290 research outputs found

    Jakten på det gode øyeblikk : fokusgruppeintervju med ansatte om erfaringer med bruk av alternative og komplementære behandlingsmetoder i sykehjem

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    Background: The number of patients diagnosed with dementia may double in the next 35 years. The health authorities meet the challenge with innovation and competence. Some nursing homes have started using alternative and complementary methods in caring for patients with dementia. Purpose: What methods are applied? How do the employees experience the use of complementary and alternative methods? This study will explore the possibilities associated with such methods. Methods: The study has a descriptive, explorative and interpretive design. Data were collected in focus group interviews, with a total of 12 employees from three nursing homes. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim, and Malterud’s (2003) “systematic text condensation” was used to analyze the data. Results: The employees are excited about learning and using the alternative and complementary methods, such as animal assisted therapy, music therapy, milieu therapy and aromatherapy. They have experienced successful results from using complementary and alternative methods. Employees are open towards new knowledge and they believe in alternative complementary methods. They willingly share their experience both at work and private. There are challenges using complementary and alternative methods in nursing homes with various groups of patients, problems keeping animals in institutions, negative attitude from coworkers and organizing projects at shift wards. Conclusion: Employees using complementary and alternative methods are open and teachable, fulfilling criteria described in learning organizations with willingness to change. They experience several methods having positive effect patients with dementia. There are no studies on the prevalence of complementary and alternative methods practice in Norwegian nursing homes. This calls for further research

    A Compiler and Runtime Environment for Execution of Coloured Petri Net Models

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    Reliance on software systems is ever increasing in our world. Alongside the application of concurrent software systems that embody communication, syn- chronization and resource sharing. Many problems in software engineering have strict requirements regarding concurrency and correctness. Designing correct concurrent software is challenging, and a range of formalisms and tools exists that can help the development process. Coloured Petri nets are an extension of the mathematical concept of Petri nets and a widely used language for spec- ification and modelling concurrent systems. CPN Tools is a tool for editing, simulating, and analyzing Coloured Petri nets models. A need has been iden- tified to develop new software tools to execute Coloured Petri net models to facilitate further development and increase portability. This thesis proposes a compiler and a runtime environment for Coloured Petri nets using the F# pro- gramming language and the .NET platform. The result is a CPN simulation system consisting of a compiler that can parse a .cpn file and generate code and a simulator that can use the code generated and execute the model. A state-space exploration strongly supports the functional correctness of the system.Masteroppgave i Programutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO


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    Hasil studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan terhadap guru mata pelajaran kimia di beberapa SMA di Kota Bandung memperlihatkan bahwa pembelajaran kimia materi reaksi redoks transfer elektron yang diterapkan dinilai belum sesuai dan memenuhi tuntutan silabus pada kurikulum yang berlaku sehingga diperlukan penataan kembali konten dan strategi pembelajaran yang sifatnya sistematis, terstruktur, dan general, yang diharapkan akan mempermudah peserta didik dalam memahami konsep dan prinsip materi reaksi redoks transfer elektron yang diajarkan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis konsep esensial pokok bahasan reaksi redoks transfer elektron pada enam silabus kurikulum yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri serta enam buku ajar yang mengacu pada kurikulum dalam dan luar negeri, analisis strategi pembelajaran pada dokumen rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri, dan analisis data kesulitan belajar peserta didik pada pokok bahasan reaksi redoks transfer elektron pada jurnal penelitian. Hasil analisis dari silabus dan buku ajar pokok bahasan reaksi redoks transfer elektron didapatkan tiga kategori konsep esensial diantaranya aplikasi, konsep inti, dan percobaan reaksi redoks. Strategi pembelajaran reaksi redoks transfer elektron yang bersifat generik adalah strategi pembelajaran yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif-inkuiri, pendekatan saintifik, serta metode praktikum dan diskusi. Uji keterlaksanaan strategi pembelajaran generik reaksi redoks transfer elektron dilakukan pada salah satu sekolah menengah atas di Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban peserta didik pada LKS yang dikerjakan selama kegiatan pembelajaran, dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain strategi pembelajaran generik reaksi redoks transfer elektron dapat diterapkan pada peserta didik yang sebelumnya mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan strategi yang berbeda untuk topik bahasan yang sama.----------Results of preliminary studies have been done on the subject teachers of chemistry at several high schools in Bandung show that learning material chemical redox reactions of transfer electron is considered not suitable and meet the demands of the curriculum syllabus in force so that the necessary realignment and learning strategies in order to obtain a new systematically composition which are expected to facilities students in understanding the concepts and principles of redox reactions of electron transfer material being taught. Research carried out by analyzing the concept of the essential subject of redox reactions of electron transfer at six curriculum syllabus and six textbooks which refer to the national and international curriculum, analyzing of learning strategies from lesson plans, and learning difficulties of students fron research journals. Results of analysis of the syllabus and textbook subject to electron transfer redox reactions obtained three categories of essential concepts such applications, the core concepts, and experiment redox reactions. Learning strategies redox reactions of electron transfer is generic learning strategies using cooperative learning model-inquiry, scientific approach, as well as practical methods and discussions. Testing of generic learning strategies electron transfer redox reactions conducted at one of high school in West Java. Best on the answers of students in worksheet is done during the learning activities, it can be concluded that the design of generic learning strategies redox reactions of transfer electron can be applied to students who previously received learning with different strategies for the same topic

    An energy efficient noise-shaping SAR ADC in 28 nm FDSOI

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    In a noise-shaping SAR ADC, oversampling and noise shaping are used to increase the conversion accuracy beyond that the SAR exhibits alone. To implement the noise shaping, the residue voltage present at the SAR DAC plates after each conversion is exploited, and fed into a loop filter connected to an extra input of the SAR comparator. In this thesis, an energy efficient noise-shaping SAR ADC for medical ultrasound applications is designed in 28 nm FDSOI. The design specification is minimum 11.0 bit ENOB of accuracy, signal bandwidth of minimum 2 MHz, and sample rate of minimum 32MHz. According to post-layout Monte Carlo simulations, the designed ADC has an accuracy of 11.1 bit ENOB, and thus satisfies the accuracy requirement. The signal bandwidth and sample rate are the same as in the design specification. Specifically, the topics of this thesis are the design of the loop filter and its inter- facing towards the SAR, as well as the overall high level design. The 9-bit SAR used in the system is an already existing implementation. A cascaded FIR-IIR filter topology is used for the loop filter. In this work, the circuit implementation of this topology is improved, most importantly through the introduction of chopped buffers at the filter input. This eliminates signal attenuation due to charge sharing, and a DAC capacitance that is smaller than the sampling capacitance in the loop filter can therefore be used. Also, auto-zeroed, cascoded inverters rather than a standard OTA are used as gain elements in the switched-capacitor filter structure, and this leads to better energy efficiency. The designed ADC achieves a figure of merit (FOM) of 7.5fJ/conv-step in post-layout Monte Carlo simulations, and to the best of the author s knowledge, this is better than the current state-of-the-art of noise-shaping ADCs. When all kinds of ADCs are taken into consideration, the achieved FOM seems to be similar to the current state-of-the-art in the same specification range

    Hvorfor mangfold? En studie av ulike forståelser og praktiseringer av mangfold

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    -Med rapportens tittel Hvorfor mangfold? ønsker vi å sette fokus på hvordan bedrifter forstår og definerer mangfold i arbeidslivet, og hvordan de på ulike måter integrerer mangfoldstankegangen i sin organisasjon. Vi har valgt å se nærmere på bedriftene Posten, Telenor, Statoil, DalPro og Stormberg. Datamaterialet baserer seg hovedsakelig på en gjennomgang av bedriftenes offentlige dokumenter, samt intervjuer med ledere og HR-ansvarlige. Bedriftene representerer stor variasjon, både når det kommer til bransje, størrelse, og ikke minst deres forståelse og praktisering av mangfoldsledelse

    Blood flow changes in pelvic vessels associated with the application of an abdominal compression belt in healthy postpartum women

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    Introduction: Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) accounts for a high proportion of maternal mortality and morbidity throughout the world. A uterine compression belt which has been developed recently represents a very low tech, low cost solution in managing postpartum haemorrhage. Objectives: To evaluate the blood flow changes in pelvic vessels following application of the postpartum haemorrhage compression belt (Laerdal Global Health, Stavanger, Norway). Methods: The sample included healthy postpartum women within 6 hours of vaginal delivery. The study was performed at Teaching Hospital, Ragama, Sri Lanka. PPH compression belt was applied on the lower abdomen in a supine position with a slight lateral tilt. Patient’s pulse, blood pressure and Doppler indices (RI, PI and PFV) of the uterine, internal iliac and femoral arteries were measured using transabdominal Doppler ultrasonography. Lower limb oxygen saturation was also measured. Measurements were obtained by connecting the subjects to a multimonitor throughout the study period of 20 minutes. Median RI, PI and PFV was calculated and comparisons were made between the baseline and after belt application at 10 and 20 minutes. Results: A total of 20 healthy women were included and the mean time from delivery to study inclusion was 2.5 (range 0.5–5.0) hours. There were no adverse outcomes or altered vital signs noted among participants. Overall there were no significant changes in the internal iliac, uterine and femoral artery blood flow after application of the compression belt. Conclusions: There were no significant changes in the internal iliac, uterine and femoral artery blood flow after application of the compression belt. This preliminary study only shows that the application of the PPH compression belt has no apparent adverse changes in the iliac, uterine and femoral artery blood flow in postpartum mothers

    Parametric Study of a Taut Compliant Mooring System for a FOWT Compared to a Catenary Mooring

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    The catenary mooring system is a well recognized station keeping method. However, there could be economical and environmental benefits of reducing the footprint. In the last decades, more focus has been given to synthetic mooring lines and different mooring layouts to optimize the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for offshore renevable energy converters such as wave energy converters. Therefore, this work presents a parametric study of two important parameters, namely the mooring line angle and line pretension, for a taut mooring configuration focusing on the dynamic response when applied to the TetraSpar floating foundation compared to a catenary mooring system. The work is based on experimental results conducted in the wave basin at Aalborg University (AAU) and compared to analytical stiffness calculations. In addition, a numerical model was tuned based on the main dynamics to achieve the tension response. The results showed satisfying dynamic behavior where the angle and pretension mainly influenced the surge and yaw natural periods. The motion response showed similar behavior between the chosen parameters, and larger pitch amplitudes were found compared to the catenary system

    Telomere length regulation: coupling DNA end processing to feedback regulation of telomerase

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    The conventional DNA polymerase machinery is unable to fully replicate the ends of linear chromosomes. To surmount this problem, nearly all eukaryotes use the telomerase enzyme, a specialized reverse transcriptase that utizes its own RNA template to add short TG-rich repeats to chromosome ends, thus reversing their gradual erosion occurring at each round of replication. This unique, non-DNA templated mode of telomere replication requires a regulatory mechanism to ensure that telomerase acts at telomeres whose TG tracts are too short, but not at those with long tracts, thus maintaining the protective TG repeat cap at an appropriate average length. The prevailing notion in the field is that telomere length regulation is brought about through a negative feedback mechanism that counts TG repeat-bound protein complexes to generate a signal that regulates telomerase action. This review summarizes experiments leading up to this model and then focuses on more recent experiments, primarily from yeast, that begin to suggest how this counting mechanism might work. The emerging picture is that of a complex interplay between the conventional DNA replication machinery, DNA damage response factors, and a specialized set of proteins that help to recruit and regulate the telomerase enzyme

    Inviability of a DNA2 deletion mutant is due to the DNA damage checkpoint

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    Dna2 is a dual polarity exo/endonuclease, and 5' to 3' DNA helicase involved in Okazaki Fragment Processing (OFP) and Double-Strand Break (DSB) Repair. In yeast, DNA2 is an essential gene, as expected for a DNA replication protein. Suppression of the lethality of dna2Δ mutants has been found to occur by two mechanisms: overexpression of RAD27^(scFEN1), encoding a 5' to 3' exo/endo nuclease that processes Okazaki fragments (OFs) for ligation, or deletion of PIF1, a 5' to 3' helicase involved in mitochondrial recombination, telomerase inhibition and OFP. Mapping of a novel, spontaneously arising suppressor of dna2Δ now reveals that mutation of rad9 and double mutation of rad9 mrc1 can also suppress the lethality of dna2Δ mutants. Interaction of dna2Δ and DNA damage checkpoint mutations provides insight as to why dna2Δ is lethal but rad27Δ is not, even though evidence shows that Rad27^(ScFEN1) processes most of the Okazaki fragments, while Dna2 processes only a subset