6 research outputs found

    ROCKIT: Roadmap for Conversational Interaction Technologies

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    ROCKIT is a strategic roadmapping action in the area of multimodal conversational interaction technologies funded as a support action by the EU during 2014 and 2015. We envisage a future in which human-human, human-machine, and human-environment communication are not hampered by differences in language capability, accessibility, or knowledge of the technology, and where security and privacy are built in. These future conversational interaction technologies will enable interaction, collaboration, creativity, and information access within a vast, dynamic, heterogeneous, and partly ephemeral information space. ROCKIT is developing a roadmap to achieve this vision, linking research and innovation activities, and connecting a broad range of stakeholders. In this paper we present the ROCKIT roadmapping process, together with five target scenarios, which we believe can form a basis for discussion and engagement at the ICMI workshop which can further progress the community roadmap

    Smart Factory Testbed Setup – Initial Results

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    The main objective of the SmartFactory-KL Use Case follows the general objectives of WP6, to prove and validate the MAS4AI approach in industrial test beds. The modular Industrie 4.0 testbed of the Technology Initiative SmartFactory KL provides the possibility to build up, test and deploy the MAS approach combined with the prototypical development and implementation of defined agents with their requirements from WP 1. The SmartFactory KL testbed provides the basis for the first functional prototype which is based on the MAS4AI architecture concept and consist of a modular production environment and the integration of message-based middleware solutions like OPC UA or the BaSyx-Middleware. The usage of several software components like discovery and registry services, which are essential in the testbed architecture, as well as the agent development and their configuration and execution is also considered in the context of the MAS deployment. The development of the first prototypical MAS4AI implementation, which is documented in this document, follows several iterations. With each iteration, new components and features have been considered for interacting in the used MAS framework. The developments in the MAS framework Janus SARL, which is applied to the Smart Factory testbed to meet the requirements along predefined agent patterns, and the connection to physical hardware component for control purpose are presented as results of the first prototypical implementation

    Metalogue: A Multiperspective Multimodal Dialogue System with Metacognitive Abilities for Highly Adaptive and Flexible Dialogue Management

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    This poster paper presents a high-level description of the Metalogue project that is developing a multi-modal dialogue system that is able to implement interactive behaviors that seem natural to users and is flexible enough to exploit the full potential of multimodal interaction. We provide an outline of the initial work undertaken to define a an open architecture for the integrated Metalogue system. This system includes components that are necessary for the implementation of the processing stages for a variety of application domains: initialization, training, information gathering, orchestration, multimodality, dialogue management, speech recognition, speech synthesis and user modelling

    Ionosphere Waves Service (IWS) – a problem-oriented tool in ionosphere and Space Weather research produced by POPDAT project

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    In the frame of the FP7 POPDAT project the Ionosphere Waves Service (IWS) has been developed and opened for public access by ionosphere experts. IWS is forming a database, derived from archived ionospheric wave records to assist the ionosphere and Space Weather research, and to answer the following questions: How can the data of earlier ionospheric missions be reprocessed with current algorithms to gain more profitable results? How could the scientific community be provided with a new insight on wave processes that take place in the ionosphere? The answer is a specific and unique data mining service accessing a collection of topical catalogs that characterize a huge number of recorded occurrences of Whistler-like Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena, Atmosphere Gravity Waves, and Traveling Ionosphere Disturbances. IWS online service (http://popdat.cbk.waw.pl) offers end users to query optional set of predefined wave phenomena, their detailed characteristics. These were collected by target specific event detection algorithms in selected satellite records during database buildup phase. Result of performed wave processing thus represents useful information on statistical or comparative investigations of wave types, listed in a detailed catalog of ionospheric wave phenomena. The IWS provides wave event characteristics, extracted by specific software systems from data records of the selected satellite missions. The end-user can access targets by making specific searches and use statistical modules within the service in their field of interest. Therefore the IWS opens a new way in ionosphere and Space Weather research. The scientific applications covered by IWS concern beyond Space Weather also other fields like earthquake precursors, ionosphere climatology, geomagnetic storms, troposphere-ionosphere energy transfer, and trans-ionosphere link perturbations