4 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Value of Specific Markers in the Verification of Bacterial Nature of the Inflammatory Processes n the Respiratory System

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    Introduction. Recently, there are accumulated more data on the role of infection as a risk factor for wheezing syndrome, bronchial asthma (BA) and its exacerbations, which often calls for differential diagnosis with such complications, as pneumonia of bacterial or viral etiology. Objective of the study: in order to improve the diagnosis of bacterial inflammations of the airways in children of all ages to explore some results of the patients’ survey. Materials and methods. Comprehensively, we have examined 279 sick children, from infancy to the preschool age. The first (I) clinical group consisted of 100 infants, who were admitted to the hospital for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (BP). The second (II) group included 56 children with asthma, in whom we have confirmed the bacterial nature of febrile asthma attacks. The third (III) group consisted of 46 BA patients with confirmed viral nature of febrile asthma exacerbations. The fourth (IV) group included 77 infants with acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) in the form of acute bronchitis (45 children), bronchiolitis (15 cases) and viral pneumonia (17 patients). Results and their discussion. The white blood cell count of the peripheral blood revealed in patients with BP the presence of bacterial and inflammatory process in contrast to peers with ARVI. The study of C-reactive protein concentrations in the blood serum allowed us to obtain the following results: the average content of this protein and in I clinical group was 67.26 ± 4.90 mg/l, in IV group — 22.39 ± 4.40 mg/l, in II group — 56.2 ± 2.6 mg/l and in III comparison group— 28.8 ± 2.4 mg/l (PI : II, III, IV; II : III, IV < 0.05). Conclusions. Consequently, none of the studied clinical and paraclinical markers have an independent diagnostic value in confirming bacterial inflammation

    Therapeutic equivalence of domestic and foreign nifuroxazide preparations in the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children

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    Резюме. Стаття присвячена питанням лікування гострих кишкових інфекцій у дітей, а саме застосуванню антибіотикотерапії. Акцентується увага на призначенні нітрофуранових ентеросептиків, провідне місце серед яких посідає ніфуроксазид. Наведені дані дослідження ефективності та переносимості препарату Ніфуроксазид українського виробника з метою порівняння його з референтним препаратом Ніфуроксазид Ріхтер. Доведено, що ефективність та переносимість вищевказаних препаратів є терапевтично еквівалентними. Резюме. Статья посвящена вопросам лечения острых кишечных инфекций у детей, а именно применению антибиотикотерапии. Акцентируется внимание на назначении нитрофурановых энтеросептиков, ведущее место среди которых занимает нифуроксазид. Приведены данные исследования эффективности и переносимости препарата Нифуроксазид украинского производителя с целью сравнения его с референтным препаратом Нифуроксазид Рихтер. Доказано, что эффективность и переносимость вышеуказанных препаратов терапевтически эквивалентны. Abstract. The article deals with the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children, namely the use of antibiotic therapy. Attention is focused on the prescription of nitrofuran enteroseptics, the leading place among which belongs to nifuroxazide. The data are presented of the study on the efficacy and tolerability of Ukrainian Nifuroxazide in order to compare it with the referent drug Nifuroxazide Richter. The efficacy and tolerability of the above drugs have been shown to be therapeutically equivalent

    Effects of differently polarized microwave radiation on the microscopic structure of the nuclei in human fibroblasts

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    To investigate the influence of microwave radiation on the human fibroblast nuclei, the effects of three variants of electromagnetic wave polarization, linear and left-handed and right-handed elliptically polarized, were examined. Experimental conditions were: frequency (f) 36.65 GHz, power density (P) at the surface of exposed object 1, 10, 30, and 100 µW/cm2, exposure time 10 s. Human fibroblasts growing in a monolayer on a cover slide were exposed to microwave electromagnetic radiation. The layer of medium that covered cells during microwave exposure was about 1 mm thick. Cells were stained immediately after irradiation by 2% (w/v) orcein solution in 45% (w/v) acetic acid. Experiments were made at room temperature (25 °C), and control cell samples were processed in the same conditions. We assessed heterochromatin granule quantity (HGQ) at 600× magnification. Microwave irradiation at the intensity of 1 µW/cm2 produced no effect, and irradiation at the intensities of 10 and 100 µW/cm2 induced an increase in HGQ. More intense irradiation induced more chromatin condensation. The right-handed elliptically polarized radiation revealed more biological activity than the left-handed polarized one