80 research outputs found

    Multiplexed DNA Sequence Capture of Mitochondrial Genomes Using PCR Products

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    BACKGROUND: To utilize the power of high-throughput sequencers, target enrichment methods have been developed. The majority of these require reagents and equipment that are only available from commercial vendors and are not suitable for the targets that are a few kilobases in length. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We describe a novel and economical method in which custom made long-range PCR products are used to capture complete human mitochondrial genomes from complex DNA mixtures. We use the method to capture 46 complete mitochondrial genomes in parallel and we sequence them on a single lane of an Illumina GA(II) instrument. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This method is economical and simple and particularly suitable for targets that can be amplified by PCR and do not contain highly repetitive sequences such as mtDNA. It has applications in population genetics and forensics, as well as studies of ancient DNA

    Mayday SeaSight: Combined Analysis of Deep Sequencing and Microarray Data

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    Recently emerged deep sequencing technologies offer new high-throughput methods to quantify gene expression, epigenetic modifications and DNA-protein binding. From a computational point of view, the data is very different from that produced by the already established microarray technology, providing a new perspective on the samples under study and complementing microarray gene expression data. Software offering the integrated analysis of data from different technologies is of growing importance as new data emerge in systems biology studies. Mayday is an extensible platform for visual data exploration and interactive analysis and provides many methods for dissecting complex transcriptome datasets. We present Mayday SeaSight, an extension that allows to integrate data from different platforms such as deep sequencing and microarrays. It offers methods for computing expression values from mapped reads and raw microarray data, background correction and normalization and linking microarray probes to genomic coordinates. It is now possible to use Mayday's wealth of methods to analyze sequencing data and to combine data from different technologies in one analysis

    Differential contributions of peripheral and central mechanisms to pain in a rodent model of osteoarthritis

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    The mechanisms underlying the transition from acute nociceptive pain to centrally maintained chronic pain are not clear. We have studied the contributions of the peripheral and central nervous systems during the development of osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received unilateral intra-articular injections of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA 1mg) or saline, and weight bearing (WB) asymmetry and distal allodynia measured. Subgroups of rats received intra-articular injections of, QX-314 (membrane impermeable local anaesthetic)+capsaicin, QX-314, capsaicin or vehicle on days 7, 14 or 28 post-MIA and WB and PWT remeasured. On days 7&14 post-MIA, but not day 28, QX-314+capsaicin signfcantly attenuated changes in WB induced by MIA, illustrating a crucial role for TRPV1 expressing nociceptors in early OA pain. The role of top-down control of spinal excitability was investigated. The mu-opioid receptor agonist DAMGO was microinjected into the rostroventral medulla, to activate endogenous pain modulatory systems, in MIA and control rats and refex excitability measured using electromyography. DAMGO (3ng) had a signifcantly larger inhibitory effect in MIA treated rats than in controls. These data show distinct temporal contribtuions of TRPV1 expressing nociceptors and opioidergic pain control systems at later timepoints

    Translational Database Selection and Multiplexed Sequence Capture for Up Front Filtering of Reliable Breast Cancer Biomarker Candidates

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    Biomarker identification is of utmost importance for the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics. Here we make use of a translational database selection strategy, utilizing data from the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) on differentially expressed protein patterns in healthy and breast cancer tissues as a means to filter out potential biomarkers for underlying genetic causatives of the disease. DNA was isolated from ten breast cancer biopsies, and the protein coding and flanking non-coding genomic regions corresponding to the selected proteins were extracted in a multiplexed format from the samples using a single DNA sequence capture array. Deep sequencing revealed an even enrichment of the multiplexed samples and a great variation of genetic alterations in the tumors of the sampled individuals. Benefiting from the upstream filtering method, the final set of biomarker candidates could be completely verified through bidirectional Sanger sequencing, revealing a 40 percent false positive rate despite high read coverage. Of the variants encountered in translated regions, nine novel non-synonymous variations were identified and verified, two of which were present in more than one of the ten tumor samples

    Efficient oligonucleotide probe selection for pan-genomic tiling arrays

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    Background: Array comparative genomic hybridization is a fast and cost-effective method for detecting, genotyping, and comparing the genomic sequence of unknown bacterial isolates. This method, as with all microarray applications, requires adequate coverage of probes targeting the regions of interest. An unbiased tiling of probes across the entire length of the genome is the most flexible design approach. However, such a whole-genome tiling requires that the genome sequence is known in advance. For the accurate analysis of uncharacterized bacteria, an array must query a fully representative set of sequences from the species' pan-genome. Prior microarrays have included only a single strain per array or the conserved sequences of gene families. These arrays omit potentially important genes and sequence variants from the pan-genome. Results: This paper presents a new probe selection algorithm (PanArray) that can tile multiple whole genomes using a minimal number of probes. Unlike arrays built on clustered gene families, PanArray uses an unbiased, probe-centric approach that does not rely on annotations, gene clustering, or multi-alignments. Instead, probes are evenly tiled across all sequences of the pangenome at a consistent level of coverage. To minimize the required number of probes, probes conserved across multiple strains in the pan-genome are selected first, and additional probes are used only where necessary to span polymorphic regions of the genome. The viability of the algorithm is demonstrated by array designs for seven different bacterial pan-genomes and, in particular, the design of a 385,000 probe array that fully tiles the genomes of 20 different Listeria monocytogenes strains with overlapping probes at greater than twofold coverage. Conclusion: PanArray is an oligonucleotide probe selection algorithm for tiling multiple genome sequences using a minimal number of probes. It is capable of fully tiling all genomes of a species on a single microarray chip. These unique pan-genome tiling arrays provide maximum flexibility for the analysis of both known and uncharacterized strains.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-10-29

    Addressing challenges in the production and analysis of illumina sequencing data

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    Advances in DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to generate large amounts of sequence data very rapidly and at substantially lower cost than capillary sequencing. These new technologies have specific characteristics and limitations that require either consideration during project design, or which must be addressed during data analysis. Specialist skills, both at the laboratory and the computational stages of project design and analysis, are crucial to the generation of high quality data from these new platforms. The Illumina sequencers (including the Genome Analyzers I/II/IIe/IIx and the new HiScan and HiSeq) represent a widely used platform providing parallel readout of several hundred million immobilized sequences using fluorescent-dye reversible-terminator chemistry. Sequencing library quality, sample handling, instrument settings and sequencing chemistry have a strong impact on sequencing run quality. The presence of adapter chimeras and adapter sequences at the end of short-insert molecules, as well as increased error rates and short read lengths complicate many computational analyses. We discuss here some of the factors that influence the frequency and severity of these problems and provide solutions for circumventing these. Further, we present a set of general principles for good analysis practice that enable problems with sequencing runs to be identified and dealt with

    Comprehensive assessment of sequence variation within the copy number variable defensin cluster on 8p23 by target enriched in-depth 454 sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In highly copy number variable (CNV) regions such as the human defensin gene locus, comprehensive assessment of sequence variations is challenging. PCR approaches are practically restricted to tiny fractions, and next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches of whole individual genomes e.g. by the 1000 Genomes Project is confined by an affordable sequence depth. Combining target enrichment with NGS may represent a feasible approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a proof of principle, we enriched a ~850 kb section comprising the CNV defensin gene cluster DEFB, the invariable DEFA part and 11 control regions from two genomes by sequence capture and sequenced it by 454 technology. 6,651 differences to the human reference genome were found. Comparison to HapMap genotypes revealed sensitivities and specificities in the range of 94% to 99% for the identification of variations.</p> <p>Using error probabilities for rigorous filtering revealed 2,886 unique single nucleotide variations (SNVs) including 358 putative novel ones. DEFB CN determinations by haplotype ratios were in agreement with alternative methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although currently labor extensive and having high costs, target enriched NGS provides a powerful tool for the comprehensive assessment of SNVs in highly polymorphic CNV regions of individual genomes. Furthermore, it reveals considerable amounts of putative novel variations and simultaneously allows CN estimation.</p

    The additional value of TGFβ1 and IL-7 to predict the course of prostate cancer progression

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    Background: Given the fact that prostate cancer incidence will increase in the coming years, new prognostic biomarkers are needed with regard to the biological aggressiveness of the prostate cancer diagnosed. Since cytokines have been associated with the biology of cancer and its prognosis, we determined whether transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1), interleukin-7 (IL-7) receptor and IL-7 levels add additional prognostic information with regard to prostate cancer

    Genomic sequencing in clinical trials

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    Human genome sequencing is the process by which the exact order of nucleic acid base pairs in the 24 human chromosomes is determined. Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, genomic sequencing is rapidly becoming a major part of our translational research efforts to understand and improve human health and disease. This article reviews the current and future directions of clinical research with respect to genomic sequencing, a technology that is just beginning to find its way into clinical trials both nationally and worldwide. We highlight the currently available types of genomic sequencing platforms, outline the advantages and disadvantages of each, and compare first- and next-generation techniques with respect to capabilities, quality, and cost. We describe the current geographical distributions and types of disease conditions in which these technologies are used, and how next-generation sequencing is strategically being incorporated into new and existing studies. Lastly, recent major breakthroughs and the ongoing challenges of using genomic sequencing in clinical research are discussed