197 research outputs found

    Eenhancement of solubility and dissolution rate of Furosemide by ternary solid dispersion technique

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    Purpose: This investigation was carried out to determine if a solid dispersion of furosemide in different carrier such as poloxamer 407P, PEG 6000, and PVPK30 would enhance the dissolution properties of the drug. Method: Solid dispersion of drug Furosemide, PEG 6000 and Poloxamer 407 and PVP K30 were prepared with a view to study the influence of polymer on solubility and dissolution of this poorly soluble drug furosemide. Solid dispersions of furosemide were prepared using different ratios of furosemide, PEG 6000, Poloxamer 407, pvpk30 as carrier by, solvent evaporation method. They were evaluated for percentage yield, drug content, FTIR spectral studies, DSC, XRD, solubility, and in-vitro dissolution. The dissolution studies were performed at 37 0.5oC and 50 rpm in simulated gastric fluid (0.1 N HCl). Result: The solubility profile indicated that there is increase in solubility of furosemide when polymer concentration is increased. The solid dispersion complex of drug (1:4:4 ratios) of drug: poloxamer 407: pvpk30 was giving better dissolution profile as compared to pure drug and other solid dispersions. This in turn can improve the bioavailability. FT-IR, DSC shows the compatibility of drug and carrier. Conclusion: Solid dispersion technique can be used to improve the dissolution of furosemide

    Area Under Curve by UV Spectrophotometric Method for Determination Albendazole in Bulk

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    The aim of present investigation is to establish simple, precise, and rapid Spectrophotometric method for the quantification of Albendazole in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient. In this, work is carried out to for estimation of Albendazole bulk by utilizing an Area under Curve (AUC) method using UV – Visible Spectrophotometry. The study is designed to validate the developed methods as per ICH guidelines. For this purpose the wavelength range between 200-400 nm was selected. Methanolic distilled water (50 ml methanol used for stock solution and serial dilution in 25 ml distilled water) was used as a solvent throughout the work. Linearity was obtained in concentration range 2 to 10 ɥg/ml (r2 = 0.992) for the method. The developed method was found to be simple, linear, accurate, precise and highly sensitive and which can be used for routine quality control analysis for Spectrophotometric estimation of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient. KeywordS: Albendazole, linearity, AUC, spectrophotometer, methanol, distilled water

    The Role of Micro Finance in Rural Indian Economy

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    The development of the rural economy that is poor and mainly depended on the performance and formation of the MFI’s in the country. The world’s largest poor population is living in India and the development and the financial needs of their families can be fulfilled by the MFI’s only because other financial institutions required loan security or collaterals for the loans and these people do not have these. There are more than 12000 MFI’s are present in the world and more than 223 MFI’s are in the Indian country who are working in various rural economy sectors and states of the country. According to the Kuznet the inequality in the developing countries are always higher side and in India it is observed that the 55 percent of the total wealth has been owned by the 10 percent people of the country and rest have the others. The pioneer of the Micro Finance in India is Anyonya Co-Operative Bank Ltd. Who started in 1889 with the capital of Rs. 79. The MFI’s are mainly working in the loans for agriculture development, machinery and equipments of the agriculture services, animal husbandry, handicrafts, trading, local based business and new production activities

    Social Media: An Interactive Educational Tool for Better Understanding of Educational Concepts and Make Them More Memorable

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    The topic “Social media:An Interactive Educational Tool for better understanding of Educational concepts and make them more memorable.As social media sites continue to grow in popularity, it is our premise that technology is a vital part in today’s student success equation.“Social media: an innovative education tool†was undertaken to study the relevance and importance of social media which is an in-thing among the educational sector. In an era, where the global is the word to define common platform for the people around the world to share and exchange their beliefs, culture, traditions, knowledge, views, etc. The study concludes that our education system needs change and social media should be widely utilized for the educational purposes. It is mainly used for the purpose of making presentations followed by assignment updates, better research and connectivity.Now a day’s Social media is an ingrained part of today’s society. Our students are constantly on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and likely many sites we’re not hip enough to know about, So if you want to bring the “real world†into the classroom, consider integrating social media into your lessons.When used carefully, social media can be a useful tool rather than a distraction. A recent Edutopia blog post argues that using social media not only brings current technology to the classroom, but it also Helps Bridge the digital divide among lower-income students. Why should they be left behind as technology continues to march forward?Education-based sites such as Edmodo, Edublog, and Kidblog provide alternative social media sites for posting status updates and announcements, blogging, and micro blogging. But even the commercialized sites can be useful for demonstrating social media to students

    Crime Rate Prediction using KNN

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    Crime is one of the most predominant and alarming aspects in our society and its prevention is a vital task. Crime analysis is a systematic way of detecting and investigating patterns and trends in crime. Thus, it becomes necessary to study various reasons, factors and relationship between different crimes that are occurring and ?nding the most appropriate methods to control and avoid more crimes. The main objective of this project is to classify clustered crimes based on occurrence frequency during different years. Data mining is used broadly in terms of analysis, investigation and discovery of patterns for occurrence of different crimes. In this work, various clustering approaches of data mining are used to analyze the crime data. The K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classi?cation is used for crime prediction. The proposed system can predict regions which have high probability for crime rate and can forecast crime prone areas. Instead of focusing on causes of crime occurrence like criminal background of offender, political enmity etcit will focuse mainly on crime factors of each day

    A case of bronchogenic adenocarcinoma in a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

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    A spontaneous case of bronchogenic adenocarcinoma in an adult female albino guinea pig characterized by presence of proliferative neoplastic bronchial epithelial cells forming nests, and vacuolation in the liver parenchyma, is reported


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    Objective: The present work describes stability indicating (SI) RP-HPLC-PDA method for determination of abiraterone acetate (ABA) and characterization of its base catalyzed degradation product by LC-MS.Methods: The separation was achieved by using column Kromasil C18 (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 4.0 µ) using acetonitrile (ACN): ammonium acetate buffer 10 mM, pH adjusted to 3.5 with acetic acid (AA) in the ratio of 10:90 % v/v as eluent. The Mobile phase flow rate was 0.6 ml/min and data integration was achieved at 235 nm.Results: The retention time of ABA was 5.4±0.01 min. Linearity was found to be in the range of 5–30 μg/ml. The limit of detection and quantitation were 0.25 μg/ml and 0.75 μg/ml respectively, and percentage recovery of ABA was found to be 99.52 to 100.13 %. Mass spectral data of base degraded product of ABA shows a prominent molecular ion peak at m/z-391.5. Major fragmentation leads to formation of 10–Methyl 2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15-dodecanhydro-1H cyclopenta (α)phenanthren-3-ol as a degradant (D2) at m/z-257.81, due to corresponding loss of C8H12ON. All the analytical validation parameters were determined and found in the limit as per ICH guidelines.Conclusion: The results of the various validation studies showed that the LC method is fast, specific, accurate, reproducible, possessed significant linearity and precision. The drug was found to be stable under all the stress conditions except basic stress. Thus developed method reported first time is novel with a very short run time of 6 min.Â

    Using Raman spectroscopy for early detection of resistance-breaking strains of tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus in tomatoes

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    Tomato spotted wilt (TSW) disease caused by tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV, Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae) poses a significant threat to specialty and staple crops worldwide by causing over a billion dollars in crop losses annually. Current strategies for TSWV diagnosis heavily rely on nucleic acid or protein-based techniques which require significant technical expertise, and are invasive, time-consuming, and expensive, thereby catalyzing the search for better alternatives. In this study, we explored the potential of Raman spectroscopy (RS) in early detection of TSW in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner. Specifically, we investigated whether RS could be used to detect strain specific TSW symptoms associated with four TSWV strains infecting three differentially resistant tomato cultivars. In the acquired spectra, we observed notable reductions in the intensity of vibrational peaks associated with carotenoids. Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), we confirmed that TSWV caused a substantial decrease in the concentration of lutein that was detected by RS. Finally, we demonstrated that Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) could be used to differentiate strain-specific TSW symptoms across all tested cultivars. These results demonstrate that RS can be a promising solution for early diagnosis of TSW, enabling timely disease intervention and thereby mitigating crop losses inflicted by TSWV
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