687 research outputs found

    Derivation of a Matrix Product Representation for the Asymmetric Exclusion Process from Algebraic Bethe Ansatz

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    We derive, using the algebraic Bethe Ansatz, a generalized Matrix Product Ansatz for the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) on a one-dimensional periodic lattice. In this Matrix Product Ansatz, the components of the eigenvectors of the ASEP Markov matrix can be expressed as traces of products of non-commuting operators. We derive the relations between the operators involved and show that they generate a quadratic algebra. Our construction provides explicit finite dimensional representations for the generators of this algebra.Comment: 16 page

    A computer-assisted motivational social network intervention to reduce alcohol, drug and HIV risk behaviors among Housing First residents.

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    BackgroundIndividuals transitioning from homelessness to housing face challenges to reducing alcohol, drug and HIV risk behaviors. To aid in this transition, this study developed and will test a computer-assisted intervention that delivers personalized social network feedback by an intervention facilitator trained in motivational interviewing (MI). The intervention goal is to enhance motivation to reduce high risk alcohol and other drug (AOD) use and reduce HIV risk behaviors.Methods/designIn this Stage 1b pilot trial, 60 individuals that are transitioning from homelessness to housing will be randomly assigned to the intervention or control condition. The intervention condition consists of four biweekly social network sessions conducted using MI. AOD use and HIV risk behaviors will be monitored prior to and immediately following the intervention and compared to control participants' behaviors to explore whether the intervention was associated with any systematic changes in AOD use or HIV risk behaviors.DiscussionSocial network health interventions are an innovative approach for reducing future AOD use and HIV risk problems, but little is known about their feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy. The current study develops and pilot-tests a computer-assisted intervention that incorporates social network visualizations and MI techniques to reduce high risk AOD use and HIV behaviors among the formerly homeless. CLINICALTRIALS.Gov identifierNCT02140359

    Exactly solvable model with two conductor-insulator transitions driven by impurities

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    We present an exact analysis of two conductor-insulator transitions in the random graph model. The average connectivity is related to the concentration of impurities. The adjacency matrix of a large random graph is used as a hopping Hamiltonian. Its spectrum has a delta peak at zero energy. Our analysis is based on an explicit expression for the height of this peak, and a detailed description of the localized eigenvectors and of their contribution to the peak. Starting from the low connectivity (high impurity density) regime, one encounters an insulator-conductor transition for average connectivity 1.421529... and a conductor-insulator transition for average connectivity 3.154985.... We explain the spectral singularity at average connectivity e=2.718281... and relate it to another enumerative problem in random graph theory, the minimal vertex cover problem.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 2 fig.eps [v2: new title, changed intro, reorganized text

    Meander, Folding and Arch Statistics

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    The statistics of meander and related problems are studied as particular realizations of compact polymer chain foldings. This paper presents a general discussion of these topics, with a particular emphasis on three points: (i) the use of a direct recursive relation for building (semi) meanders (ii) the equivalence with a random matrix model (iii) the exact solution of simpler related problems, such as arch configurations or irreducible meanders.Comment: 82 pages, uuencoded, uses harvmac (l mode) and epsf, 26+7 figures include

    Power Spectra of a Constrained Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process

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    To synthesize proteins in a cell, an mRNA has to work with a finite pool of ribosomes. When this constraint is included in the modeling by a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), non-trivial consequences emerge. Here, we consider its effects on the power spectrum of the total occupancy, through Monte Carlo simulations and analytical methods. New features, such as dramatic suppressions at low frequencies, are discovered. We formulate a theory based on a linearized Langevin equation with discrete space and time. The good agreement between its predictions and simulation results provides some insight into the effects of finite resoures on a TASEP.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures v2: formatting change

    Meanders and the Temperley-Lieb algebra

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    The statistics of meanders is studied in connection with the Temperley-Lieb algebra. Each (multi-component) meander corresponds to a pair of reduced elements of the algebra. The assignment of a weight qq per connected component of meander translates into a bilinear form on the algebra, with a Gram matrix encoding the fine structure of meander numbers. Here, we calculate the associated Gram determinant as a function of qq, and make use of the orthogonalization process to derive alternative expressions for meander numbers as sums over correlated random walks.Comment: 85p, uuencoded, uses harvmac (l mode) and epsf, 88 figure

    Meanders: A Direct Enumeration Approach

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    We study the statistics of semi-meanders, i.e. configurations of a set of roads crossing a river through n bridges, and possibly winding around its source, as a toy model for compact folding of polymers. By analyzing the results of a direct enumeration up to n=29, we perform on the one hand a large n extrapolation and on the other hand we reformulate the available data into a large q expansion, where q is a weight attached to each road. We predict a transition at q=2 between a low-q regime with irrelevant winding, and a large-q regime with relevant winding.Comment: uses harvmac (l), epsf, 16 figs included, uuencoded, tar compresse

    Magnetic Field Behaviour of a Haldane Gap Antiferromagnet

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    We investigate the magnetic field behaviour of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin-1 chain with the most general single-ion anisotropy. We discuss the regime in which the magnetic field is below the transition value. The splitting of the Haldane triplet is obtained as a function of a field applied in an arbitrary orientation by means of a Lancz\H os exact diagonalization of chains of up to 16 spins. Our results are nicely summarized in terms of a first-order perturbation theory. We explain various level crossings that occur by the existence of discrete symmetries. A discussion is given of the electron spin resonance and neutron scattering experiments on the compound Ni(C2_2H8_8N2_2)2_2NO2_2ClO4_4 (NENP).Comment: 18 pages and 6 figs not included available by ftp, plain TeX, SPhT/93-04

    Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Driven Lattice Gas Systems with Interactions

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    We present a new method to describe the kinetics of driven lattice gases with particle-particle interactions beyond hard-core exclusions. The method is based on the time-dependent density functional theory for lattice systems and allows one to set up closed evolution equations for mean site occupation numbers in a systematic manner. Application of the method to a totally asymmetric site exclusion process with nearest-neighbor interactions yields predictions for the current-density relation in the bulk, the phase diagram of non-equilibrium steady states and the time evolution of density profiles that are in good agreement with results from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
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