911 research outputs found

    Churches and religion in Europe : interdisciplinary methods and approaches for a European history

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    In order to navigate the challenges of the contemporary world and to consciously design the key tools of global citizenship, the history of religions constitutes a relevant thematic area, combining social, economic, institutional, and cultural history and can become an integrating backdrop for genuine mutual collaboration among European and world citizens. More specifically, the main narrative strands on which to graft a path of active citizenship through the history of religions are the spread of religions, the use of artistic manifestations to convey messages of faith, armed conflict, divisions, and, finally, the long road to the establishment of the principle of full freedom of worship. Through the use of these thematic junctures and related historical concepts it is possible to design educational pathways aimed at critically analyzing the contribution of religions to the development of civic knowledge and values; at recognizing the interdependence between cults and religions and their local and global dimensions; and at making connections between different international religious traditions in an intercultural perspective; to be aware of the cultural value of religious heterogeneity, participating actively in the development and maintenance of the principles of freedom and tolerance as well as in the protection of architectural and artistic heritage; to evaluate facts and orient their behaviour on the basis of a system of values consistent with the principles of the Constitutions and international human rights charters

    The role of observation uncertainty in the calibration of hydrologic rainfall-runoff models

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    International audienceHydrologic rainfall-runoff models are usually calibrated with reference to a limited number of recorded flood events, for which rainfall and runoff measurements are available. In this framework, model's parameters consistency depends on the number of both events and hydrograph points used for calibration, and on measurements reliability. Recently, to make users aware of application limits, major attention has been devoted to the estimation of uncertainty in hydrologic modelling. Here a simple numerical experiment is proposed, that allows the analysis of uncertainty in hydrologic rainfall-runoff modelling associated to both quantity and quality of available data. A distributed rainfall-runoff model based on geomorphologic concepts has been used. The experiment involves the analysis of an ensemble of model runs, and its overall set up holds if the model is to be applied in different catchments and climates, or even if a different hydrologic model is used. With reference to a set of 100 synthetic rainfall events characterized by a given rainfall volume, the effect of uncertainty in parameters calibration is studied. An artificial truth ? perfect observation ? is created by using the model in a known configuration. An external source of uncertainty is introduced by assuming realistic, i.e. uncertain, discharge observations to calibrate the model. The range of parameters' values able to "reproduce" the observation is studied. Finally, the model uncertainty is evaluated and discussed. The experiment gives useful indications about the number of both events and data points needed for a careful and stable calibration of a specific model, applied in a given climate and catchment. Moreover, an insight on the expected and maximum error in flood peak discharge simulations is given: errors ranging up to 40% are to be expected if parameters are calibrated on insufficient data sets

    La norma e la sua applicazione: la strada interrotta per l’ingresso della ricerca educativa nella politica scolastica

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    Nonostante la riluttanza della lingua giuridica ad accogliere i lessicispecialistici, negli ultimi due decenni è comunque avvenuto un inserimentoprogressivo – seppur ad un ritmo non lineare..

    Safety and efficacy of mesotherapy in musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials with meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: To conduct a systematic review of randomized controlled trials about the safety (number and severity of adverse events) and efficacy (pain reduction and functional improvement) of mesotherapy in musculoskeletal disorders, and to compare them with other therapeutic options, in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement.METHODS: A search of PubMed, Cochrane Library and Scopus database resulted in an initial total of 16,253 records. A total of 931 articles were included in the study. A final total of 7 articles, published from 1 Jan 1999 until 30 Apr 2020 were selected. Two independent reviewers selected potentially relevant studies based on the inclusion criteria for full-text reading. They evaluated the methodological quality of each study and included only studies of high methodological quality, according to the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale.RESULTS: Seven studies were included in the meta-analysis, and visual analogue scale scores before and after mesotherapy were considered. A statistically significant reduction in visual analogue scale score in the mesotherapy group was reported in comparison with the control group in all except 1 of the trials. Mesotherapy was found to be a safe procedure with mild and temporary side-effects, such as nausea, fatigue, numbness, sweating, headache, ecchymosis, bleeding, pain and local reaction at the injection site.CONCLUSION: Mesotherapy proved to be more effective than systemic therapy in the treatment of local pain and functional limitations caused by a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. However, because of the heterogeneity of the analysed studies in terms of injected drugs, administration technique, associated treatments, frequency and total number of sessions, more randomized controlled trials are needed, comparing a standardized mesotherapy protocol with a systemic treatments

    Jornalismo Regional como Mediador Social: Uma Análise de Conteúdo

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    O presente estudo se refere ao jornalismo regional do Vale do Rio do Peixe, localizado no meio-oeste catarinense. A pesquisa selecionou para uma análise os três principais veículos impressos da região em questão. Com o objetivo foi verificar se os meios de comunicação interioranos atuam como mediadores entre poder público e comunidade, a pesquisa se baseou nas teorias do jornalismo, construção social da realidade e análise de conteúdo. A partir da observação da produção jornalística nos veículos selecionados e uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa, foi possível estabelecer os processos jornalísticos contidos nos meios de comunicação locais, além de apontar suas características, fragilidades e potencialidades. 

    L’educazione degli italiani. Laicità, progresso e nazione nel primo Novecento

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    Review of the book by Giorgio Chiosso, L’educazione degli italiani. Laicità, progresso e nazione nel primo novecento (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019)Reseña del libro de Giorgio Chiosso, L’educazione degli italiani. Laicità, progresso e nazione nel primo novecento (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019

    La norma e la sua applicazione: la strada interrotta per l'ingresso della ricerca educativa nella politica scolastica

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    L'intervento esamina l'istituzione della Conferenza nazionale per la formazione iniziale e l\u2019accesso alla professione di docente della scuola secondaria (disposta dall'art. 14 del Decreto Legislativo 13 aprile 2017, n. 59 "Riordino, adeguamento e semplificazione del sistema di formazione iniziale e di accesso nei ruoli di docenti nella scuola secondaria"), quale esempio della difficolt\ue0 che la ricerca educativa incontra nel permeare la normativa scolastica. Ci si sofferma, in particolare, sulla fase attuativa della norma primaria da parte dell'Amministrazione ministerial

    Regional scale analysis of the altimetric stream network evolution

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    International audienceFloods result from the limited carrying capacity of stream channels when compared to the discharge peak value. The transit of flood waves - with the associated erosion and sedimentation processes - often modifies local stream geometry. In some cases this results in a reduction of the stream carrying capacity, and consequently in an enhancement of the flooding risk. A mathematical model for the prediction of potential altimetric stream network evolution due to erosion and sedimentation processes is here formalized. It works at the regional scale, identifying the tendency of river segments to sedimentation, stability, or erosion. The model builds on geomorphologic concepts, and derives its parameters from extensive surveys. As a case study, tendencies of rivers pertaining to the Valle d'Aosta region are analyzed. Some validation is provided both at regional and local scales of analysis. Local validation is performed both through a mathematical model able to simulate the temporal evolution of the stream profile, and through comparison of the prediction with ante and post-event river surveys, where available. Overall results are strongly encouraging. Possible use of the information derived from the model in the context of flood and landslide hazard mitigation is briefly discussed