3,028 research outputs found

    Thermal Properties of Copper Nickel-Titanium Orthodontic Archwires

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    Introduction: Copper Nickel-Titanium (CuNiTi) is a relatively new composition of Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) archwires that was originally patented in 1991 as part of the Ormco line of wires. The patent has now recently expired and many other orthodontic companies are making their own CuNiTi wires. Advertisement claims have focused on the laboratory benefits of adding Copper (Cu) to the NiTi, however few independent laboratory testings have been conducted on these new wires to verify claims. The purpose of this study was to conduct thermal analysis of CuNiTi for all currently available wires in two Austenite Finish (Af) variants and two commonly used archwire dimensions. Materials and Methods: Ten as-received wires of 27oC and 35oC CuNiTi were tested in 0.018” and 0.016” x 0.022” archwire dimensions. The wires examined were Ormco Copper Nickel Titanium (Ormco, Orange, CA, USA), FLI Copper Nickel Titanium (Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Denver, CO, USA), Copperloy Nickel Titanium (GAC, York, PA, USA), Copper Nitanium (Henry Schein/Ortho Organizers, Carlsbad, CA, USA), Truflex Copper Nickel Titanium (Ortho Technology, Tampa, FL, USA), and Tanzo Copper Nickel Titanium (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA). Segments of archwire were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry over the temperature range from -100oC to 100oC at 10oC per minute. Results: There were significant differences for all values when comparing across different brands in regards to Heating endset, onset, and enthalpy as well as cooling endset, onset, and enthalpy. Some brands were very close to advertised values, however others were as far away as 4oC from advertised. In addition the difference between higher and lower Af values were as close as 1.5oC for certain brands when expecting 8oC. Conclusions: One cannot expect to have CuNiTi wires perform similarly across different brands even when they are of the same Af and archwire dimension. For certain brands there may be very little difference between higher and lower Af variants

    Multilevel Metamodels: A Novel Approach to Enhance Efficiency and Generalizability in Monte Carlo Simulation Studies

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    Metamodels, or the regression analysis of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) results, provide a powerful tool to summarize MCS findings. However, an as of yet unexplored approach is the use of multilevel metamodels (MLMM) that better account for the dependent data structure of MCS results that arises from fitting multiple models to the same simulated data set. In this study, we articulate the theoretical rationale for the MLMM and illustrate how it can dramatically improve efficiency over the traditional regression approach, better account for complex MCS designs, and provide new insights into the generalizability of MCS findings


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah upaya Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan penyalahgunaan narkotika oleh narapidana dan bagaimanakah peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan peredaran narkotika dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di mana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis empiris disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Berdasarkan data empiris di lapangan upaya Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan penyalahgunaan Narkotika oleh Narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan terkendala karena program rehabilitasi narapidana narkotika tidak efektif, daya tampung lapas yang sudah tidak sesuai (over capacity) dan penegakan tata tertib Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM Nomor 6 Tahun 2013 yang masih kurang tegas. 2. Berdasarkan data empiris dilapangan, peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam penanggulangan peredaran Narkotika dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan tidak berjalan maksimal dikarenakan sistem pengelolaan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan yang buruk yakni masih di gabungkannya narapidana narkotika dan narapidana umum dalam satu sel, serta pengawasan keluar masuk barang bawaan dalam lapas yang tidak maksimal serta penegakan tata tertib dan hukum yang tidak tegas.Kata kunci: lembaga pemasyarakatan; narapidana; narkotika

    Macroporous Polymer Synthesis and Characterization: The Role of Molecular Recognition in the Regioselectivity of Sucrose Reactions

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    Molecular recognition has recently emerged as a unique technique for making synthetic polymers with selective binding cavities which can stereoselectively and regioselectively bind to a template molecule in a fashion similar to natural enzymes and antibodies. Its industrial applications in chemistry and biomedicine have been recently exploited. Typical examples include the resolution of amino acids, enantio-separation of racemates and bioactive molecules, selective binding of metal ions and in HPLC investigations. Our research is focused on applying molecular recognition studies to improve the regioselectivity of sucrose reactions. Sucrose is an abundant industrial raw material of immense industrial importance however, its full commercial utilization is severely limited by the lack of regioselectivity in many synthetic reactions. This is due to the eight reactive hydroxyl groups on the sucrose molecule. Our strategy is to use a molecule of similar structure to sucrose, in our case, p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucopyranoside, to serve as a template. From this, a monomer, p-nitrophenyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methacryloyl-α-D-glucopyranoside is synthesized and copolymerized with styrene and divinylbenzene to form a three dimensional cross-linked polymer matrix. Removal of the template molecule from the polymer matrix by hydrolysis would create cavities on the polymer whose functional groups can recognize and bond to the template molecule and ultimately with the glucose end of sucrose. This way we can block the hydroxyls on the glucose part of sucrose from further reactions whilst a number of reactions can be done with the fructose hydroxyls. Alternatively a reaction might possibly be performed on the sucrose in the cavity. Not much attention has been given to the set of experimental conditions necessary for the synthesis of polymer imprints which are macroporous, spherical and have a high surface area. In order for the polymers to be selective a macroporous state is very desirable since it permits access to a large surface area and thus a larger number of cavities. This thesis deals with the task of finding the necessary conditions for the synthesis of macroporous polymers, their characterization and surface area measurement

    Macroporous Polymer Synthesis and Characterization: The Role of Molecular Recognition in the Regioselectivity of Sucrose Reactions

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    Molecular recognition has recently emerged as a unique technique for making synthetic polymers with selective binding cavities which can stereoselectively and regioselectively bind to a template molecule in a fashion similar to natural enzymes and antibodies. Its industrial applications in chemistry and biomedicine have been recently exploited. Typical examples include the resolution of amino acids, enantio-separation of racemates and bioactive molecules, selective binding of metal ions and in HPLC investigations. Our research is focused on applying molecular recognition studies to improve the regioselectivity of sucrose reactions. Sucrose is an abundant industrial raw material of immense industrial importance however, its full commercial utilization is severely limited by the lack of regioselectivity in many synthetic reactions. This is due to the eight reactive hydroxyl groups on the sucrose molecule. Our strategy is to use a molecule of similar structure to sucrose, in our case, p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucopyranoside, to serve as a template. From this, a monomer, p-nitrophenyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methacryloyl-α-D-glucopyranoside is synthesized and copolymerized with styrene and divinylbenzene to form a three dimensional cross-linked polymer matrix. Removal of the template molecule from the polymer matrix by hydrolysis would create cavities on the polymer whose functional groups can recognize and bond to the template molecule and ultimately with the glucose end of sucrose. This way we can block the hydroxyls on the glucose part of sucrose from further reactions whilst a number of reactions can be done with the fructose hydroxyls. Alternatively a reaction might possibly be performed on the sucrose in the cavity. Not much attention has been given to the set of experimental conditions necessary for the synthesis of polymer imprints which are macroporous, spherical and have a high surface area. In order for the polymers to be selective a macroporous state is very desirable since it permits access to a large surface area and thus a larger number of cavities. This thesis deals with the task of finding the necessary conditions for the synthesis of macroporous polymers, their characterization and surface area measurement

    Whitelisting System State in Windows Forensic Memory Visualizations

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    Examiners in the field of digital forensics regularly encounter enormous amounts of data and must identify the few artifacts of evidentiary value. One challenge these examiners face is manual reconstruction of complex datasets with both hierarchical and associative relationships. The complexity of this data requires significant knowledge, training, and experience to correctly and efficiently examine. Current methods provide text-based representations or low-level visualizations, but levee the task of maintaining global context of system state on the examiner. This research presents a visualization tool that improves analysis methods through simultaneous representation of the hierarchical and associative relationships and local detailed data within a single page application. A novel whitelisting feature further improves analysis by eliminating items of less interest from view. Results from a pilot study demonstrate that the visualization tool can assist examiners to more accurately and quickly identify artifacts of interest
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