849 research outputs found

    Site-dependent hydrogenation on graphdiyne

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    Graphene is one of the most important materials in science today due to its unique and remarkable electronic, thermal and mechanical properties. However in its pristine state, graphene is a gapless semiconductor, what limits its use in transistor electronics. In part due to the revolution created by graphene in materials science, there is a renewed interest in other possible graphene-like two-dimensional structures. Examples of these structures are graphynes and graphdiynes, which are two-dimensional structures, composed of carbon atoms in sp2 and sp-hybridized states. Graphdiynes (benzenoid rings connecting two acetylenic groups) were recently synthesized and some of them are intrinsically nonzero gap systems. These systems can be easily hydrogenated and the relative level of hydrogenation can be used to tune the band gap values. We have investigated, using fully reactive molecular dynamics (ReaxFF), the structural and dynamics aspects of the hydrogenation mechanisms of graphdiyne membranes. Our results showed that the hydrogen bindings have different atom incorporation rates and that the hydrogenation patterns change in time in a very complex way. The formation of correlated domains reported to hydrogenated graphene is no longer observed in graphdiyne cases.Comment: Submitted to Carbo

    Surface Effects on the Mechanical Elongation of AuCu Nanowires: De-alloying and the Formation of Mixed Suspended Atomic Chains

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    We report here an atomistic study of the mechanical deformation of AuxCu(1-x) atomic-size wires (NWs) by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) experiments. Molecular dynamics simulations were also carried out in order to obtain deeper insights on the dynamical properties of stretched NWs. The mechanical properties are significantly dependent on the chemical composition that evolves in time at the junction; some structures exhibit a remarkable de-alloying behavior. Also, our results represent the first experimental realization of mixed linear atomic chains (LACs) among transition and noble metals; in particular, surface energies induce chemical gradients on NW surfaces that can be exploited to control the relative LAC compositions (different number of gold and copper atoms). The implications of these results for nanocatalysis and spin transport of one-atom-thick metal wires are addressed.Comment: Accepted to Journal of Applied Physics (JAP

    General rules for bosonic bunching in multimode interferometers

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    We perform a comprehensive set of experiments that characterize bosonic bunching of up to 3 photons in interferometers of up to 16 modes. Our experiments verify two rules that govern bosonic bunching. The first rule, obtained recently in [1,2], predicts the average behavior of the bunching probability and is known as the bosonic birthday paradox. The second rule is new, and establishes a n!-factor quantum enhancement for the probability that all n bosons bunch in a single output mode, with respect to the case of distinguishable bosons. Besides its fundamental importance in phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation, bosonic bunching can be exploited in applications such as linear optical quantum computing and quantum-enhanced metrology.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, and supplementary material (4 pages, 1 figure

    Validação de método para estudo de deposição de inseticidas biológicos em florestas.

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    Tem sido dada muito pouca atenção aos estudos da deposição de inseticidas biológicos, os quais tem sido aplicados com equipamento desenvolvido para uso com químicos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar um método para a analise da deposição de agrotóxicos em florestas de eucaliptos, caracterizado pelo uso de uma calda de pulverização marcada com traçador e uma técnica especial de amostragem. Empregou-se o cobre como traçador, na forma de fungicida, cuja analise espectrofotométrica e de baixo custo, fácil de execução, alem de possibilitar um excelente nível de recuperação das plantas. Utilizaram-se cartões de papel mata-borrão como alvo artificial para amostrar as gotas. Cartões grampeados em barbantes, em distancias preestabelecidas, foram colocados sobre as plantas, possibilitando uma amostragem estratificada por alturas. Para o solo, os cartões foram colocados em discos de Petri e distribuídos sob a copa das arvores, entre plantas e entre as linhas de plantio. Os resultados indicam que 61% do produto aplicado ficaram retidos nas plantas, 31% atingiram o solo e 8% podem ter sido perdidos através da "exo-deriva".bitstream/item/143340/1/CNPMA-BOLET.-PESQ.-4-99.pd

    Planting dates in relation to weather pattern at Manaus, Brazil.

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