9,429 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray ionisation in circumstellar discs

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    Galactic cosmic rays are a ubiquitous source of ionisation of the interstellar gas, competing with UV and X-ray photons as well as natural radioactivity in determining the fractional abundance of electrons, ions and charged dust grains in molecular clouds and circumstellar discs. We model the propagation of different components of Galactic cosmic rays versus the column density of the gas. Our study is focussed on the propagation at high densities, above a few g cm−2^{-2}, especially relevant for the inner regions of collapsing clouds and circumstellar discs. The propagation of primary and secondary CR particles (protons and heavier nuclei, electrons, positrons, and photons) is computed in the continuous slowing down approximation, diffusion approximation, or catastrophic approximation, by adopting a matching procedure for the different transport regimes. A choice of the proper regime depends on the nature of the dominant loss process, modelled as continuous or catastrophic. The CR ionisation rate is determined by CR protons and their secondary electrons below ≈130\approx 130 g cm−2^{-2} and by electron/positron pairs created by photon decay above ≈600\approx600 g cm−2^{-2}. We show that a proper description of the particle transport is essential to compute the ionisation rate in the latter case, since the electron/positron differential fluxes depend sensitively on the fluxes of both protons and photons. Our results show that the CR ionisation rate in high-density environments, like, e.g., the inner parts of collapsing molecular clouds or the mid-plane of circumstellar discs, is larger than previously assumed. It does not decline exponentially with increasing column density, but follows a more complex behaviour due to the interplay of different processes governing the generation and propagation of secondary particles.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    The sutures in dentistry

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    In oral surgery, the last phase of a surgical operation is represented by the tissues suture, that allows the wound lips edges approximation and their stabilization, to promote haemostasis, to avoid the alimentary residues accumulation on the incision line and allow the first intention healing. A good suture avoids that the displacing forces generated by the muscular insertions, functional movements and by the external agents destabilize or cause the surgical wound deiscence. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the suture threads characteristics, properties and biological interactions evaluating the different studies published in literature results and conclusions. In conclusion, the authors recommended the use of the different suture threads on the dependence of the oral surgery operation type that must be performed, of the patient compliance and of the various suture materials physical and biocompatibility characteristics

    Production of atomic hydrogen by cosmic rays in dark clouds

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    The presence of small amounts of atomic hydrogen, detected as absorption dips in the 21 cm line spectrum, is a well-known characteristic of dark clouds. The abundance of hydrogen atoms measured in the densest regions of molecular clouds can be only explained by the dissociation of H2_2 due to cosmic rays. We want to assess the role of Galactic cosmic rays in the formation of atomic hydrogen, by using recent developments in the characterisation of the low-energy spectra of cosmic rays and advances in the modelling of their propagation in molecular clouds. We model the attenuation of the interstellar cosmic rays entering a cloud and compute the dissociation rate of molecular hydrogen due to collisions with cosmic-ray protons and electrons as well as fast hydrogen atoms. We compare our results with the available observations. The cosmic-ray dissociation rate is entirely determined by secondary electrons produced in primary ionisation collisions. These secondary particles constitute the only source of atomic hydrogen at column densities above ∼1021\sim10^{21} cm−2^{-2}. We also find that the dissociation rate decreases with column density, while the ratio between the dissociation and ionisation rates varies between about 0.6 and 0.7. From comparison with observations we conclude that a relatively flat spectrum of interstellar cosmic-ray protons, as the one suggested by the most recent Voyager 1 data, can only provide a lower bound for the observed atomic hydrogen fraction. An enhanced spectrum of low-energy protons is needed to explain most of the observations. Our findings show that a careful description of molecular hydrogen dissociation by cosmic rays can explain the abundance of atomic hydrogen in dark clouds. An accurate characterisation of this process at high densities is crucial for understanding the chemical evolution of star-forming regions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An anomalous alloy: Y_x Si_{1-x}

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    We study via density functional-based molecular dynamics the structural and dynamical properties of the rare earth silicon amorphous alloy Y_xSi_{1-x} for x=0.093 and x=0.156. The Si network forms cavities in which a Y^{3+} cation is entrapped. Its electrons are transferred to the Si network and are located in the dangling bonds of the Si atoms that line the Y cavities. This leads to the presence of low coordinated Si atoms that can be described as monovalent or divalent anions. For x=0.156, the cavities touch each other and share Si atoms that have two dangling bonds. The vibrational spectrum is similar to that of amorphous Si. However, doping induces a shoulder at 70 cm^{-1} and a pronounced peak at 180 cm^{-1} due to low coordinated Si.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Triggering the Formation of Halo Globular Clusters with Galaxy Outflows

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    We investigate the interactions of high-redshift galaxy outflows with low-mass virialized (Tvir < 10,000K) clouds of primordial composition. While atomic cooling allows star formation in larger primordial objects, such "minihalos" are generally unable to form stars by themselves. However, the large population of high-redshift starburst galaxies may have induced widespread star formation in these objects, via shocks that caused intense cooling both through nonequilibrium H2 formation and metal-line emission. Using a simple analytic model, we show that the resulting star clusters naturally reproduce three key features of the observed population of halo globular clusters (GCs). First, the 10,000 K maximum virial temperature corresponds to the ~ 10^6 solar mass upper limit on the stellar mass of GCs. Secondly, the momentum imparted in such interactions is sufficient to strip the gas from its associated dark matter halo, explaining why GCs do not reside in dark matter potential wells. Finally, the mixing of ejected metals into the primordial gas is able to explain the ~ 0.1 dex homogeneity of stellar metallicities within a given GC, while at the same time allowing for a large spread in metallicity between different clusters. To study this possibility in detail, we use a simple 1D numerical model of turbulence transport to simulate mixing in cloud-outflow interactions. We find that as the shock shears across the side of the cloud, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities arise, which cause mixing of enriched material into > 20% of the cloud. Such estimates ignore the likely presence of large-scale vortices, however, which would further enhance turbulence generation. Thus quantitative mixing predictions must await more detailed numerical studies.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, Apj in pres

    Polarization Effects in Superfluid 4^4He

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    A theory of thermoelectric phenomena in superfluid 4He^4He is developed. It is found an estimation of the dipole moment of helium atom arising due to electron shell deformation caused by pushing forces from the side of its surrounding atoms. The corresponding electric signal generated in a liquid consisting of electrically neutral atoms by the ordinary sound waves is found extremely small. The second sound waves in superfluid 4He^4He generate the polarization of liquid induced by the relative accelerated motion of the superfluid and the normal component. The derived ratio of the amplitudes of temperature and electric polarization potential was proved to be practically temperature independent. Its magnitude is in reasonable correspondence with the experimental observations. The polarity of electric signal is determined by the sign of temperature gradient in accordance with the measurements. The problem of the roton excitations dipole moment is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Long term continuous radon monitoring in a seismically active area

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    We present the results of a long term, continuous radon monitoring experiment started in April 2010 in a seismically active area, affected during the 2010-2013 data acquisition time window by an intense micro seismic activity and by several small seismic events. We employed both correlation and cross-correlation analyses in order to investigate possible relationship existing between the collected radon data, seismic events and meteorological parameters. Our results do not support the feasibility of a robust one-to-one association between the small magnitude earthquakes characterizing the local seismic activity and single radon measurement anomalies, but evidence significant correlation patterns between the spatio-temporal variations of seismic moment release and soil radon emanations, the latter being anyway dominantly modulated by meteorological parameters variations

    Papillary carcinoma arising in a submentalintralingual thyroglossal duct cyst

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    An extremely rare case of papillary carcinoma is described arising in a submental-intralingual thyroglossal duct cyst. A 27-year-old male presented with a painless swelling in the submental region extending to the tongue which had gradually been increasing in size over the last three months. Upon examination of the neck, a tender right paramedian mass was found in the submental region just above the hyoid bone, it was mobile upon swallowing without clinical evidence of cervical nodes. The Sistrunk surgical technique, extended to the submental and intra lingual region was used to radically remove the mass. The occurrence of carcinoma of the thyroglossal duct cyst, even though rare and unexpected, should always be considered an option, and histologically ruled out mainly on account of the atypical localization, such as the submental-intralingual reported herein. The two different surgical approaches reported in the literature, one more conservative and the other more aggressive, apparently alternatives, are, instead, complementary and adequate when strict diagnostic criteria and adequate follow-up, are observed
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