93 research outputs found

    Vertical Integration and Bank Performance

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    Added values and challenges when combining the use of Lean Six Sigma and Robotic Process Automation at financial institutions

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    Der stetige Wandel und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen sind Treiber der Weiterentwicklung von Unternehmen. Um am Markt bestehen zu können, wird eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Geschäftsprozesse benötigt. Um Geschäftsprozesse verbessern zu können, setzen Finanzinstitute vielfach auf den Einsatz von Lean Six Sigma (LSS) und Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Diese beiden Methoden kommen dabei allerdings selten kombiniert zur Anwendung. Auch die Forschung konzentriert sich vorwiegend auf die separate Anwendung dieser beiden Methoden. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Mehrwerte und Herausforderungen einer kombinierten Nutzung von LSS und RPA. Die Analysen basieren auf ExpertInnen-Interviews, einer LinkedIn-NutzerInnen Umfrage sowie einer Fallstudie, welche in einer Schweizer Grossbank durchgeführt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kombination von LSS mittels RPA einen Mehrwert in Bezug auf die Verbesserung der Geschäftsprozesse liefern kann. Mehrwerte können in den Bereichen „Prozessverbesserungen“, „strukturierte Vorgehensweise“, „Optimierung RPA“ und „Ressourceneinsparungen“ ausgemacht werden. Die zentralen Herausforderungen beim kombinierten Einsatz von LSS und RPA liegen in den Bereichen „Führung“, „Vorgehen“, „Mitarbeitende“ und „Vorgaben“. Es werden fünf zentrale Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen: Organisatorisch klar geregelte zentrale Leitung, proaktive und umfassende Wahrnehmung der Führungsverantwortung, systematische Kompetenzentwicklung in den Bereichen LSS und RPA, klar strukturierte Vorgehensweise für die Prozess- bzw. Problemanalyse sowie Fokussierung auf die Sicherstellung nachhaltiger Massnahmen

    Spatial and temporal patterns of electric vehicle charging station utilization : a nationwide case study of Switzerland

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    The expansion of the public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is seen as central to the development of electric mobility in many countries. Although national studies of charging infrastructure utilization based on real-world data would be a sound basis for demand planning, such studies are scarce. Using Switzerland as an example, this study examines the spatial and temporal patterns of charging infrastructure utilization. To this end, detailed, nationwide, real-time utilization data from 3086 electric vehicle supply equipment units (EVSEs) at electric vehicle charging stations were collected over a period of several months and analyzed exploratively and statistically. The maximum average utilization rate of the EVSEs surveyed during the study period is between 14% and 16%, depending on the day of the week and time of day. Most charging occurs Monday through Friday during peak working hours and on Saturday during the day. The median utilization time is higher in the largest cities than the statewide average. Charging stations along major transit routes do not have higher utilization rates than in other locations. The results suggest that public charging infrastructure is used primarily in cities and agglomeration during work hours. The findings from this study may help plan and make better use of funding to expand charging infrastructure

    Alendronate reduces periosteal microperfusion in vivo

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    OBJECTIVES: Bisphosphonates are known to induce a severe adverse effect known as medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). Previous studies have proven the impact of bisphosphonates on microperfusion; therefore, this study aimed to investigate alendronate-induced microcirculatory reactions in the calvarial periosteum of rats. STUDY DESIGN: Bone chambers were implanted into 48 Lewis rats. Microhemodynamics, inflammatory parameters, functional capillary density and defect healing were examined after alendronate treatment for two and six weeks using repetitive intravital fluorescence microscopy for two weeks. RESULTS: Microhemodynamics remained unchanged. In alendronate-treated rats, inflammation was slightly increased, functional capillary density was significantly reduced (day 10: controls 100.45 ± 5.38 cm/cm2^{2}, two weeks alendronate treatment 44.77 ± 3.55 cm/cm2^{2}, six weeks alendronate treatment 27.54 ± 2.23 cm/cm2^{2}) and defect healing was decelerated. The changes in functional capillary density and defect healing were dose-dependent. CONCLUSION: The bisphosphonate alendronate has a significant negative impact on periosteal microperfusion in vivo. This could be a promising target for the treatment of MRONJ

    Comparison of Selective Laser Melted Titanium and Magnesium Implants Coated with PCL

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    Degradable implant material for bone remodeling that corresponds to the physiological stability of bone has still not been developed. Promising degradable materials with good mechanical properties are magnesium and magnesium alloys. However, excessive gas production due to corrosion can lower the biocompatibility. In the present study we used the polymer coating polycaprolactone (PCL), intended to lower the corrosion rate of magnesium. Additionally, improvement of implant geometry can increase bone remodeling. Porous structures are known to support vessel ingrowth and thus increase osseointegration. With the selective laser melting (SLM) process, defined open porous structures can be created. Recently, highly reactive magnesium has also been processed by SLM. We performed studies with a flat magnesium layer and with porous magnesium implants coated with polymers. The SLM produced magnesium was compared with the titanium alloy TiAl6V4, as titanium is already established for the SLM-process. For testing the biocompatibility, we used primary murine osteoblasts. Results showed a reduced corrosion rate and good biocompatibility of the SLM produced magnesium with PCL coating.DFG/299/11-

    Автоматизированная информационно-библиотечная система «Библиобус»: современная версия

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    The article is devoted to the work of the automated information library system (AILS) “Bibliobus”, developed by specialists of the Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LNS RAS). The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers of the journal with the specific features of the modern AILS “Bibliobus” that provides complex automation of the main technological processes on the “way of book” of non-periodicals received in the centralized library system (CLS) holdings of LNS RAS. The authors describe capability features and functions of the system, the rules of work with it, the user interface for performing work related to centralized acquisition, book registration and distribution of the incoming books between the CLS libraries, cataloguing, classifying, etc. The system has a number of features that distinguish it from most automated library systems. It is focused on the centralized library network; part of the information is entered in the Centre, part — interactively in the libraries of the network; all the accounting and financial documents required by the centralized system are generated automatically. The AILS “Bibliobus” widely uses the bar coding, it applies to all stages of publication processing on the “way of book”; the bar codes appear on all supporting documents and printed cards. When cataloguing the publications, bibliographer introduces in the main “window” of system the bibliographic description in the format of State Standard GOST 7.1—2003 with some mark-ups, and in additional “windows” — the maximum possible metadata, providing multi-aspect search of the publication in the catalogue; the search fields for e-catalogue are generated automatically. The AILS “Bibliobus” provides for the formation of multi-level records. Its database stores the images of scanned text pages displayed in the electronic catalogue; all operations are logged with the start and end time, which allowed building on its basis a powerful reference and statistical system. The system has a modern user interface that allows the operator to obtain multiple information on various aspects of technological operations.Статья посвящена работе автоматизированной информационно-библиотечной системы (АИБС) «Библиобус», разработанной специалистами Библиотеки по естественным наукам Российской академии наук (БЕН РАН). Цель статьи — познакомить читателей журнала с особенностями современной АИБС «Библиобус», обеспечивающей комплексную автоматизацию основных технологических процессов по «пути книги» непериодических изданий, поступающих в фонды ЦБС БЕН РАН. Описываются возможности и функции системы, правила работы с ней, пользовательский интерфейс при выполнении работ, связанных с централизованным комплектованием, регистрацией поступлений и распределением поступающих книг между библиотеками ЦБС, каталогизацией, систематизацией и т. д. Система имеет ряд особенностей, отличающих ее от большинства автоматизированных библиотечных систем. Она ориентирована на централизованную библиотечную сеть, часть информации вводится в центре, часть — в библиотеках сети в интерактивном режиме; все необходимые для централизованной системы учетно-финансовые документы формируются автоматически. В АИБС «Библиобус» широко используется штрих-кодирование — оно применяется на всех этапах обработки издания по «пути книги», штрих-коды выводятся на все сопроводительные документы и на печатные карточки. При каталогизации изданий библиограф вводит в основное «окно» системы библиографическое описание в формате ГОСТ 7.1—2003 с некоторой разметкой, а в дополнительные «окна» — максимально возможное количество метаданных, обеспечивающих многоаспектный поиск издания в каталоге; поисковые поля для электронного каталога формируются автоматически. АИБС «Библиобус» предусматривает формирование многоуровневых записей. В ее базе данных хранятся образы отсканированных страниц текста, выводимые в электронный каталог; протоколируются все операции с указанием времени начала и конца, что позволило построить на ее основе мощную справочно-статистическую систему. Система обладает современным пользовательским интерфейсом, позволяющим оператору получать информацию по различным аспектам технологических операций

    SLM produced porous titanium implant improvements for enhanced vascularization and osteoblast seeding

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    To improve well-known titanium implants, pores can be used for increasing bone formation and close bone-implant interface. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) enables the production of any geometry and was used for implant production with 250-microm pore size. The used pore size supports vessel ingrowth, as bone formation is strongly dependent on fast vascularization. Additionally, proangiogenic factors promote implant vascularization. To functionalize the titanium with proangiogenic factors, polycaprolactone (PCL) coating can be used. The following proangiogenic factors were examined: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (CXCL12). As different surfaces lead to different cell reactions, titanium and PCL coating were compared. The growing into the porous titanium structure of primary osteoblasts was examined by cross sections. Primary osteoblasts seeded on the different surfaces were compared using Live Cell Imaging (LCI). Cross sections showed cells had proliferated, but not migrated after seven days. Although the cell count was lower on titanium PCL implants in LCI, the cell count and cell spreading area development showed promising results for titanium PCL implants. HMGB1 showed the highest migration capacity for stimulating the endothelial cell line. Future perspective would be the incorporation of HMGB1 into PCL polymer for the realization of a slow factor release.DFG/299/11-

    Virtual 3D tumor marking-exact intraoperative coordinate mapping improve post-operative radiotherapy

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    The quality of the interdisciplinary interface in oncological treatment between surgery, pathology and radiotherapy is mainly dependent on reliable anatomical three-dimensional (3D) allocation of specimen and their context sensitive interpretation which defines further treatment protocols. Computer-assisted preoperative planning (CAPP) allows for outlining macroscopical tumor size and margins. A new technique facilitates the 3D virtual marking and mapping of frozen sections and resection margins or important surgical intraoperative information. These data could be stored in DICOM format (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) in terms of augmented reality and transferred to communicate patient's specific tumor information (invasion to vessels and nerves, non-resectable tumor) to oncologists, radiotherapists and pathologists

    Vascularization and biocompatibility of poly(ε-caprolactone) fiber mats for rotator cuff tear repair

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    Rotator cuff tear is the most frequent tendon injury in the adult population. Despite current improvements in surgical techniques and the development of grafts, failure rates following tendon reconstruction remain high. New therapies, which aim to restore the topology and functionality of the interface between muscle, tendon and bone, are essentially required. One of the key factors for a successful incorporation of tissue engineered constructs is a rapid ingrowth of cells and tissues, which is dependent on a fast vascularization. The dorsal skinfold chamber model in female BALB/cJZtm mice allows the observation of microhemodynamic parameters in repeated measurements in vivo and therefore the description of the vascularization of different implant materials. In order to promote vascularization of implant material, we compared a porous polymer patch (a commercially available porous polyurethane based scaffold from Biomerix™) with electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) fiber mats and chitosan-graft-PCL coated electrospun PCL (CS-g-PCL) fiber mats in vivo. Using intravital fluorescence microscopy microcirculatory parameters were analyzed repetitively over 14 days. Vascularization was significantly increased in CS-g-PCL fiber mats at day 14 compared to the porous polymer patch and uncoated PCL fiber mats. Furthermore CS-g-PCL fiber mats showed also a reduced activation of immune cells. Clinically, these are important findings as they indicate that the CS-g-PCL improves the formation of vascularized tissue and the ingrowth of cells into electrospun PCL scaffolds. Especially the combination of enhanced vascularization and the reduction in immune cell activation at the later time points of our study points to an improved clinical outcome after rotator cuff tear repair. © 2020 Gniesmer et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    In vivo analysis of vascularization and biocompatibility of electrospun polycaprolactone fibre mats in the rat femur chamber

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    In orthopaedic medicine, connective tissues are often affected by traumatic or degenerative injuries, and surgical intervention is required. Rotator cuff tears are a common cause of shoulder pain and disability among adults. The development of graft materials for bridging the gap between tendon and bone after chronic rotator cuff tears is essentially required. The limiting factor for the clinical success of a tissue engineering construct is a fast and complete vascularization of the construct. Otherwise, immigrating cells are not able to survive for a longer period of time, resulting in the failure of the graft material. The femur chamber allows the observation of microhaemodynamic parameters inside implants located in close vicinity to the femur in repeated measurements in vivo. We compared a porous polymer patch (a commercially available porous polyurethane-based scaffold from Biomerix™) with electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) fibre mats and chitosan (CS)-graft-PCL modified electrospun PCL (CS-g-PCL) fibre mats in vivo. By means of intravital fluorescence microscopy, microhaemodynamic parameters were analysed repetitively over 20 days at intervals of 3 to 4 days. CS-g-PCL modified fibre mats showed a significantly increased vascularization at Day 10 compared with Day 6 and at Day 14 compared with the porous polymer patch and the unmodified PCL fibre mats at the same day. These results could be verified by histology. In conclusion, a clear improvement in terms of vascularization and biocompatibility is achieved by graft-copolymer modification compared with the unmodified material. © 2019 The Authors Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Published by John Wiley & Sons Lt