871 research outputs found

    Time division radio relay synchronizing system using different sync code words for in sync and out of sync conditions Patent

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    Time division relay synchronizer with master sync pulse for activating binary counter to produce signal identifying time slot for statio

    Tracking receiver Patent

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    Design and development of tracking receiver for tracking satellites and receiving radio signal transmissions under adverse noise condition

    The spread of the cult of Asclepius in the context of the Roman army benefited from the presence of physicians: A spatial proximity analysis

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    The article applies a GIS based approach to the study of the spread of the cult of Asclepius, the Greco-Roman healing god, during the Roman period. It explores the role of soldiers and physicians in the spatial dissemination of the cult along the transportation network of Roman roads in the border provinces of Britannia, Germania Superior and Inferior, Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia Superior and Inferior, Moesia Superior and Inferior, and Dacia. These provinces were selected as a suitable area for quantitative GIS exploration because they were all on the outer border of the Roman Empire, had a significant military presence, and there is a representative amount of inscriptions attested that can be used as proxies for the spatial occurrence of the three measured variables: the cult of Asclepius, Roman soldiers, and Roman physicians. After establishing by means of spatial proximity analysis that the cult of Asclepius occurred frequently in the context of the Roman army, the article proposes and quantitatively evaluates a more specific hypothesis; i.e., that the spatial occurrences of Roman physicians in inscriptions are a relevant predictor for the spatial occurrences of the worship of Asclepius in the environment of the Roman army because of the shared focus between physicians and the cult of Asclepius—health and medicine. The highly significant results of the statistical analysis reveal a positive trend in the spatial relationships between Roman physicians and the worship of Asclepius in the context of the Roman army in the majority of provinces of interest, thus supporting the proposed hypothesis. The results presented in the article demonstrate the potential of the GIS approach in testing assumptions produced by traditional scholarship and in nuancing our understanding of a specific process of cultural spread.publishedVersio

    Catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide

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    Popularity of the cult of Asclepius in the times of the Antonine Plague: Temporal modeling of epigraphic evidence

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    The research presented in the article tests quantitatively the existing hypothesis from the academic debate that the Greco-Roman cult of Asclepius was more popular in the times of the Antonine Plague which spread in the Roman Empire approximately in the years 165–180 CE. This hypothesis is based on the rationale that the god of medicine, Asclepius, could have been more appealing to the Roman population in times of health crisis. However, there are also voices in the debate arguing that there is no indication of an increase in popularity of the cult of Asclepius during the Antonine Plague. The article explores this question quantitatively by means of temporal modeling of epigraphic evidence from the Roman Empire, i.e., the primary material source for arguments in the academic debate on the topic. By employing Monte Carlo algorithms to simulate the temporal distributions of Latin inscriptions from epigraphic databases, the article demonstrates that there is no observable increase in the number of inscriptions dedicated to Asclepius in the times of the Antonine Plague that would deviate significantly from the temporal distribution of a) general epigraphic trend as represented by epigraphic databases Epigraphic Database Heidelberg and Clauss-Slaby Epigraphic Database, and b) inscriptions dedicated to other deities such as Apollo or Jupiter Optimus Maximus. The hypothesized increased popularity of the cult of Asclepius during the Antonine Plague is thus not supported by the results on the level of epigraphic trends. These findings have a significant potential to push forward the discussion which is divided by mutually opposing hypotheses that were constructed mainly by traditional historiographical approaches. The article also reveals the applicability of quantitative approaches in overcoming temporal uncertainties in archaeological data.publishedVersio

    Turnover Processes in a Temporal Context: It's About Time

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    To better understand the process of organizational withdrawal, a turnover model incorporating dynamic predictors measured at five distinct points in time was examined by following a large, occupationally diverse sample over a two-year period. Results demonstrated that turnover can be predicted by perceived costs of turnover, organizational commitment, and critical events measured soon after entry into the organization, and unemployment rates, job satisfaction, and search for alternative jobs also become significant predictors when measured over time. Critical events also predicted turnover in a manner distinct from the operation of attitudes, consistent with the unfolding model (Lee & Mitchell, 1994). The path to turnover was marked by consistently low perceived costs of turnover and satisfaction, decreases in commitment, and increases in job search over time.

    Electro-optic architecture (EOA) for sensors and actuators in aircraft propulsion systems

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    Results of a study to design an optimal architecture for electro-optical sensing and control in advanced aircraft and space systems are described. The propulsion full authority digital Electronic Engine Control (EEC) was the focus for the study. The recommended architecture is an on-engine EEC which contains electro-optic interface circuits for fiber-optic sensors on the engine. Size and weight are reduced by multiplexing arrays of functionally similar sensors on a pair of optical fibers to common electro-optical interfaces. The architecture contains common, multiplex interfaces to seven sensor groups: (1) self luminous sensors; (2) high temperatures; (3) low temperatures; (4) speeds and flows; (5) vibration; (6) pressures; and (7) mechanical positions. Nine distinct fiber-optic sensor types were found to provide these sensing functions: (1) continuous wave (CW) intensity modulators; (2) time division multiplexing (TDM) digital optic codeplates; (3) time division multiplexing (TDM) analog self-referenced sensors; (4) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) digital optic code plates; (5) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) analog self-referenced intensity modulators; (6) analog optical spectral shifters; (7) self-luminous bodies; (8) coherent optical interferometers; and (9) remote electrical sensors. The report includes the results of a trade study including engine sensor requirements, environment, the basic sensor types, and relevant evaluation criteria. These figures of merit for the candidate interface types were calculated from the data supplied by leading manufacturers of fiber-optic sensors

    Adjustable laboratory power supply for automotive electronic systems

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaobírá návrhem a následnou realizací laboratorního zdroje, který bude sloužit k napájení automobilových elektronických systémů. Po dohodě s vedoucím práce bude mít zdroj jeden stabilizovaný výstup 5 V s maximálním proudem 2 A, jeden stabilizovaný výstup 12 V s maximálním proudem 4 A a regulovaný výstup 0 až 30 V s regulovaným proudovým omezením 0 až 3 A. Kvůli požadavkům na minimální zvlnění bylo zvoleno lineární zapojení všech výstupů. To má za následek jednodušší zapojení a konstrukci než zdroj spínaný, ale také menší účinnost a z toho plynoucí větší tepelné ztráty. Práce je rozdělena do několika částí. V první části je teoreticky charakterizována problematika lineárních zdrojů a jejich hlavních částí. Následně je popsána funkčnost mnou vybraného zapojení. V další části jsou tato zapojení odsimulovaná, aby se ověřila správná funkčnost. V poslední části je zapojení zrealizováno a je provedeno kontrolní měření.This bachelor's thesis is focused on the design and realisation of laboratory resources that will be used to power automotive systems. In agreement with the supervisor, the source will have one stabilized 5 V output with a maximum current of 2 A, one stabilized 12 V output with a maximum current of 4 A and a regulated output of 0 to 30 V with a regulated current limit of 0 to 3 A. Due to the requirement of minimum ripple I chose linear supply for all outputs. This results in a simpler connection and design than the switched-mode power supply, but also in poorer efficiency and the resulting greater heat loss. The work is divided into several parts. In the first part the issue of linear sources and their main parts will be theoretically described. In the next part, the simulation of all circuits is made to verify the functionality. In the last part the circuits are made and the control measurement is performed.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    The USU Mild/Moderate Distance Learning Degree and Licensure Program: It’s All About Access

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    Providing access to quality special education teacher training programs for all qualified applicants is particularly pertinent in light of the national shortage of special education teachers. In addition, there are increasing numbers of students enrolling in Utah schools, and a percentage of that increased enrollment includes students with disabilities. The Mild/Moderate Distance Degree and Licensure Program at Utah State University began in 1995 to help address this shortage. Initially, the program was designed to recruit and prepare qualified mild/ moderate special education teachers in one rural area of the state that includes two school districts. Over time, the program expanded to other areas of the state in an effort to provide accessibility to qualified individuals for whom financial and family obligations preclude their ability to enroll in and attend a traditional campus-based program. Currently, 108 individuals have graduated from the program and are employed in 27 Utah school districts. In this article, the authors discuss the development of the distance program over the past decade, what worked, and future directions in distance education delivery at Utah State University