295 research outputs found

    Incipient Continent-Continent Collision between the Eratosthenes Seamount and Cyprus / Eastern Mediterranean

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    Earth processes related to incipient continent-continent collision have been studied via the example of Cyprus and the Eratosthenes Seamount in the eastern Mediterranean. Subduction of the African plate beneath the Cyprus-Anatolian plate continued until the seamount, and perhaps a predecessor, the Hecataeus Rise, approached the Cyprus arc trench. The following transition from subduction to collision triggered a series of synchronous deformations across the collision zone between Africa-Sinai-Arabia and Eurasia-Anatolia, including the entire eastern Mediterranean region. This fundamental Earth process has been studied during research cruise MSM14/3 with RV Maria S. Merian in spring 2010. 39 MCS-profiles of more than 2300 km entire length, more than 3000 km magnetic and sediment echosounder data, and about 4000 km of gravity data have been recorded. Four wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles across the seamount were measured with up to 34 OBS deployments along each profile. 10 ocean-bottommagnetotelluric stations were deployed along one of these profiles that connects the seamount with the Hecataeus Rise. One 650 km long amphibian refraction profile strikes across the seamount, Cyprus and southern Turkey. Of the 250 land stations, 200 were deployed in southern Turkey and 50 in Cyprus. A first analysis of the collected data led to the following hypothesis about the interrelation of observed processes: Continent-continent collision caused a compressional regime in the crustal lithosphere, which resulted in the flexure (of the Eratosthenes Seamount), uplift (of Cyprus and Turkey) and accordingly an increased tilt of the facing slopes. The collision reactivated Mesozoic fault lineaments in the Levantine Basin like the Baltim-Hecataeus-Line and created the Hecataeus Rise. Shortening in the non-consolidated Messinian to Holocene sediment succession between the seamount and Cyprus resulted in faulting, folding and compressional salt diapirism. The increase in pore pressure causes fluid migration and mud volcanism. Slope tilt and faulting triggered mass wasting. All of these processes are still shaping the seafloor morphology and interact with the bottom current circulation, which is reflected by sediment drift deposition, sediment remobilisation and erosion, which facilitates again mass wasting

    The Levantine Basin - crustal structure and origin

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    The origin of the Levantine Basin in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea is related to the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The nature of its crust has been debated for decades. Therefore, we conducted a geophysical experiment in the Levantine Basin. We recorded two refraction seismic lines with 19 and 20 ocean bottom hydrophones, respectively, and developed velocity models. Additional seismic reflection data yield structural information about the upper layers in the first few kilometers. The crystalline basement in the Levantine Basin consists of two layers with a P-wave velocity of 6.06.4 km/s in the upper and 6.56.9 km/s in the lower crust. Towards the center of the basin, the Moho depth decreases from 27 to 22 km. Local variations of the velocity gradient can be attributed to previously postulated shear zones like the Pelusium Line, the DamiettaLatakia Line and the BaltimHecateus Line. Both layers of the crystalline crust are continuous and no indication for a transition from continental to oceanic crust is observed. These results are confirmed by gravity data. Comparison with other seismic refraction studies in prolongation of our profiles under Israel and Jordan and in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece and Sardinia reveal similarities between the crust in the Levantine Basin and thinned continental crust, which is found in that region. The presence of thinned continental crust under the Levantine Basin is therefore suggested. A β-factor of 2.33 is estimated. Based on these findings, we conclude that sea-floor spreading in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea only occurred north of the Eratosthenes Seamount, and the oceanic crust was later subducted at the Cyprus Arc

    Causal mechanisms in the clinical course and treatment of back pain

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in studying causal mechanisms in the development and treatment of back pain. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of our current understanding of causal mechanisms in the field. In the first section, we introduce key concepts and terminology. In the second section, we provide a brief synopsis of systematic reviews of mechanism studies relevant to the clinical course and treatment of back pain. In the third section, we reflect on the findings of our review to explain how understanding causal mechanisms can inform clinical practice and the implementation of best practice. In the final sections, we introduce contemporary methodological advances, highlight the key assumptions of these methods, and discuss future directions to advance the quality of mechanism-related studies in the back pain field

    Black holes and black strings of N=2, d=5 supergravity in the H-FGK formalism

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    We study general classes and properties of extremal and non-extremal static black-hole solutions of N=2, d=5 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets using the recently proposed H-FGK formalism, which we also extend to static black strings. We explain how to determine the integration constants and physical parameters of the black-hole and black-string solutions. We derive some model-independent statements, including the transformation of non-extremal flow equations to the form of those for the extremal flow. We apply our methods to the construction of example solutions (among others a new extremal string solution of heterotic string theory on K_3 \times S^1). In the cases where we have calculated it explicitly, the product of areas of the inner and outer horizon of a non-extremal solution coincides with the square of the moduli-independent area of the horizon of the extremal solution with the same charges.Comment: 33 pages. Revised version: references added. No other change

    All the timelike supersymmetric solutions of all ungauged d=4 supergravities

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    We determine the form of all timelike supersymmetric solutions of all N greater or equal than 2, d=4 ungauged supergravities, for N less or equal than 4 coupled to vector supermultiplets, using the $Usp(n+1,n+1)-symmetric formulation of Andrianopoli, D'Auria and Ferrara and the spinor-bilinears method, while preserving the global symmetries of the theories all the way. As previously conjectured in the literature, the supersymmetric solutions are always associated to a truncation to an N=2 theory that may include hypermultiplets, although fields which are eliminated in the truncations can have non-trivial values, as is required by the preservation of the global symmetry of the theories. The solutions are determined by a number of independent functions, harmonic in transverse space, which is twice the number of vector fields of the theory (n+1). The transverse space is flat if an only if the would-be hyperscalars of the associated N=2 truncation are trivial.Comment: v3: Some changes in the introduction. Version to be published in JHE

    Living with an imperfect cell wall: compensation of femAB inactivation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Background: Synthesis of the Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan pentaglycine interpeptide bridge is catalyzed by the nonribosomal peptidyl transferases FemX, FemA and FemB. Inactivation of the femAB operon reduces the interpeptide to a monoglycine, leading to a poorly crosslinked peptidoglycan. femAB mutants show a reduced growth rate and are hypersusceptible to virtually all antibiotics, including methicillin, making FemAB a potential target to restore β-lactam susceptibility in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Cis-complementation with wild type femAB only restores synthesis of the pentaglycine interpeptide and methicillin resistance, but the growth rate remains low. This study characterizes the adaptations that ensured survival of the cells after femAB inactivation. Results: In addition to slow growth, the cis-complemented femAB mutant showed temperature sensitivity and a higher methicillin resistance than the wild type. Transcriptional profiling paired with reporter metabolite analysis revealed multiple changes in the global transcriptome. A number of transporters for sugars, glycerol, and glycine betaine, some of which could serve as osmoprotectants, were upregulated. Striking differences were found in the transcription of several genes involved in nitrogen metabolism and the arginine-deiminase pathway, an alternative for ATP production. In addition, microarray data indicated enhanced expression of virulence factors that correlated with premature expression of the global regulators sae, sarA, and agr. Conclusion: Survival under conditions preventing normal cell wall formation triggered complex adaptations that incurred a fitness cost, showing the remarkable flexibility of S. aureus to circumvent cell wall damage. Potential FemAB inhibitors would have to be used in combination with other antibiotics to prevent selection of resistant survivors

    Hepatic Endothelial CCL25 Mediates the Recruitment of CCR9+ Gut-homing Lymphocytes to the Liver in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a chronic inflammatory liver disease characterized by progressive bile duct destruction, develops as an extra-intestinal complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Chapman, R.W. 1991. Gut. 32:1433–1435). However, the liver and bowel inflammation are rarely concomitant, and PSC can develop in patients whose colons have been removed previously. We hypothesized that PSC is mediated by long-lived memory T cells originally activated in the gut, but able to mediate extra-intestinal inflammation in the absence of active IBD (Grant, A.J., P.F. Lalor, M. Salmi, S. Jalkanen, and D.H. Adams. 2002. Lancet. 359:150–157). In support of this, we show that liver-infiltrating lymphocytes in PSC include mucosal T cells recruited to the liver by aberrant expression of the gut-specific chemokine CCL25 that activates α4β7 binding to mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 on the hepatic endothelium. This is the first demonstration in humans that T cells activated in the gut can be recruited to an extra-intestinal site of disease and provides a paradigm to explain the pathogenesis of extra-intestinal complications of IBD

    1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation

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    Background Clinical decision-making regarding diagnosis and management largely depends on comparison with healthy or ‘normal’ values. Physiotherapists and researchers therefore need access to robust patient-centred outcome measures and appropriate reference values. However there is a lack of high-quality reference data for many clinical measures. The aim of the 1000 Norms Project is to generate a freely accessible database of musculoskeletal and neurological reference values representative of the healthy population across the lifespan. Methods/design In 2012 the 1000 Norms Project Consortium defined the concept of ‘normal’, established a sampling strategy and selected measures based on clinical significance, psychometric properties and the need for reference data. Musculoskeletal and neurological items tapping the constructs of dexterity, balance, ambulation, joint range of motion, strength and power, endurance and motor planning will be collected in this cross-sectional study. Standardised questionnaires will evaluate quality of life, physical activity, and musculoskeletal health. Saliva DNA will be analysed for the ACTN3 genotype (‘gene for speed’). A volunteer cohort of 1000 participants aged 3 to 100 years will be recruited according to a set of self-reported health criteria. Descriptive statistics will be generated, creating tables of mean values and standard deviations stratified for age and gender. Quantile regression equations will be used to generate age charts and age-specific centile values. Discussion This project will be a powerful resource to assist physiotherapists and clinicians across all areas of healthcare to diagnose pathology, track disease progression and evaluate treatment response. This reference dataset will also contribute to the development of robust patient-centred clinical trial outcome measures