1,867 research outputs found

    ¿Camuflaje o transformación? Estrategia profesional de las mujeres en carreras tecnológicas altamente masculinizadas

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    La escasa presencia de mujeres en los estudios y en las carreras tecnológicas y de ingeniería ha generado un volumen importante de trabajos teóricos, así como de investigaciones empíricas, que han tratado esta temática. Las políticas de atracción de talento femenino han incidido positivamente en la presencia de mujeres en dichas àreas, pero aún sigue siendo minoritaria. El presente artículo aborda el problema desde otra perspectiva, examinando la cultura del mérito y el sistema de progresión en estas carreras profesionales. La metodología adoptada es un estudio de caso sobre una escuela de ingeniería de una universidad española. Se analizan los discursos de los profesores teniendo en cuenta el clima diferente en cada departamento (entre otros factores, mayor o menor feminización). Los resultados indican que los cambios que se han producido en los últimos años han sido causados más por factores externos y estructurales, que por la transformación de la cultura masculinizada de las carreras tecnológicas y de ingenierías. Otro resultado que se obtiene es que, tras el discurso del mérito, aún se siguen justificando el statu quo y la exclusión social de las mujeres.L'escassa presència de dones en els estudis i en les carreres tecnològiques i d'enginyeria ha generat un important nombre de treballs teòrics, així com d'investigacions empíriques, que han tractat aquesta temàtica. Les polítiques d'atracció de talent femení han incidit positivament en la presència de dones en aquestes àrees, però encara continua sent minoritària. El present article aborda el problema des d'una altra perspectiva, examinant la cultura del mèrit i el sistema de progressió en aquestes carreres professionals. La metodologia adoptada és un estudi de cas sobre una escola d'enginyeria d'una universitat espanyola. S'hi analitzen els discursos dels professors tenint en compte el clima diferent en cada departament (entre altres factors, més o menys feminització). Els resultats indiquen que els canvis que s'hi han produït en els darrers anys han estat causats més per factors externs i estructurals, que no pas per la transformació de la cultura masculinitzada de les tecnologies i les enginyeries. Un altre resultat és que, tot i el discurs del mèrit, encara se segueixen justificant l'statu quo i l'exclusió social de les dones.The lack of women in technology and engineering studies and careers has yielded a high number of theoretical and empirical studies. Policies to attract female talent have had a positive influence, but women are still a minority in these areas. This paper addresses the question from other perspectives, exploring the culture of merit and the system of progression in these careers. The methodology is a case study in an engineering school at a Spanish university. The discourse of the teacher is analysed taking into account the different cultural climates that exist in different departments (among other factors, their being more or less feminised). The results indicate that the changes over recent years have been caused by external and structural factors rather than the transformation of the male culture in technology and engineering careers. Another result indicates that behind the official meritocracy lies a justification for the status quo and the consequent social exclusion of women

    Women in Scientific Careers Unleashing the Potential

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    Los actores de los sistemas de I+D+i de las regiones periféricas

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    Los estudios sobre los sistemas de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i) han realizado avances significativos al adoptar una perspectiva regional, con análisis más ajustados de las características de los actores en la estructura económica y social. También la clase política ha prestado más atención a la planificación de las políticas públicas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación, con el propósito de ser más eficientes. Sin embargo, la orientación de los estudios regionales de innovación permanece anclada en los sistemas más exitosos: Silicon Valley, Manchester, Lyon..., sin que sepamos con certeza si estas mismas claves pueden generalizarse a otras regiones, especialmente las periféricas, con escaso o ningún desarrollo industrial y, por tanto, con situaciones muy poco favorables para el desarrollo de las economías del conocimiento. En este trabajo analizamos las actitudes y las opiniones de los actores principales del sistema de I+D+i de Canarias, que es una región ultraperiférica y no industrializada. La metodología basada en grupos de discusión y grupos Delphi nos permitirá establecer la manera de pensar y de actuar de los agentes locales. Podremos mostrar entonces que, además de la estructura de la región, la actitud que adoptan los agentes sociales desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo exitoso del sistema regional de I+D+i.Studies of the R&D and innovation system have been making relevant progress when adopting a regional perspective with more apropiate analysis of the characteristics of the actors in the economic and political structure. Political stakeholders have also attended to planning public policies in science and technology and innovation with the aim of being more efficient. However, orientation of regional studies of innovation is anchored in success systems: Silicon Valley, Manchester, Lyon..., but we do not know certainly if these same key elements could be generalised for other regions, especially, periphery regions with nearly or none industrial development, and, therefore, with a little or no development industrial, and, therefore, with a situation very unfavorable for developing knowledge-based economies. In this work we analyse attitudes and opinions of main actors of Canary R&D and innovation system, which is an ultraperipheral and non industrialised region. The methodology based on discussion and Delphi groups allow us to establish the way of thinking and behaviour of local agents. We will be able to show, thus, in addition to the structure of the region, that the attitude adopted by the social agents play a fundamental role in the develop of the regional R&D and innovation system

    Razones para emigrar y retornar. Trayectorias internacionales del personal directivo y emprendedor de industrias innovadoras en España

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    El presente trabajo analiza la experiencia migratoria de personas directivas y empresarias en sectores innovadores. El objetivo consiste, en primer lugar, en identificar los factores explicativos de la movilidad internacional del personal altamente cualificado. En segundo lugar, se analiza la influencia que tiene la movilidad internacional en las carreras profesionales del personal altamente cualificado. Este análisis será abordado desde una perspectiva de género, es decir, comparando las diferencias existentes entre hombres y mujeres en sus estrategias de movilidad y de desarrollo profesional. La metodología está basada en entrevistas realizadas a directivas y directivos y empresarias y empresarios nacionales y extranjeros con una experiencia internacional significativa en cuanto a su duración y a las funciones cumplidas. Los resultados demuestran que las razones de ida están relacionadas con motivaciones de mejora formativa, aunque con un propósito muy determinado hacia la internacionalización de su perfil profesional. Una vez completado este ciclo, la mayoría decide volver por razones personales y/o profesionales. El análisis de género refleja la agencia de las mujeres en las estrategias de movilidad, pero también que los factores familiares tienen mayor peso que entre los hombres.This work analyses the migration experience of managers and entrepreneurs involved in innovation sectors. The first objective is to identify explanatory factors of the international mobility of highly skilled personnel, while the second is to analyse the influence of international mobility in the professional careers of these individuals. The analysis is conducted from a gender perspective in which the differences between men and women's mobility strategies and professional development are compared. The methodology is based on interviews carried out among national and international managers and entrepreneurs with significant international experience in terms of length and functions. The results show that reasons for migrating are related to training, although there is a clear orientation towards the internationalisation of career profiles. Once the cycle is completed, most decide to return for professional and/or personal reasons. The gender analysis reflects the agency of women in mobility strategies, but reveals that women are more influenced than men by family issues

    International mobility of women in science and technology careers: shaping plans for personal and professional purposes

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    International mobility has become a key requirement in science and technology (S&T) professional career progression. On the one hand, the increasing mobility of women suggests that this may be a way for them to avoid or get away from women-unfriendly working environments. On the other hand, international mobility can present problems for women as they, particularly, have to plan their lives around their professional goals and personal lives. This article addresses the international mobility strategies of women regarding their personal and professional choices. We analyse their motivations to move, the way they manage their lives abroad and the effects of mobility on their lives. The analysis is based on 24 in-depth interviews of highly skilled women working in Spanish S&T sectors. Our main findings show that mobility is a new challenge which may improve women's family lives and professional careers. However, they have to plan carefully their lives on a long-term as well as a daily basis. In this sense, they need strong personal determination and the ability to balance their professional and personal goals. Moreover, their personal decisions depend not only on them as individuals, but also on their partners and families, on wider social values, on the institutional support they enjoy, and on the general public policies which they are affected by

    Beyond the work-life balance: family and international mobility of the highly skilled

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    International mobility of the highly skilled has become one of the cornerstones of development in the current knowledge society. Correspondingly, highly skilled personnel are impelled to move abroad in order to improve their competences and build influential professional networks. Mobility implies some advantages involving personal, social and family opportunities when movers experience handicaps in their country of origin. For movers, mobility becomes a new challenge beyond the work-family balance, particularly for women who usually take on the lion's share of childcare and domestic tasks within the family. The literature exploring the gender dimension in relation to international mobility points to complex outcomes. Firstly, women are taking on a more active role in international mobility processes, even when they have family. Secondly, family and international mobility are interrelated both for men and for women, although family could become a hindrance, particularly for women. Thirdly, international mobility and women's career development may interfere with family formation or modify traditional family values. Finally, families moving abroad constitute a challenge for public policy, since they present a new area of problems. We aim to analyse the relationship between international mobility and family based on in-depth interviews from a purposive sample of highly skilled personnel in science and technology. The results of our research suggest that international mobility of the highly skilled has effects on the family and vice versa; however, while international mobility and family are compatible, measures and policies to reconcile them are still insufficient

    Family and research: gender-based and family strategies by Spanish female researchers

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    Los valores relacionados con la familia y la estructura familiar son decisivos para consolidar las trayectorias profesionales de las mujeres científicas. Al mismo tiempo, las condiciones laborales y profesionales en ciencia (movilidad, implicación en el trabajo, etc.) condicionan las estructuras familiares de estas mujeres. Los resultados de este trabajo revelan que las investigadoras españolas muestran un fuerte compromiso con la familia pero también con sus aspiraciones profesionales. Para lograr ambos objetivos, las mujeres desarrollan diferentes estrategias familiares que son analizadas en este trabajo.Values related to family and family structure are decisive to the professional progression of women scientists. At the same time, professional and labour conditions in science (mobility, working intensity, etc.) influence family structures of these women. The results of this work show that Spanish researchers display a strong commitment to the family and also their professional aspirations. To achieve both goals, women develop different family strategies which are analysed in this work

    Inclusion of Women in Science. Long-term strategies for alone or with partners’ women

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    Throughout history the division of gender roles has been a serious impediment for women working in science. Although they never desisted from conducting research, firstly as amateur and later as professional, they stood outside of scientific institutions and even now they hold low positions of ladder career. Women are finally in research institutions but they still need to make great efforts to achieve recognition from their colleagues and gatekeepers. Using the biographies of some contemporary scientific women, the objective of this work is to discover the role of partners at women’s professional advancement. Their partners’ role can supports, interferes or outlines professional decisions of women. This work also compares different cohorts of women scientist since a long-term approach that underlines social changes in Spanish society. Findings reveal that women need to plan very carefully work-life balance because some of the most important milestones coincide in the life-course. Social expectations regarding gender roles also mold women’s decisions even when they are professionals and totally independents. The role of partners if they both collaborate, family background, financial status, childcare facilities, workplace environments and gender policies also contribute to success of women in professional careers