentition of Oenosaurus from the already highly specialized Zahnanlage generally present in derived rhynchocephalians demonstrates an unexpected evolutionary plasticity of these animals. Together with other lines of evidence, this seriously casts doubts on the assumption that rhynchocephalians are a conservative and adaptively inferior lineage. Furthermore, the new taxon underlines the high morphological and ecological diversity of rhynchocephalians in the latest Jurassic of Europe, just before the decline of this lineage on this continent. Thus, selection pressure by radiating squamates or Mesozoic mammals alone might not be sufficient to explain the demise of the clade in the Late Mesozoic, and climate change in the course of the fragmentation of the supercontinent of Pangaea might have played a major role

    Lateralized hippocampal oscillations underlie distinct aspects of human spatial memory and navigation

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    The hippocampus plays a vital role in various aspects of cognition including both memory and spatial navigation. To understand electrophysiologically how the hippocampus supports these processes, we recorded intracranial electroencephalographic activity from 46 neurosurgical patients as they performed a spatial memory task. We measure signals from multiple brain regions, including both left and right hippocampi, and we use spectral analysis to identify oscillatory patterns related to memory encoding and navigation. We show that in the left but not right hippocampus, the amplitude of oscillations in the 1–3-Hz “low theta” band increases when viewing subsequently remembered object–location pairs. In contrast, in the right but not left hippocampus, low-theta activity increases during periods of navigation. The frequencies of these hippocampal signals are slower than task-related signals in the neocortex. These results suggest that the human brain includes multiple lateralized oscillatory networks that support different aspects of cognition