234 research outputs found

    The Human Amygdaloid Complex: Cellular Architecture and Dopaminergic Innervation

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    The human amygdaloid complex (AC) is associated with the perception of fear and consequent anxiety‐related behaviors, apart from other functions ranging from attention to memory and emotion. The AC is composed of several regions with specific cytoarchitectures, chemistry, and connections that encode different aspects of fear. Detailed understanding of AC cell composition is basic to determining whether cell number alterations coincide with neurological and psychiatric pathologies associated to anxiety imbalances, as well as with changes in brain functionality during aging. Here, we describe quantitative data gathered applying stereological methods to human AC tissue; the amounts of neurons, glial and endothelial cells, as well as of various interneuron subsets that populate the AC regions were noted and compared with those collected in the AC of non‐human primates and rodents. This chapter also addresses the dopaminergic innervation of the AC, which exerts a modulatory effect over the intrinsic AC network and is critical for reward‐related learning and fear conditioning. This innervation is twice as abundant in the main output nuclei as in the principal entry nuclei of the human AC, and this irregularity may indicate functional variations between these entry and output amygdaloid territories

    El complejo amigdalino humano: arquitectura celular e inervación dopaminérgica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Anatomía, Histología y Neurocienca. Fecha de lectura: 21 de Enero de 201


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    Abstract ∙ In non‐migratory birds the annual cycle is composed of two critical events, breeding and molt, spaced by quiescent periods. Breeding in arid environments is frequently dependent on rainfall, but arid environments have unpredictable and irregular precipitation; therefore, birds of arid environments are thought to maintain their reproductive system in a partially or fully activated state to responding rapidly to favorable conditions. Molt most commonly follows the end of reproduction. We studied the annual cycle of the Common Ground‐dove (Columbina passerina) for 15 months in arid scrub of Venezuela by determining gonadal sizes and maturation state, and by scoring wing, tail and body molt. As expected, both sexes underwent a brief period of gonadal regression of only about one month during the dry season, and maintained a partly or fully active reproductive system during the rest of the year. Breeding of Common Ground‐doves was associated to rainfall, but not exclusively so; testicular recrudescence began in advance of the rains and gonadal cycles of both sexes followed more closely the year’s precipitation rather than the long‐term rainfall pattern. Although birds maintained an extended period of reproductive readiness, they bred during limited periods; yet, differences in reproductive activity between the same months of consecutive years showed their temporal flexibility and opportunistic breeding. Common Ground‐doves molted throughout the year with no synchrony among individuals, replaced one primary per wing at a time, with no temporal overlap, and did not have a definite prebasic molt period of primary replacement. Lack of overlap in feather replacement would allow minimizing instantaneous energy and nutrient demands and lessening strain in birds that molt while breeding. Our results indicate that molt and breeding overlapped extensively at population and individual levels. Common Ground‐doves in xeric environments further illustrate the diversity of life histories of tropical birds in relation to ecological conditions.Resumen ∙ El patrón de reproducción y muda de la Tortolita Grisácea (Columbina passerina) en ambientes xéricos e impredecibles de Venezuela En aves no migratorias el ciclo anual se compone de dos eventos críticos, la reproducción y la muda, separados por períodos de quiescencia. La reproducción en ambientes áridos depende con frecuencia de las lluvias, pero los ambientes áridos tienen precipitación impredecible e irregular; por lo tanto, se considera que las aves de ambientes áridos mantienen su sistema reproductivo en un estado parcial o totalmente activado para responder rápidamente a condiciones favorables. La muda habitualmente ocurre al final de la reproducción. Estudiamos el ciclo anual de la Tortolita Grisácea (Columbina passerina) durante 15 meses en matorrales áridos de Venezuela mediante la determinación del tamaño y maduración de las gónadas, y el registro de la muda de alas, cola y cuerpo. De acuerdo a lo esperado, ambos sexos mostraron un breve período de regresión gonadal de alrededor de un mes durante la tempo‐ rada seca, y mantuvieron parcial o totalmente activado su sistema reproductivo durante el resto del año. La reproducción de la Tortolita Grisácea estuvo asociada con la lluvia pero no exclusivamente con esta; la recrudescencia testicular comenzó antes de las lluvias y los ciclos gonadales de ambos sexos siguieron más fielmente la precipitación del año de estudio que el patrón de lluvias a largo plazo. Aunque las aves mantuvieron un período prolongado de disposición a la reproducción, se reprodujeron durante períodos limitados. Sin embargo, las diferencias en la actividad reproductiva entre los mismos meses de años consecutivos demostraron la flexibilidad temporal y reproducción oportunista. Las Tortolitas Grisáceas mudaron durante todo el año sin sincronía, reemplazando una primaria por ala a la vez, sin solapamiento temporal y sin mostrar un período de muda prebásica definido de reemplazo de las primarias. La ausencia de solapamiento les permitiría minimizar las demandas instantáneas de energía de nutrientes y reducir el estrés en individuos que mudan mientras se reproducen. Nuestros resultados indicaron que la muda y la reproducción se superponen ampliamente tanto a nivel poblacional como individual. Las Tortolitas Grisáceas en ambientes xerófitos ilustran aún más la diversidad de historias de vida de las aves tropicales en relación con sus condiciones ecológicas

    Long-range projection neurons of the mouse ventral tegmental area: A single-cell axon tracing analysis

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    Pathways arising from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) release dopamine and other neurotransmitters during the expectation and achievement of reward, and are regarded as central links of the brain networks that create drive, pleasure, and addiction. While the global pattern of VTA projections is well-known, the actual axonal wiring of individual VTA neurons had never been investigated. Here, we labeled and analyzed the axons of 30 VTA single neurons by means of single-cell transfection with the Sindbis-pal-eGFP vector in mice. These observations were complemented with those obtained by labeling the axons of small populations of VTA cells with iontophoretic microdeposits of biotinylated dextran amine. In the single-cell labeling experiments, each entire axonal tree was reconstructed from serial sections, the length of terminal axonal arbors was estimated by stereology, and the dopaminergic phenotype was tested by double-labeling for tyrosine hydroxylase immunofluorescence. We observed two main, markedly different VTA cell morphologies: neurons with a single main axon targeting only forebrain structures (FPN cells), and neurons with multibranched axons targeting both the forebrain and the brainstem (F + BSPN cells). Dopaminergic phenotype was observed in FPN cells. Moreover, four “subtypes” could be distinguished among the FPN cells based on their projection targets: (1) “Mesocorticolimbic” FPN projecting to both neocortex and basal forebrain; (2) “Mesocortical” FPN innervating the neocortex almost exclusively; (3) “Mesolimbic” FPN projecting to the basal forebrain, accumbens and caudateputamen; and (4) “Mesostriatal” FPN targeting only the caudateputamen. While the F + BSPN cells were scattered within VTA, the mesolimbic neurons were abundant in the paranigral nucleus. The observed diversity in wiring architectures is consistent with the notion that different VTA cell subpopulations modulate the activity of specific sets of prosencephalic and brainstem structuresThe project was supported by Grants from the Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, the Spanish MINECO (BFU2010-19695) and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 604102 (Human Brain Project

    Alta prevalencia de ADN de los helicobacteres no-H. pylori en la mucosa gástrica de perros domésticos venezolanos y sus alteraciones histopatológicas

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    Non-H. pylori helicobacters (NHPH) have been demonstrated as gastric spiral-shaped bacteria in specimens obtained from dogs; however, their roles in the pathogenesis of upper gastrointestinal disease have not yet been clearly established. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of NHPH DNA in the gastric mucosa of dogs and its association with histopathology. Helicobacter was detected through histopathological techniques, PCR, and FISH analysis from fundic biopsies of twenty dogs with or without signs of gastrointestinal disease. PCR and FISH were based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Nineteen dogs showed mild to marked gastritis in the fundus, and only one dog had a healthy gastric mucosa. NHPH DNA was detected in 18 dogs with gastritis and one with normal gastric mucosa. However, there was no significant correlation between the presence of NHPH DNA and the degree of gastritis. These results show a high prevalence of NHPH DNA in the gastric mucosa of dogs from Venezuela. Further studies are necessary to determine a possible association between a specific NHPH species and the degree of gastritis.Los helicobacteres no-H. pylori (NHPH, por sus siglas en inglés) han sido demostrados como bacterias gástricas de forma espiral; sin embargo, sus roles en la patogénesis de la enfermedad gastrointestinal superior no han sido claramente establecidos. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de ADN de los NHPH en la mucosa gástrica de perros y su asociación con histopatología. Helicobacter fue detectado a través de técnicas histopatológicas, análisis de PCR y FISH en biopsias del fundus gástrico de 20 perros con o sin signos de enfermedad gastrointestinal. La PCR y FISH se basaron en secuencias parciales del gen ARNr 16S. Diecinueve perros mostraron gastritis leve a marcada en el fundus gástrico y sólo un perro tuvo una mucosa gástrica sana. El ADN de los NHPH fue detectado en 18 perros con gastritis y uno con mucosa gástrica normal. Sin embargo, no hubo correlación significativa entre la presencia de ADN de los NHPH y el grado de gastritis. Estos resultados demuestran una alta prevalencia de ADN de los NHPH en la mucosa gástrica de perros de Venezuela. Futuros estudios son necesarios para determinar la posible asociación entre una especie específica de los HNPH y el grado de gastritis

    Occurrence of Proteus mirabilis associated with two species of venezuelan oysters

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    The fecal contamination of raw seafood by indicators and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms represents a public health concern. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of enteric bacteria colonizing oysters collected from a Venezuelan touristic area. Oyster samples were collected at the northwestern coast of Venezuela and local salinity, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of seawater were recorded. Total and fecal coliforms were measured for the assessment of the microbiological quality of water and oysters, using the Multiple Tube Fermentation technique. Analyses were made using cultures and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Diverse enrichment and selective culture methods were used to isolate enteric bacteria. We obtained pure cultures of Gram-negative straight rods with fimbriae from Isognomon alatus and Crassostrea rhizophorae. Our results show that P. mirabilis was predominant under our culture conditions. We confirmed the identity of the cultures by biochemical tests, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and data analysis. Other enterobacteria such as Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii and Klebsiella pneumoniae were also isolated from seawater and oysters. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in oysters could have serious epidemiological implications and a potential human health risk associated with consumption of raw seafood.A contaminação fecal de frutos do mar crus por microrganismos oportunistas patogênicos representa problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a presença de bactérias entéricas que colonizam ostras coletadas em área turística da Venezuela. Amostras de ostras foram coletadas na costa noroeste da Venezuela e foram registrados a salinidade local, pH, temperatura e o oxigênio dissolvido na água do mar. O total de coliformes fecais foi medido para a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica da água e das ostras, usando a técnica de fermentação em tubos múltiplos. Análises foram feitas usando culturas e seqüência do gene 16S rRNA. Enriquecimento diversificado e métodos de cultura seletivos foram usados para isolar a bactéria entérica. Obtivemos culturas puras de bastões retos Gram negativos com fímbrias de Isognomon alatus e Crassostrea rhizophorae. Nossos resultados mostram que P. mirabilis foi predominante nas nossas condições de cultura. Confirmamos a identidade das culturas por testes bioquímicos, seqüência do gene 16rRNA e a análise de dados. Outras enterobactérias como Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii e Klebsiella pneumoniae foram também isoladas da água do mar e ostras. A presença de bactérias patogênicas em ostras podem ter implicações epidemiológicas e potencial risco para a saúde humana quando do consumo de frutos do mar crus

    Hernia diafragmática congénita izquierda de manifestación tardía

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    Bochdalek hernia is a congenital defect of the posterolateral region of the diaphragm, usually on the left side. It occurs in 1 in 5 000 live births; diagnosis at the time of birth is relatively easy, beyond the neonatal period its diagnosis is rare, and often misdiagnosed, with erroneous clinical and radiological evaluations along with delayed treatment. The late onset is not frequent; it is intended to present a case of intestinal occlusion by late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), which was previously interpreted as a left pneumonia complicated with pleural reaction. New aspects were addressed when reviewing the medical literature on this topic. This case report is aimed at encouraging medical assessment towards this entity of rare onset.La hernia de Bochdalek es un defecto congénito de la región posterolateral del diafragma, usualmente del lado izquierdo. Se presenta  en 1 de cada 5 000 nacidos vivos; su diagnóstico al momento del nacimiento es relativamente fácil, no así cuando  se realiza en edades posteriores, pues puede conllevar a evaluaciones erróneas clínicas y radiológicas. La presentación tardía no es frecuente, se intenta presentar un caso de oclusión intestinal por hernia diafragmática de presentación tardía,  previamente interpretado como una neumonía izquierda complicada con reacción pleural  Se abordaron aspectos nuevos al revisar la literatura sobre el tema. Con esta presentación se aspira a elevar el pensamiento médico hacia estas entidades con expresividades poco frecuentes

    Hernia diafragmática congénita izquierda de manifestación tardía

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    Bochdalek hernia is a congenital defect of the posterolateral region of the diaphragm, usually on the left side. It occurs in 1 in 5 000 live births; diagnosis at the time of birth is relatively easy, beyond the neonatal period its diagnosis is rare, and often misdiagnosed, with erroneous clinical and radiological evaluations along with delayed treatment. The late onset is not frequent; it is intended to present a case of intestinal occlusion by late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), which was previously interpreted as a left pneumonia complicated with pleural reaction. New aspects were addressed when reviewing the medical literature on this topic. This case report is aimed at encouraging medical assessment towards this entity of rare onset.La hernia de Bochdalek es un defecto congénito de la región posterolateral del diafragma, usualmente del lado izquierdo. Se presenta  en 1 de cada 5 000 nacidos vivos; su diagnóstico al momento del nacimiento es relativamente fácil, no así cuando  se realiza en edades posteriores, pues puede conllevar a evaluaciones erróneas clínicas y radiológicas. La presentación tardía no es frecuente, se intenta presentar un caso de oclusión intestinal por hernia diafragmática de presentación tardía,  previamente interpretado como una neumonía izquierda complicada con reacción pleural  Se abordaron aspectos nuevos al revisar la literatura sobre el tema. Con esta presentación se aspira a elevar el pensamiento médico hacia estas entidades con expresividades poco frecuentes

    Late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Bochdalek hernia is a congenital defect of the posterolateral region of the diaphragm, usually on the left side. It occurs in 1 in 5 000 live births; diagnosis at the time of birth is relatively easy, beyond the neonatal period its diagnosis is rare, and often misdiagnosed, with erroneous clinical and radiological evaluations along with delayed treatment. The late onset is not frequent; it is intended to present a case of intestinal occlusion by late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), which was previously interpreted as a left pneumonia complicated with pleural reaction. New aspects were addressed when reviewing the medical literature on this topic. This case report is aimed at encouraging medical assessment towards this entity of rare onset

    Conversaciones sobre la propia identidad en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: ayuda de los libros de memoria de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa

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    [Abstract] Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive and degenerative neurological disorder that affects memory, language and communication, thinking, and social skills. The inability to recall incidents and events, especially when symptoms become more prevalent and severe, can cause a person to experience a loss of self or to have doubts about his or her identity. One approach to helping these patients with their memory and language problems is to use memory books, a kind of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tool. The aim of this study was to verify whether the introduction of AAC books could have an impact on conversations about self-identity through an increase of ‘self’-positive conversational contents and on improving conversational skills. Three single case studies were carried out with three elderly women with mild, moderate and severe AD, respectively. Each participant was involved in a conversation about their ‘selves’ in an alternating treatment design (ABAB) without a memory book in phase A and with the aid of this AAC tool in phase B. The results showed a similar conversational response pattern in all participants. AAC aids increased the number of ‘self’-positive conversational statements with a reduction in negative, ambiguous and repetitive utterances. In conclusion, AAC memory tools seemed to help participants with dementia to focus their attention on relevant personal information, allowing them to centre the conversation on core positive identity contents, thus improving the quality of the conversations with fewer ambiguous utterances.[Resumen] La Enfermedad de Alzheimer es una enfermedad neurológica degenerativa y progresiva que afecta a la memoria, el lenguaje y la comunicación, el pensamiento y las habilidades sociales. La incapacidad para recordar incidentes y acontecimientos, cuando los síntomas son más prevalentes y severos, puede causar que la persona experimente una pérdida del self o tenga dudas sobre su identidad. Un enfoque que ayuda con los problemas de memoria y de lenguaje es el uso de los libros de memoria, herramientas de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa (CAA). El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si la introducción de libros de CAA tiene un impacto en las conversaciones sobre la propia identidad, a través del incremento de contenidos conversacionales positivos sobre “si mismo”, y en la mejora de habilidades conversacionales. Se llevaron a cabo tres estudios de caso único con tres mujeres mayores con enfermedad de Alzheimer, leve, moderada y severa, respectivamente. Se implicó a cada participante en una conversación sobre “si misma” en un diseño de tratamientos alternos (ABAB) sin libro de memoria en la fase A y con apoyo de la CAA en B. Los resultados muestran un patrón de respuesta conversacional similar para las tres participantes. Con las ayudas de CAA se incrementaron las frases positivas sobre “si misma” en la conversación y se redujeron las declaraciones negativas, ambiguas y repetitivas. La conclusión es que parece que las herramientas de memoria han ayudado a enfocar la atención sobre información personal relevante, permitiendo centrar la conversación en contenidos básicos de su identidad y mejorando su calidad con menos ambigüedades