651 research outputs found

    Age of second language acquisition affects nonverbal conflict processing in children : an fMRI study

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    Background: In their daily communication, bilinguals switch between two languages, a process that involves the selection of a target language and minimization of interference from a nontarget language. Previous studies have uncovered the neural structure in bilinguals and the activation patterns associated with performing verbal conflict tasks. One question that remains, however is whether this extra verbal switching affects brain function during nonverbal conflict tasks. Methods: In this study, we have used fMRI to investigate the impact of bilingualism in children performing two nonverbal tasks involving stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. Three groups of 8-11-year-old children - bilinguals from birth (2L1), second language learners (L2L), and a control group of monolinguals (1L1) - were scanned while performing a color Simon and a numerical Stroop task. Reaction times and accuracy were logged. Results: Compared to monolingual controls, bilingual children showed higher behavioral congruency effect of these tasks, which is matched by the recruitment of brain regions that are generally used in general cognitive control, language processing or to solve language conflict situations in bilinguals (caudate nucleus, posterior cingulate gyrus, STG, precuneus). Further, the activation of these areas was found to be higher in 2L1 compared to L2L. Conclusion: The coupling of longer reaction times to the recruitment of extra language-related brain areas supports the hypothesis that when dealing with language conflicts the specialization of bilinguals hampers the way they can process with nonverbal conflicts, at least at early stages in life

    Development of Casbar: a Two-phase Flow Code for the Interior Ballistics Problem

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    Accurate modelling of gun interior ballistic processes aids in the design and analysis of guns and their propelling charges. Presently, the most accurate modelling of the interior ballistics problem is provided by two-phase, multidimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. We present our development of a CFD code, Casbar, which solves a two-phase (gas/particulate) flow problem in axisymmetric geometries. Our model is based on the governing equations for two-phase flow derived from separated flow theory. A finite-volume discretisation of the governing equations is used. The resulting set of equations is solved with a timestep-splitting approach based on the separation of various physical processes. We also present the modelling for the component physics such as propellant combustion and interphase drag. In addition, the solver includes the motion of the projectile and its influence on the flow dynamics. The capabilities of the code are demonstrated with some verification exercises

    Simulation of CO2–N2 expansion tunnel flow for the study of radiating bluntbody shock layers

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    A 25MJ/kg CO2–N2 expansion tunnel condition has been developed for the X2 impulse facility at the University of Queensland. A hybrid Lagrangian and Navier–Stokes computational simulation technique is found to give good correlation with experimentally measured shock speeds and pressure traces. The use of an inertial diaphragm model for describing secondary diaphragm rupture is found to estimate between 4% and 25% more CO2 recombination over the test time than the widely accepted holding-time model. The obtained freestream conditions are assessed for application to proposed bluntbody spectroscopy and subscale aeroshell experiments. The chemically and vibrationally excited freestream test gas is found to prevent exact thermochemical similarity from being achieved, and the strong radiation–flowfield coupling characteristic of Mars aerocapture conditions cannot be reproduced experimentally

    Effect of Vortex-injection Interaction on Wall Heat Transfer in a Flat Plate and Fin Corner Geometry

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    More flexible and economical access to space is achievable using hypersonic air-breathing propulsion. One of the main challenges for hypersonic air-breathing propulsion is reaching high combustion efficiency within the short residence time of the flow in the engine. Lengthening the combustor is not a viable option due to its many drawbacks, and the use of hypermixers or strut injectors increases mixing efficiency at the cost of increasing losses and heat load. On the contrary, inlet-generated vortices are an intrinsic feature of many scramjet inlets, and can be used to enhance mixing, incurring minimal losses and heat load increase. A previous computational study used a canonical geometry consisting of a flat plate with a fin at different deflection angles to investigate the ability of inlet-generated vortices to enhance the mixing rate. Significant increases in mixing rate were obtained due to the vortex-fuel plume interaction. The flow conditions were equivalent to those found in a rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition scramjet inlet at a Mach 12, 50 kPa constant dynamic pressure trajectory. Despite the minimal heat load increase of this approach, characterization of the vortex-fuel plume interaction effect on the wall heat transfer is required. In this work, the previous study is extended, describing the effect of the vortex-fuel plume interaction on wall heat transfer. Heat flux in the vicinity of the porthole injector reaches 200 % compared to the baseline case with no vortex interaction. Moreover, the injection bow shock affects the corner region, creating pockets of heat flux up to 75 % larger than the unaffected region. Additionally, the evolution of the fuel plume downstream of the injector location is investigated, describing the relationship between local maxima and minima of heat flux, and the location of the fuel on the wall surface. This relationship can be exploited in experimental data acquisition to obtain the fuel location from heat flux data. The viability of this experimental approach is explored using computational data, confirming that through careful sensor placement, position measurements with an accuracy higher than ±5 mm can be achieved

    Superorbital expansion tube operation: estimates of flow conditions via numerical simulation

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    Two new operating conditions of the X3 superorbital expansion tube are studied experimentally and numerically. A two-stage numerical simulation is used to model the flow processes within the whole facility, from the compressed driver gas, through the initial shock-processing of the test gas and then through the unsteady expansion process to the final test flow state. Experimental measurements provide static pressure histories at particular points along the shock and acceleration tubes while the numerical simulations provide complementary information on gas density, temperature and composition. Operating condition properties such as shock speed are both observed in the experiment and produced as a result of the simulation are used to check the reliability of the numerical simulations

    Numerical modelling of radiating superorbital flows

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    Experimental aerodynamic studies of the flows around new aerocapture spacecraft configurations are presently being done in the superorbital expansion tubes at The University of Queensland. Short duration flows at speeds of 10--13 km/s are produced in the expansion tube facility and are then applied to the model spacecraft. Although high-temperature effects, such as molecular dissociation, have long been a part of the computational modelling of the expansion tube flows for speeds below 10 km/s, radiation may now be a significant mechanism of energy transfer within the shock layer on the model. This paper will study the coupling of radiation energy transport for an optically thin gas to the flow dynamics in order to obtain accurate predictions of thermal loads on the spacecraft. The results show that the effect of radiation on the flowfields of subscale models for expansion tube experiments can be assessed by measurements of total heat transfer and radiative heat transfer

    Voices unheard : employee voice in the new century

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    The concept of employee voice has attracted considerable attention in research since the 1980s primarily in the fields of Employment Relations/Human Resource Management (ER/HRM) and Organisational Behaviour (OB). Each of these disciplines focuses on different aspects of employee voice, the former examining the mechanisms for employees to have \u27a say\u27 in organisational decision-making (Freeman, Boxall, & Haynes, 2007; Gollan, Kaufman, Taras, & Wilkinson, 2015; Wilkinson & Fay, 2011) and the latter considering voice as an \u27extra-role upward communication behaviour\u27 (Morrison, 2014, p. 174) with the intent to improve organizational functioning. The purpose of voice is seen by each of these disciplines in a different way. ER/HRM perspectives are underpinned by the assumption that it is a fundamental democratic right for workers to extend a degree of control over managerial decision-making within an organisation (Kaufman, 2015; Wilkinson, Gollan, Lewin, & Marchington, 2010). Thus, everyone should have a voice and a lack of opportunities to express that voice may adversely affect workers\u27 dignity. In contrast, OB perspectives are underpinned more by a concern with organisational improvements, therefore leaving it much more to managerial discretion to reduce or change existing voice arrangements due to, for example, an economic downturn (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016)
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