128 research outputs found

    Evaluating the RFSoC as a Software-Defined Radio readout system for Magnetic Microcalorimeters

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    Arrays of superconducting sensors enable particle spectrum analysis with superior energy resolution. To efficiently acquire data from frequency multiplexed sensors, the readout electronics operating at room temperature must perform multiple tasks, such as low-noise probe tone generation, frequency demodulation, and data decimation. We designed a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) system composed of an MPSoC board, an analogue-digital conversion stage, and a radio frequency front-end mixing stage to meet the system requirements of 4 GHz instantaneous bandwidth and real-time data analysis. Nevertheless, utilising a Radio Frequency System-on-Chip (RFSoC) could simplify the overall system by integrating the conversion stage. This work investigates the applicability of RFSoCs for the aforementioned use case

    Nat Struct Mol Biol

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    As translation proceeds, the nascent polypeptide chain passes through a tunnel in the large ribosomal subunit. Although this ribosomal exit tunnel was once thought only to be a passive conduit for the growing nascent chain, accumulating evidence suggests that it may in fact play a more active role in regulating translation and initial protein folding events. Here we have determined single-particle cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of eukaryotic 80S ribosomes containing nascent chains with high alpha-helical propensity located within the exit tunnel. The maps enable direct visualization of density for helices as well as allowing the sites of interaction with the tunnel wall components to be elucidated. In particular regions of the tunnel, the nascent chain adopts distinct conformations and establishes specific contacts with tunnel components, both ribosomal RNA and proteins, that have been previously implicated in nascent chain-ribosome interaction

    SDR-Based Readout Electronics for the ECHo Experiment

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    Due to their excellent energy resolution, the intrinsically fast signal rise time, the huge energy dynamic range, and the almost ideally linear detector response, metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMC)s are very well suited for a variety of applications in physics. In particular, the ECHo experiment aims to utilize large-scale MMC-based detector arrays to investigate the mass of the electron neutrino. Reading out such arrays is a challenging task which can be tackled using microwave SQUID multiplexing. Here, the detector signals are transduced into frequency shifts of superconducting microwave resonators, which can be deduced using a high-end software-defined radio (SDR) system. The ECHo SDR system is a custom-made modular electronics, which provides 400 channels equally distributed in a 4 to 8 GHz frequency band. The system consists of a superheterodyne RF frequency converter with two successive mixers, a modular conversion, and an FPGA board. For channelization, a novel heterogeneous approach, utilizing the integrated digital down conversion (DDC) of the ADC, a polyphase channelizer, and another DDC for demodulation, is proposed. This approach has excellent channelization properties while being resource-efficient at the same time. After signal demodulation, on-FPGA flux-ramp demodulation processes the signals before streaming it to the data processing and storage backend

    Microbial diversity across compartments in an aquaponic system and its connection to the nitrogen cycle

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    Aquaponics combines hydroponic crop production with recirculating aquaculture. These systems comprise various compartments (fish tank, biofilter, sump, hydroponic table, radial flow settler and anaerobic digester), each with their own specific environmental pressures, which trigger the formation of unique microbial communities. Triplicated aquaponic systems were used to investigate the microbial community composition during three lettuce growing cycles. The sampling of individual compartments allowed community patterns to be generated using amplicon sequencing of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes. Nitrifying bacteria were identified in the hydroponic compartments, indicating that these compartments may play a larger role than previously thought in the system's nitrogen cycle. In addition to the observed temporal changes in community compositions within the anaerobic compartment, more archaeal reads were obtained from sludge samples than from the aerobic part of the system. Lower bacterial diversity was observed in fresh fish feces, where a highly discrete gut flora composition was seen. Finally, the most pronounced differences in microbial community compositions were observed between the aerobic and anaerobic loops of the system, with unique bacterial compositions in each individual compartment

    White-light photoluminescence and photoactivation in cadmium sulfide embedded in mesoporous silicon dioxide templates studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy

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    This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of colloid and interface science. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of colloid and interface science, [147, 1, (2013)] DOI10.1016/j.jcis.2013.06.022)SBA-15 and SBA-16 silica templates have been infiltrated with CdS by means of nanocasting using a hybrid precursor. The morphology and structure of both the SiO2@CdS nanocomposites and the silica-free CdS replicas have been characterized. The three-dimensional nanocrystalline CdS networks embedded in SBA-15 and SBA-16 silica templates exhibit broad photoluminescence (PL) spectra over the entire visible range, together with enhanced PL intensity compared to silica-free CdS replicas. These effects result from the role silica plays in passivating the surface of the CdS mesostructures. Furthermore, photoactivation is eventually observed during continuous illumination because of both structural and chemical surface odifications. Owing to this combination of properties, these materials could be appealing for solid-state lighting, where ultra-bright near-white PL emission is indispensable

    Nanoscale Confinement and Fluorescence Effects of Bacterial Light Harvesting Complex LH2 in Mesoporous Silicas

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    Many key chemical and biochemical reactions, particularly in living cells, take place in confined space at the mesoscopic scale. Toward understanding of physicochemical nature of biomacromolecules confined in nanoscale space, in this work we have elucidated fluorescence effects of a light harvesting complex LH2 in nanoscale chemical environments. Mesoporous silicas (SBA-15 family) with different shapes and pore sizes were synthesized and used to create nanoscale biomimetic environments for molecular confinement of LH2. A combination of UV-vis absorption, wide-field fluorescence microscopy, and in situ ellipsometry supports that the LH2 complexes are located inside the silica nanopores. Systematic fluorescence effects were observed and depend on degree of space confinement. In particular, the temperature dependence of the steady-state fluorescence spectra was analyzed in detail using condensed matter band shape theories. Systematic electronic-vibrational coupling differences in the LH2 transitions between the free and confined states are found, most likely responsible for the fluorescence effects experimentally observed

    Structure of the pre-60S ribosomal subunit with nuclear export factor Arx1 bound at the exit tunnel

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    Pre-ribosomal particles evolve in the nucleus through transient interaction with biogenesis factors, before export to the cytoplasm. Here, we report the architecture of the late pre-60S particle purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae through Arx1, a nuclear export factor with structural homology to methionine aminopeptidases, or its binding partner Alb1. Cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction of the Arx1-particle at 11.9 Å resolution reveals regions of extra densities on the pre-60S particle attributed to associated biogenesis factors, confirming the immature state of the nascent subunit. One of these densities could be unambiguously assigned to Arx1. Immuno-electron microscopy and UV cross-linking localize Arx1 close to the ribosomal exit tunnel in direct contact with ES27, a highly dynamic eukaryotic rRNA expansion segment. The binding of Arx1 at the exit tunnel may position this export factor to prevent premature recruitment of ribosome-associated factors active during translation

    Amidase-responsive controlled release of antitumoral drug into intracellular media using gluconamide-capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles

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    MCM-41 silica nanoparticles were used as inorganic scaffolding to prepare a nanoscopic-capped hybrid material S1, which was able to release an entrapped cargo in the presence of certain enzymes, whereas in the absence of enzymes, a zero release system was obtained. S1 was prepared by loading nanoparticles with Safranine O dye and was then capped with a gluconamide derivative. In the absence of enzymes, the release of the dye from the aqueous suspensions of S1 was inhibited as a result of the steric hindrance imposed by the bulky gluconamide derivative, the polymerized gluconamide layer and the formation of a dense hydrogen-bonded network around the pore outlets. Upon the addition of amidase and pronase enzymes, delivery of Safranine O dye was observed due to the enzymatic hydrolysis of the amide bond in the anchored gluconamide derivative. S1 nanoparticles were not toxic for cells, as demonstrated by cell viability assays using HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines, and were associated with lysosomes, as shown by confocal microscopy. Finally, the S1¿CPT material loaded with the cytotoxic drug camptothecin and capped with the gluconamide derivative was prepared. The HeLa cells treated with S1¿CPT underwent cell death as a result of material internalization, and of the subsequent cellular enzyme-mediated hydrolysis and aperture of the molecular gate, which induced the release of the camptothecin cargo.We thank the Spanish Government (Project MAT2009-14564-C04 and SAF2010-15512) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEO/2009/016and/2010/005) for support. I. C. thanks the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for her fellowship. L. M. thanks the Generalitat Valenciana for her post-doctoral VALi+d contract. E. A. and C. T. also thank the CIBER-BBN for contracts. We thank Eva Maria Lafuente Villarreal and Alberto Hernandez Cano from the Confocal Microscopy service of CIPF and the Electronic Microscopy service of UPV for their technical support.Candel Busquets, I.; Aznar Gimeno, E.; Mondragón Martínez, L.; De La Torre Paredes, C.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Marcos Martínez, MD.... (2012). Amidase-responsive controlled release of antitumoral drug into intracellular media using gluconamide-capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Nanoscale. 4(22):7237-7245. https://doi.org/10.1039/c2nr32062bS7237724542