225 research outputs found

    Security Policies as Membranes in Systems for Global Computing

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    We propose a simple global computing framework, whose main concern is code migration. Systems are structured in sites, and each site is divided into two parts: a computing body, and a membrane which regulates the interactions between the computing body and the external environment. More precisely, membranes are filters which control access to the associated site, and they also rely on the well-established notion of trust between sites. We develop a basic theory to express and enforce security policies via membranes. Initially, these only control the actions incoming agents intend to perform locally. We then adapt the basic theory to encompass more sophisticated policies, where the number of actions an agent wants to perform, and also their order, are considered

    Resource Control for Synchronous Cooperative Threads

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    We develop new methods to statically bound the resources needed for the execution of systems of concurrent, interactive threads. Our study is concerned with a \emph{synchronous} model of interaction based on cooperative threads whose execution proceeds in synchronous rounds called instants. Our contribution is a system of compositional static analyses to guarantee that each instant terminates and to bound the size of the values computed by the system as a function of the size of its parameters at the beginning of the instant. Our method generalises an approach designed for first-order functional languages that relies on a combination of standard termination techniques for term rewriting systems and an analysis of the size of the computed values based on the notion of quasi-interpretation. We show that these two methods can be combined to obtain an explicit polynomial bound on the resources needed for the execution of the system during an instant. As a second contribution, we introduce a virtual machine and a related bytecode thus producing a precise description of the resources needed for the execution of a system. In this context, we present a suitable control flow analysis that allows to formulte the static analyses for resource control at byte code level

    Refactoring preserves security

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    Refactoring allows changing a program without changing its behaviour from an observer’s point of view. To what extent does this invariant of behaviour also preserve security? We show that a program remains secure under refactoring. As a foundation, we use the Decentralized Label Model (DLM) for specifying secure information flows of programs and transition system models for their observable behaviour. On this basis, we provide a bisimulation based formal definition of refactoring and show its correspondence to the formal notion of information flow security (noninterference). This permits us to show security of refactoring patterns that have already been practically explored

    Linearity in the non-deterministic call-by-value setting

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    We consider the non-deterministic extension of the call-by-value lambda calculus, which corresponds to the additive fragment of the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus. We define a fine-grained type system, capturing the right linearity present in such formalisms. After proving the subject reduction and the strong normalisation properties, we propose a translation of this calculus into the System F with pairs, which corresponds to a non linear fragment of linear logic. The translation provides a deeper understanding of the linearity in our setting.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in WoLLIC 201

    The problem of programming language concurrency semantics

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    Despite decades of research, we do not have a satisfactory concurrency semantics for any general-purpose programming language that aims to support concurrent systems code. The Java Memory Model has been shown to be unsound with respect to standard compiler optimisations, while the C/C++11 model is too weak, admitting undesirable thin-air executions. Our goal in this paper is to articulate this major open problem as clearly as is currently possible, showing how it arises from the combination of multiprocessor relaxed-memory behaviour and the desire to accommodate current compiler optimisations. We make several novel contributions that each shed some light on the problem, constraining the possible solutions and identifying new difficulties. First we give a positive result, proving in HOL4 that the existing axiomatic model for C/C++11 guarantees sequentially consistent semantics for simple race-free programs that do not use low-level atomics (DRF-SC, one of the core design goals). We then describe the thin-air problem and show that it cannot be solved, without restricting current compiler optimisations, using any per-candidate-execution condition in the style of the C/C++11 model. Thin-air executions were thought to be confined to programs using relaxed atomics, but we further show that they recur when one attempts to integrate the concurrency model with more of C, mixing atomic and nonatomic accesses, and that also breaks the DRF-SC result. We then describe a semantics based on an explicit operational construction of out-of-order execution, giving the desired behaviour for thin-air examples but exposing further difficulties with accommodating existing compiler optimisations. Finally, we show that there are major difficulties integrating concurrency semantics with the C/C++ notion of undefined behaviour. We hope thereby to stimulate and enable research on this key issue

    Call-by-value non-determinism in a linear logic type discipline

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    We consider the call-by-value lambda-calculus extended with a may-convergent non-deterministic choice and a must-convergent parallel composition. Inspired by recent works on the relational semantics of linear logic and non-idempotent intersection types, we endow this calculus with a type system based on the so-called Girard's second translation of intuitionistic logic into linear logic. We prove that a term is typable if and only if it is converging, and that its typing tree carries enough information to give a bound on the length of its lazy call-by-value reduction. Moreover, when the typing tree is minimal, such a bound becomes the exact length of the reduction

    Causal ambiguity and partial orders in event structures

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    Causality and replication in concurrent processes

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    The replication operator was introduced by Milner for obtaining a simplified description of recursive processes. The standard interleaving semantics denotes the replication of a process P, written !P, a shorthand for its unbound parallel composition, operationally equivalent to the process P | P | …, with P repeated as many times as needed. Albeit the replication mechanism has become increasingly popular, investigations on its causal semantics has been scarce. In fact, the correspondence between replication and unbound parallelism makes it difficult to recover basic properties usually associated with these semantics, such as the so-called concurrency diamond. In this paper we consider the interleaving semantics for the operator proposed by Sangiorgi and Walker, and we show how to refine it in order to capture causality. Furthermore, we prove it coincident with the standard causal semantics for recursive process studied in the literature, for processes defined by means of constant invocations
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