88 research outputs found

    Comparison between “early” or “late” intravitreal injection of dexamethasone implant in branch (BRVO) or central (CRVO) retinal vein occlusion: six months follow-up

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to compare early and late injections of intravitreal dexamethasone implant in patients affected by central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) or branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) with a six-months follow-up. We assessed whether an earlier treatment start (within seven days from diagnosis) could be more beneficial than a delayed (or late) treatment start (after seven days). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 81 patients (81 eyes) affected by retinal vein occlusion. Best corrected visual acuity was assessed through Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) while central macular thickness (CMT) was measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: Both types of patients had a positive therapeutic response to dexamethasone, with an increase in visual acuity (ETDRS) and CMT reduction. CRVO patients were characterized by lower ETDRS values at baseline and at the end of the follow-up as compared to BRVO. CRVO patients showed higher CMT values at baseline, after three and six months from injection. No significant differences in therapeutic response to dexamethasone were observed between patients treated early or late, regardless of RVO type. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the therapeutic properties of dexamethasone implant are not significantly influenced by an early or late treatment start in patients affected by BRVO and CRVO, although its therapeutic efficacy seems greater in the former type

    transcriptional response of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to low doses of ionizing radiation

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    We used cDNA microarray hybridization technology to monitor the transcriptional response of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial (HUVEC) cells to x-rays doses ranging from 2 to 200 cGy. An early time window from irradiation (4h) was selected in order to minimize the effects of the cell cycle blockage eventually induced at high doses of irradiation. Three different gene-clustering algorithms have been used to group the 4134 monitored ORF based on their transcriptional response in function of the irradiation dose. The results show that while few genes exhibit a typical dose-dependent modulation with a variable threshold, most of them have a different modulation pattern, peaking at the two intermediate doses. Strikingly even the lowest dose used (2 cGy) seems to be very effective in transcriptional modulation. These results confirm the physiological relevance of sublethal-dose exposures of endothelial cells and strengthens the hypothesis that alternative dose-specific pathways of radioadaptive response exist in the mammalian cells. 111 genes were found to be modulated at all doses of irradiation. These genes were functionally classified by cellular process or by molecular function. Genes involved in coagulation and peroxidase activity and structural constituent of ribosomes were over-represented among the up-regulated genes as compared with their expected statistical occurrence. Three genes coding for regulatory kinase activities (CDK6; PRCKB1 and TIE) are found down-regulated at all doses of irradiation

    La valutazione degli interventi di prossimitĂ . Uno studio pilota

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    Nonostante negli ultimi anni le attività di prevenzione dell’addiction da sostanze e da comportamenti si siano moltiplicate, nella maggior parte dei casi per tali attività, e per gli interventi di prossimità in particolare, non vengono attuati adeguati processi di valutazione. Ciò anche a causa della mancanza di sistemi di valutazione e di modelli teorici di riferimento condivisi. Il presente studio costituisce il primo passo di un progetto di ricerca più ampio finalizzato alla valutazione degli effetti degli interventi di prossimità. Lo studio descrive, in particolare, i rapporti esistenti tra frequenza di assunzione della sostanza o di attuazione del comportamento problematico, stadio del cambiamento e fattori di vulnerabilità e di protezione. Lo studio dimostra, inoltre, che il sistema di valutazione adottato è in grado di rilevare le differenze esistenti tra momenti diversi del percorso di cambiamento, in cui la frequenza di attuazione del comportamento problematico assume significato in relazione a variabili psicologiche e di contesto

    Modelling of a Hybrid-Electric Light Aircraft

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    Abstract The European Research and Innovation Agenda as well as the NASA long-term programs have set ambitious targets in terms of emission reduction for the aviation industry. Continuous improvements of conventional technologies will not be enough to fulfil these ambitious requirements; there is a need for revolutionary aircraft concepts and/or radical innovative systems. One such concept is to use a hybrid-electric propulsion system. The CIRA and the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples "Federico II" have started a joint program in order to develop models and technologies related to the electrification of propulsive system in aviation. The aim of this work is, then, the exploration of possible benefits of hybrid-electric propulsion with a focus on general aviation and selecting appropriate missions. The hybrid-electric system has been designed assembling elements/systems all commercially available, realizing a very simple parallel layout, classifiable as "minimal hybrid". Furthermore, such hybrid-electric system, -inclusive of energy storage system, transmission system, power management system, etc.- has been conceived to fit the original ICE requirements in term of weight, volume and max power at take-off. In this study, a simple model to evaluate the performances of a light aircraft equipped with a hybrid-electric propulsive system has been developed. The approach adopted combine the so-called 0D/1D simulation to evaluate the "single" ICE performances with a simple engineering modeling which allows the performances evaluation of the integrated power plant. The application of model for a simple transfer mission leads to fuel saving up to 20% while for classical training mission, where pilots make numerous run(lap) "touch –and-go", the fuel saving can reach a significative 30%

    New-Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus with Claustrum Damage: Definition of the Clinical and Neuroimaging Features

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    New-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) is a rare but challenging condition occurring in a previously healthy patient, often with no identifiable cause. We describe the electro-clinical features and outcomes in a group of patients with NORSE who all demonstrated a typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sign characterized by bilateral lesions of the claustrum. The group includes 31 patients (12 personal and 19 previously published cases; 17 females; mean age of 25 years). Fever preceded status epilepticus (SE) in 28 patients, by a mean of 6 days. SE was refractory/super-refractory in 74% of the patients, requiring third-line agents and a median of 15 days staying in an intensive care unit. Focal motor and tonic-clonic seizures were observed in 90%, complex partial seizures in 14%, and myoclonic seizures in 14% of the cases. All patients showed T2/FLAIR hyperintense foci in bilateral claustrum, appearing on average 10 days after SE onset. Other limbic (hippocampus, insular) alterations were present in 53% of patients. Within the personal cases, extensive search for known autoantibodies was inconclusive, though 7 of 11 patients had cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytic pleocytosis and 3 cases had oligoclonal bands. Two subjects died during the acute phase, one in the chronic phase (probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy), and one developed a persistent vegetative state. Among survivors, 80% developed drug-resistant epilepsy. Febrile illness-related SE associated with bilateral claustrum hyperintensity on MRI represents a condition with defined clinical features and a presumed but unidentified autoimmune etiology. A better characterization of de novo SE is mandatory for the search of specific etiologies

    Quantitative dopamine transporter imaging assessment in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients carrying GBA gene mutations compared with Idiopathic PD patients: A case-control study

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    Background: Genetic risk factors impact around 15% of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and at least 23 variants have been identified including Glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene variants. Using different clinical and instrumental qualitative-based data, various studies have been published on GBA-PD cohorts which suggested possible differences in dopaminergic nigrostriatal denervation pattern, particularly in caudate and putamen nuclei. Methods: This retrospective study included two consecutive homogenous cohorts of GBA-PD and idiopathic (I-PD) patients. Each consecutive GBA-PD patient has been matched with a 1:1 pairing method with a consecutive I-PD subject according to age, age at disease onset, sex, Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) staging scale and comorbidity level (CCI). Semiquantitative volumetric data by the DaTQUANTTM software integrated in the DaTSCAN exam performed at time of the diagnosis (SPECT imaging performed according to current guidelines of I-123 FPCIT SPECT imaging) were extrapolated. Bilateral specific binding ratios (SBR) at putamen and caudate levels were calculated, using the occipital lobes uptake. The Mann–Whitney test was performed to compare the two cohorts while the Spearman’s test was used to find correlations between motor and volumetric data in each group. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. Results: Two cohorts of 25 patients each (GBA-PD and I-PD), were included. By comparing GBA-PD and I-PD patients, lower SBR values were found in the most affected anterior putamen and left caudate of the GBA-PD cohort. Furthermore, in the GBA-PD cohort the SBR of the most affected posterior putamen negatively correlated with the H&Y scale. However, none of these differences or correlations remained significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusions: We observed differences in SBR values in GBA-PD patients compared with I-PD. However, these differences were no longer significant after Bonferroni multiple comparisons correction highlighting the need for larger, longitudinal studies

    Improving the quality of patient care in lung cancer: key factors for successful multidisciplinary team working

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    International Guidelines as well as Cancer Associations recommend a multidisciplinary approach to lung cancer care. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) can significantly improve treatment decision-making and patient coordination by putting different physicians and other health professionals “in the same room”, who collectively decide upon the best possible treatment. However, this is not a panacea for cancer treatment. The impact of multidisciplinary care (MDC) on patient outcomes is not univocal, while the effective functioning of the MDT depends on many factors. This review presents the available MDT literature with an emphasis on the key factors that characterize high-quality patient care in lung cancer. The study was conducted with a bibliographic search using different electronic databases (PubMed Central, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Google) referring to multidisciplinary cancer care settings. Many key elements appear consolidated, while others emerge as prevalent and actual, especially those related to visible barriers which work across geographic, organizational, and disciplinary boundaries. MDTs must be sustained by strategic management, structured within the entity, and cannot be managed as a separate care process. Furthermore, they need to coordinate with other teams (within and outside the organization) and join with the broad range of services delivered by multiple providers at various points of the cancer journey or within the system, with the vision of integrated care

    Is it really advantageous to operate proximal femoral fractures within 48 h from diagnosis? – A multicentric retrospective study exploiting COVID pandemic-related delays in time to surgery

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    Objectives: Hip fractures in the elderly are common injuries that need timely surgical management. Since the beginning of the pandemic, patients with a proximal femoral fracture (PFF) experienced a delay in time to surgery. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate a possible variation in mortality in patients with PFF when comparing COVID-19 negative versus positive. Methods: This is a multicentric and retrospective study including 3232 patients with PFF who underwent surgical management. The variables taken into account were age, gender, the time elapsed between arrival at the emergency room and intervention, pre-operative American Society of Anesthesiology score, pre-operative cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and 10-day/1-month/6-month mortality. For 2020, we had an additional column, “COVID-19 swab positivity.” Results: COVID-19 infection represents an independent mortality risk factor in patients with PFFs. Despite the delay in time-to-surgery occurring in 2020, no statistically significant variation in terms of mortality was detected. Within our sample, a statistically significant difference was not detected in terms of mortality at 6 months, in patients operated within and beyond 48 h, as well as no difference between those operated within or after 12/24/72 h. The mortality rate among subjects with PFF who tested positive for COVID-19 was statistically significantly higher than in patients with PFF who tested. COVID-19 positivity resulted in an independent factor for mortality after PFF. Conclusion: Despite the most recent literature recommending operating PFF patients as soon as possible, no significant difference in mortality was found among patients operated before or after 48 h from diagnosis

    Has COVID-19 Delayed the Diagnosis and Worsened the Presentation of Type 1 Diabetes in Children?

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    Objective: To evaluate whether the diagnosis of pediatric type 1 diabetes or its acute complications changed during the early phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Italy. Research design and methods: This was a cross-sectional, Web-based survey of all Italian pediatric diabetes centers to collect diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and COVID-19 data in patients presenting with new-onset or established type 1 diabetes between 20 February and 14 April in 2019 and 2020. Results: Fifty-three of 68 centers (77.9%) responded. There was a 23% reduction in new diabetes cases in 2020 compared with 2019. Among those newly diagnosed patient who presented in a state of DKA, the proportion with severe DKA was 44.3% in 2020 vs. 36.1% in 2019 (P = 0.03). There were no differences in acute complications. Eight patients with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 had laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic might have altered diabetes presentation and DKA severity. Preparing for any "second wave" requires strategies to educate and reassure parents about timely emergency department attendance for non-COVID-19 symptoms
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