8 research outputs found

    Training hydrologists to be ecohydrologists and play a leading role in environmental problem solving

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    Ecohydrology is a relatively new and rapidly growing subject area in the hydrology curriculum. It is a trans-disciplinary science derived from the larger earth systems science movement and examining mutual interactions of the hydrological cycle and ecosystems. It is also an applied science focused on problem solving and providing sound guidance to catchment-scale integrated land and water resources management. The principle spheres of ecohydrology include (i) climate-soil-vegetation-groundwater interactions at the land surface with special implications for land use, food production and climate change; (ii) riparian runoff, flooding, and flow regime dynamics in river corridors with special implications for water supply, water quality, and inland fisheries; and (iii) fluvial and groundwater inputs to lakes/reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal zones with special implications for water quality and fisheries. We propose an educational vision focused on the development of professional and personal competencies to impart a depth of scientific knowledge in the theory and practice of ecohydrology and a breadth of cross-cutting knowledge and skills to enable ecohydrologists to effectively collaborate with associated scientists and communicate results to resource managers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders. In-depth knowledge in hydrology, ecology, and biogeochemistry is emphasized, as well as technical skills in data collection, modeling, and statistical analysis. Cross-cutting knowledge is framed in the context of integrated water resources management. Personal competencies to be fostered in educational programs include creative thinking, cooperation, communication, and leadership. We consider a life-long learning context but highlight the importance of master's level training in the professional formation of ecohydrologists.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project

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    The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integrated forest and water resources management, relevant to extreme events for Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina. Data analysis and model application support the hypothesis that, as the size of the flood peak increases, the effect of forest cover becomes less important. Guidelines for integrated water and forest resources management are developed which recognize this effect but emphasize the role that forests play in reducing the flood levels of more moderate events. The research findings are transferred to policy-making for the four focus countries via a set of policy briefs, taking into account the institutional frameworks, achievable policy objectives and key stakeholders.Facultad de Ingenierí

    El cambio climático y las condiciones ambientales en los partidos de La Plata, Berisso y Ensenada, provincia de Buenos Aires: aspectos preliminares

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    Se presentan las tareas iniciales realizadas en relación al proyecto Efectos del cambio climático en las condiciones ambientales de los Partidos de Berisso, Ensenada y La Plata, que es financiado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en el marco del programa de “Proyectos de innovación y transferencia en áreas prioritarias (PIT-AP). Con este proyecto, iniciado en 2011, se propone avanzar en el conocimiento y evaluación de la influencia que generan los cambios climáticos en las condiciones ambientales del borde sur del Río de La Plata. Estos cambios pueden producir importantes efectos en el desarrollo socioeconómico y en los riesgos a que se encuentra sometida esta región. Debido a la escasez de datos básicos y la falta de un conocimiento adecuado de las condiciones ambientales de la región, se están realizando los estudios geológicos, geomorfológicos, hidrológicos, ecológicos y topográficos necesarios para el modelado de posibles escenarios de los cambios climáticos

    Training hydrologists to be ecohydrologists and play a leading role in environmental problem solving

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    Ecohydrology is a relatively new and rapidly growing subject area in the hydrology curriculum. It is a trans-disciplinary science derived from the larger earth systems science movement and examining mutual interactions ofthe hydrological cycle and ecosystems. It is also an applied science focused on problem solving and providing sound guidance to catchment-scale integrated land and water resources management. The principle spheres of ecohydrology include (i) climate-soil-vegetation-groundwater interactions at the land surface with special implications for land use, food production and climate change; (ii) riparian runoff, flooding, and flow regime dynamics in river corridors with special implications for water supply, water quality, and inland fisheries; and (iii) fluvial and groundwater inputs to lakes/reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal zones with special implications for water quality and fisheries. We propose an educational vision focused on the development of professional and personal competencies to impart a depth of scientific knowledge in the theory and practice of ecohydrology and a breadth of cross-cutting knowledge and skills to enable ecohydrologists to effectively collaborate with associated scientists and communicate results to resource managers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders. In-depth knowledge in hydrology, ecology, and biogeochemistry is emphasized, as well as technical skills in data collection, modeling, and statistical analysis. Cross-cutting knowledge is framed in the context of integrated water resources management. Personal competencies to be fostered in educational programs include creative thinking, cooperation, communication, and leadership. We consider a life-long learning context but highlight the importance of master’s level training in the professional formation of ecohydrologists

    Water International

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    El proyecto EPIC FORCE objetivo de desarrollar recomendaciones de políticas basadas en la ciencia para los bosques y la gestión integradas de los recursos hídricos, correspondiente a los eventos extremos de Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile y Argentina. Análisis de los datos y la aplicación del modelo apoyan la hipótesis de que, como el tamaño de los picos de inundaciones aumenta, el efecto de la cobertura forestal se vuelve menos importante. Directrices para el agua y la gestión integrada de los recursos forestales se desarrollan que reconocen este efecto, pero hacen hincapié en el papel que desempeñan los bosques en la reducción de los niveles de inundación de los eventos más moderados. Los resultados de la investigación se transfieren a la formulación de políticas para los cuatro países seleccionados a través de un conjunto de notas sobre políticas, teniendo en cuenta los marcos institucionales, los objetivos de política alcanzables y los principales interesados. Los bosques y las inundaciones en América Latina: la ciencia, la gestión, la política y el proyecto EPIC FORCE.The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integrated forest and water resources management, relevant to extreme events for Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina. Data analysis and model application support the hypothesis that, as the size of the flood peak increases, the effect of forest cover becomes less important. Guidelines for integrated water and forest resources management are developed which recognize this effect but emphasize the role that forests play in reducing the flood levels of more moderate events. The research findings are transferred to policy-making for the four focus countries via a set of policy briefs, taking into account the institutional frameworks, achievable policy objectives and key stakeholders. Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCECuencavolumen 35; número