475 research outputs found

    On unit group of finite semisimple group algebras of non-metabelian groups up to order 72

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    summary:We characterize the unit group of semisimple group algebras FqG\mathbb {F}_qG of some non-metabelian groups, where FqF_q is a field with q=pkq=p^k elements for pp prime and a positive integer kk. In particular, we consider all 6 non-metabelian groups of order 48, the only non-metabelian group ((C3×C3)⋊C3)⋊C2((C_3\times C_3)\rtimes C_3)\rtimes C_2 of order 54, and 7 non-metabelian groups of order 72. This completes the study of unit groups of semisimple group algebras for groups upto order 72

    The unit groups of semisimple group algebras of some non-metabelian groups of order 144144

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    summary:We consider all the non-metabelian groups GG of order 144144 that have exponent either 3636 or 7272 and deduce the unit group U(FqG)U(\mathbb {F}_qG) of semisimple group algebra FqG\mathbb {F}_qG. Here, qq denotes the power of a prime, i.e., q=prq=p^r for pp prime and a positive integer rr. Up to isomorphism, there are 66 groups of order 144144 that have exponent either 3636 or 7272. Additionally, we also discuss how to simply obtain the unit groups of the semisimple group algebras of those non-metabelian groups of order 144144 that are a direct product of two nontrivial groups. In all, this paper covers the unit groups of semisimple group algebras of 1717 non-metabelian groups.\looseness -


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Osteoporosis is a quite common in post-menopausal women due to estrogen deficiency. Uric acid (UA) concentration has found somecontroversial association with bone mineral density (BMD). Hence, the role of UA may be beneficial to know due to the sign and symptoms presentedby osteoporosis patients.Methods: A total of 79 post-menopausal women were recruited without having a previous history of osteoporosis or the secondary osteoporosis.Their BMD was estimated by estimating T-score and Z-score at the tibia and radius level. Total calcium ionized calcium, serum phosphate, alkalinephosphatase (ALP), and UA level were estimated by a colorimetric method.Results and Conclusions: There were 38 women having osteoporosis and remaining 41 with pre-osteoporosis or osteopenia. Significant resultswere obtained between these groups. Total calcium and ionized calcium were higher is osteopenic group and the result highly significant (<0.001).Serum concentration of phosphate and ALP were significantly (<0.01) higher in the osteoporotic group. The UA level was significantly higher(<0.001) in the osteoporotic women. There were positive association (standardized β=0.265, p=0.018) serum UA and ALP in the study group. Inconclusion, post-menopausal women with pre-osteoporosis as well as osteoporosis are characterized by elevated concentration of UA. The role ofUA in bone loss disorder could not be neglected as hyperuricemia may give rise to several other life-threatening diseases associated with this, incoming future.Keywords: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Uric acid, Bone mineral density


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Osteoporosis is quite common in elderly people, especially in post-menopausal women. The role of Magnesium, an important cation alongwith calcium for bone formation, is not very well-studied in osteoporosis as well as osteopenia group.Methods: Total 68 post-menopausal women 48-75 years of age group, were included in this study. In which, 33 women were having osteoporosiswhile rest 35 were from osteopenia. The differentiation between osteoporosis and osteopenia were done with the bone mineral density usuallyexpressed in T score and Z score. Serum total calcium, ionized calcium, serum phosphate, serum alkaline phosphatase, and serum magnesium wereestimated in post-menopausal women.Results: Significant results were obtained in various parameters. In osteopenic women, the mean values of total calcium (8.25±1.25 vs. 9.29±0.62)and ionized calcium (4.22±0.51 vs. 4.64±0.31) were significantly (<0.001) higher. The serum concentration of alkaline phosphatase (159.87±37.11 vs.137.21±33.29) was significantly higher (<0.01) in osteoporosis group. The serum concentration of magnesium (1.95±0.44 vs. 2.22±0.42) was lowerin osteoporosis group, and the result was statistically significant (<0.05).Conclusion: In post-menopausal women, osteoporosis is characterized by a lower concentration of magnesium. Hypomagnesemia may result ininflammatory disorders which have an existing relationship with bone loss. The dietary intake of magnesium supplement may be useful in reducingthe adverse effect of osteoporosis.Keywords: Osteoporosis, Post-menopause, Osteopenia, Hypomagnesemia


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Cardiovascular risk as suggested by its name refers to altered lipid profile and C-reactive protein. It is associated with hypothyroidismdue to the effect of abnormal concentrations of thyroid hormones in the cardiovascular system and increased the risk of atherosclerosis. Subclinicalhypothyroidism is associated with cardiac abnormalities is not well-documented. C-reactive protein one of the markers of inflammation, considered tobe the predictor of cardiovascular diseases. It may be helpful in the assessment of future developments of cardiovascular abnormalities in subclinicalhypothyroidism.Methods: Recently diagnosed 71 subclinical hypothyroidism patients were enrolled in the study and compared with 63 healthy individuals.Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration. Thyroid profile (TSH, free thyroxine,triiodothyroinine) and C-reactive protein were estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), and highdensitylipoprotein-cholesterolwereinvestigatedin the studypopulation bya spectrophotometricmethod,and low-densitylipoprotein-cholesterol(LDL-C)wasmeasuredbythe Friedewaldformula.Results and Conclusion: Altered lipid profile, as well as higher concentrations of C-reactive protein, was observed in subclinical hypothyroidismpatients as compared to controls. Higher concentration of TC, TG, and LDL was observed in subclinical hypothyroidism patients while theconcentration of high-density lipoprotein was lower in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. The elevated concentration of C-reactive proteinwas also observed in the patient group. Patients having TSH >10 µIU/ml have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to patientshaving TSH <10 µIU/ml and increasing concentration of C-reactive protein along with LDL-C may progress to cardiac abnormality.Keywords: Subclinical hypothyroidism, C-reactive protein, Dyslipidemia, Cardiovascular risk


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    Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and inflammatory diseases are now a day's one of the most popular topics of research. Previous studies have shownthat the patients with SCH have increased levels of triglycerides and signs of low-grade inflammation (raised C-reactive protein levels). Disordermight be a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular and other inflammatory diseases. However, there is still some controversy concerning theinflammatory impact of SCH. Treating patients with thyroid stimulating hormone values of <10 mIU/L is not compelling, except in pregnant women.Fortifying the association between SCH and inflammation and a better understanding of research data may provide a more compelling argument forfuture treatment.Keywords: Thyroid stimulating hormone, C reactive protein, interleukin-6, inflammatio


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: Insect pest problems in agriculture have a considerable shift during first decade of 21st century due to global climate changes. Varioussynthetic insecticides were used from last 50 years to overcome the pest problem, but major concerns in using these pesticides were: Public healthand pesticide resistance in pests. To abolish the catastrophic effect of synthetic insecticides, urgent need to develop new drugs for pest control. In thisstudy we evaluate the insecticidal and genotoxic activity of ethanolic extract of Acorus calamus rhizome against Drosophila melanogaster.Methods: Different concentration of ethanolic extracts of A. calamus, fed to different developmental stages of D. melanogaster to determine insecticidalactivity and genotoxicity; genotoxicity was determined by the comet assay in male flies.Results: Lethal concentration 50 (LC50) values of ethanolic extract against larvae, adult males and females of D. melanogaster were 109.54, 52.51 and41.11 mg/L respectively. Genotoxicity of adult's flies were determined at 30 and 55 mg/L ethanolic extract of A. calamus, The mean comet tail lengthwas 4.24±0.653 μm and 6.13±0.721 μm and the respective DNA damage was 5.1% and 7.3% with reference to controls.Conclusion: The present finding suggests that ethanolic extract of A. calamus rhizome showed higher insecticidal potential in adults than larvaeof D. melanogaster. Results from genotoxicity studies further support the insecticidal activity against adult stages of D. melanogaster. The studyreflects ethanolic extract of A. calamus could be used as an alternative pest control negotiator for minimizing the noxious effects of pesticides in theenvironment.Keywords: Insecticidal activity, Genotoxicity, Ethanolic extract, Botanical pesticides, Acorus calamus, Drosophila melanogaster
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