4,955 research outputs found

    Transient Analysis for Music and Moving Images: Consideration for Television Advertising

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    In audiovisual composition, coupling montage moving images with music is common practice. Interpretation of the effect on an audioviewer's consequent interpretation of the composition is discursive and unquantified. Meth-odology for evaluating the audiovisual multimodal inter-activity is proposed, developing an analysis procedure via the study of modality interdependent transient structures, explained as forming the foundation of perception via the concept of Basic Exposure response to the stimulus. The research has implications for analysis of all audiovisual media, with practical implications in television advertis-ing as a discrete typology of target driven audiovisual presentation. Examples from contemporary advertising are used to explore typical transient interaction patterns and the consequences of which are discussed from the practical viewpoint of the audiovisual composer

    Audiovisual synchrony: Cross-modal transient structure and tempo

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    What are the considerations of the composer when designing music to accompany a visual? Music is purposefully included within audiovisual products with considered reason; motivic, thematic, emotive, semantic or otherwise. Ultimately, music is employed to affect an audiovieweri, yet the consequences of this multi-modal interaction lacks clarity. Investigating cross-modal interaction at the level of basic exposure to audiovisual works provides a foundation in understanding the audioviewer's percept. The moving image and music are intrinsically temporal and consequently carry rhythmic potential. In the context of concurrent non-literal music (often referred to as ‘background’ or ‘non-digetic’ music) and moving images, our unified perception of the presentation is structured upon the interpretation of intrinsic audiovisual rhythms. Such rhythms are constructed via the periodic structure of transients within their individual modalities, and crucially cross-modally as auditory and visual transient patterns interact. Multimodal integration studies have shown that synchronous audiovisual stimuli will bind, creating a unified percept functioning to increase the 'transientness' of such events. Dynamic attending theory understands that attention is subject to internalised oscillations, following peaks and troughs to create an oscillation of attentional magnitude cycles. The potential for auditory rhythmic manipulation to influence the unified audiovisual percept is engaging

    Influence of Different Performance Levels on Pacing Strategy During the Women's World Championship Marathon Race.

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    Purpose To analyse pacing strategies displayed by athletes achieving differing levels of performance during an elite level marathon race. Methods Competitors in the 2009 IAAF Women’s Marathon Championship were split into Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 comprising the first, second, third, and fourth 25% of finishers respectively. Final, intermediate, and personal best (PB) times of finishers were converted to mean speeds, and relative speed (% of PB speed) was calculated for intermediate segments. Results Mean PB speed decreased from Group 1 to 4 and speed maintained in the race was 98.5 + 1.8%, 97.4 + 3.2%, 95.0 + 3.1% and 92.4 + 4.4% of PB speed for Groups 1-4 respectively. Group 1 was fastest in all segments and differences in speed between groups increased throughout the race. Group 1 ran at lower relative speeds than other groups for the first two 5 km segments, but higher relative speeds after 35km. Significant differences (P<0.01) in the percentage of PB speed maintained were observed between Groups 1 and 4, and 2 and 4 in all segments after 20 km, and Groups 3 and 4 from 20-25 km and 30-35 km. Conclusions Group 1 athletes achieved superior finishing times relative to their PB than athletes in other Groups who selected unsustainable initial speeds resulting in subsequent significant losses of speed. It is suggested that psychological factors specific to a major competitive event influenced decision making by athletes and poor decisions resulted in final performances inferior to those expected based on PB times

    Parental Perceptions of Oral Health Related Quality of Life for Children that Receive Care on Give Kids a Smile Day

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life for patients treated at Give Kids a Smile. Methods: Participants were asked to complete a 25-question survey regarding their child’s oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), with answers ranked on a 0 to 4 point scale. Results: A total of 78 questionnaires were completed, with the mean score of 5.19. Conclusions: Give Kids a Smile was created to treat children with unmet oral healthcare needs, therefore it was hypothesized that the OHRQoL for the children treated would be negatively impacted and thus this score high. This was not demonstrated in the current study and these findings could be due to a variety of factors, including relying on the parent to report the child’s symptoms as well as low oral health literacy for parents completing the questionnaires