1,472 research outputs found

    Acoustic study of ch variants in Tenerife in comparison with the castillian alveopalatal

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    Este trabajo pretende describir acústicamente al menos dos tipos de [t°S] que se dan en Tenerife, entre ellas la variante llamada adherente, comparándolas entre sí y con la [t°S] alveolopalatal castellana. Para ello se han tenido en cuenta tres variables fundamentales: duración, intensidad y frecuencias relevantes, obtenidas de 20 informantes mediante mediciones con el programa informático PRAAT. Una vez obtenidos y tabulados apropiadamente los resultados, se ha intentado parametrizar los valores característicos de cada una de estas variantes de [t°S] y sus diferencias, y comprobar la alternancia o no entre algunas de ellas en las realizaciones de los hablantes tinerfeños. Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis formulada de la alternancia entre ambos alófonos en algunos informantes y contextos.This study intends to give an acoustic description of at least two kinds of [t°S] that are present in Spanish spoken in Tenerife, one of which is the variant called adherent, comparing one to each other and to the Castilian alveopalatal [t°S]. For this, three basic variables have been taken into consideration: duration, intensity and relevant frequencies obtained from 20 respondents through measurements done using the PRAAT software. Upon obtaining and tabulating the appropriate results, the characteristic values of each of these variants of [t°S] and their differences have been tried to be parameterized. It has also been tried to check the alternation or non-alternation among some of them in the production of speakers from Tenerife. In the end, results support the formulated hypothesis of alternation between both allophones for some respondents and contexts

    A panoramic view of fiber and integrated optics in spain

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    A general view of the present status of optics and related fields in Spain is presented. The main emphasis is on the relation between optics and some emerging areas such as Optical Communications and Nonlinear Optics. Principal activities of the more important groups are summarized

    Analysis of the Behavior of an Indoor Position System Based on Fingerprints and IEEE 802.15.4

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    This paper presents an analysis of the behaviour of an indoor position system based on fingerprints and IEEE 802.15.4 that has been adapted to be tested in a competition, called EvAAL (Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking), hold both in Madrid (tests) and Eindhoven (results). The objectives of this analysis are to determine the best algorithm that should have been applied in order to obtain the best results in the competition to use them in other environments. Among the different combinations that can be applied, i.e., the way the signature database is filled in and the algorithm uses to determine the closest location point, the best results are obtained using a global signature database where each signature entry is calculated by the medium of samples signatures database and the closest location is determined by a centroid algorithm with the parameter c set to 1.3. In this way, the error made improves the one obtained in the EvAAL, which is reduced by 100 centimetres.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Conservación y restauración monumental en Écija (1900-1985)

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    La compresión de las intervenciones en los monumentos, la restauración monumental anterior a la delegación de competencias -año 1985-, requiere un alejamiento temporal, que partiendo de la Ilustración desarrolla en el siglo XX las intervenciones más significativas. Partiendo de tres referencias en Geografía, Pintura y Arquitectura, será en esta última la que formalice, en su relación con lo patrimonial, la imagen actual del monumento. En el siglo XX se desarrolla la mayor parte de la legislación en materia de patrimonio en el contexto de la Administración y sus diferentes instituciones- EL MARCO- , pero es relevante el ponerlo en relación con la opinión que desde distintos ámbitos se tiene del pasado y de su legado. Todo ello en un proceso cultural que tendrá a las vanguardias como hito de cambio hacia lo contemporáneo. El estudio de los proyectos como documentos que forman parte de los monumentos, exige una minuciosa labor de estudio y de constatación entre lo proyectado y lo ejecutado. En el caso concreto de la ciudad de Écija, las intervenciones en la arquitectura religiosa definirá en la mayoría de los casos un cambio en el aspecto de la ciudad en su imagen más íntima, así como el Barroco la determinó en su momento.The understanding of the interventions in monuments, the previous monumental restoration to the delegation of authority - year 1985-, requires a temporal rift which starting from the Enlightenment, develops in the XX century the most remarcable interventions. Starting from three references en Geography, Painting and Architecture, it is the last one which formalizes, in its relationship with the patrimonial, the present image of the monument. In the XX century it was developed most of the legislation related to heritage in the context of the Administration and its different institutions- THE FRAME-, but it is important to relate that to the opinion of different fields about past time and its legacy. All that following a cultural process which has the Avant-garde a turning point to the present time. Thes study of the projects as a documents which are part of those monuments, involves a meticulous work of study and verification between what is projected and carried out. In the specific case of the city of Écija, the interventions in the religious architecture defines in most of the cases a change in the appearance in its most intimate image as well as the Baroque period determinated it on that moment

    Preliminary study on the performance of biomorphic silicon carbide as substrate for diesel particulate filters

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    This paper presents the results of a preliminary experimental study to assess the performance of biomorphic silicon carbide when used for the abatement of soot particles in the exhaust of Diesel engines. Given its optimal thermal and mechanical properties, silicon carbide is one of the most popular substrates in commercial diesel particulate filters. Biomorphic silicon carbide is known for having, besides, a hierarchical porous microstructure and the possibility of tailoring that microstructure through the selection of a suitable wood precursor. An experimental rig was designed and built to be integrated within an engine test bench that allowed to characterizing small lab-scale biomorphic silicon carbide filter samples. A particle counter was used to measure the particles distribution before and after the samples, while a differential pressure sensor was used to measure their pressure drop during the soot loading process. The experimental campaign yielded promising results: for the flow rate conditions that the measuring devices imposed (1 litre per minute; space velocity = 42,000 L/h), the samples showed initial efficiencies above 80%, pressure drops below 20 mbar, and a low increase in the pressure drop with the soot load which allows to reach almost 100% efficiency with an increase in pressure drop lower than 15%, when the soot load is still less than 0.01 g/L. It shows the potential of this material and the interest for advancing in more complex diesel particle filter designs based on the results of this workMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (España) MAT2013-41233-R DPI2013-46485-C3-3-RFondos FEDER MAT2013-41233-R DPI2013-46485-C3-3-RUniversidad de Sevilla VI Plan Propio I.3B - C.I. 24/05/2017 MAT2016-76526-

    Indoor Position System Based on a Zigbee Network

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    TAIS group has developed an indoor position system prototype based on a fingerprint positioning algorithm. The prototype uses IEEE 802.15.4 mote and BitCloud Stack, a full-featured ZigBee Compliant, second generation embedded software stack from Atmel. The design requirements of the prototype were only to determine the actual position in a room of a user in a building, so the prototype accuracy is room accuracy. TAIS group decided to compete in the second edition of EvAAL Competition. This paper presents all the step made to adapt the prototype to the EvAAL environment, the found drawbacks and the obtained results. One of the most important drawback was that the Smart House Living Lab of the Polytechnic University of Madrid has only two rooms, the required accuracy was meters (error less than or equal to 0,5 meters the higher score, higher than 4 meters no score) and the room accuracy was substituted by areas of interest so the behavior of our prototype was going to work was an incognita.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Flexible learning intinerary vs. linear learning itinerary

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    The latest video game and entertainment technology and other technologies are facilitating the development of new and powerful e-Learning systems. In this paper, we present a computer-based game for learning about five historical ages. The objective of the game is to reinforce the events that mark the transition from one historical age to another and the order of the historical ages. Our game incorporates natural human-computer interaction based on video game technology, Frontal Projection, and personalized learning. For personalized learning, a Flexible Learning Itinerary has been included, where the children can decide how to direct the flow of their own learning process. For comparison, a Linear Learning Itinerary has also been included, where the children follow a determined learning flow. A study to compare the two different learning itineraries was carried out. Twenty nine children from 8 to 9 years old participated in the study. The analysis of the pre-tests and the post-tests determined that children learned the contents of a game about historical ages. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences between the two learning itineraries. Therefore, our study reveals the potential of computer-based learning games as a tool in the learning process for both flexible and linear itinerariesThis work was funded by the Spanish APRENDRA project (TIN2009-14319-C02-01).Martín San José, JF.; Juan Lizandra, MC.; Gil Gómez, JA.; Rando, N. (2014). Flexible learning intinerary vs. linear learning itinerary. Science of Computer Programming. 88:3-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2013.12.009S3218