16 research outputs found

    Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis

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    We introduce a new approach to planning in STRIPS-like domains based on constructing and analyzing a compact structure we call a Planning Graph. We describe a new planner, Graphplan, that uses this paradigm. Graphplan always returns a shortest possible partial-order plan, or states that no valid plan exists. We provide empirical evidence in favor of this approach, showing that Graphplan outperforms the total-order planner, Prodigy, and the partial-order planner, UCPOP, on a variety of interesting natural and artificial planning problems. We also give empirical evidence that the plans produced by Graphplan are quite sensible. Since searches made by this approach are fundamentally different from the searches of other common planning methods, they provide a new perspective on the planning problem

    Fast planning through planning graph analysis

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    We introduce a new approach to planning in STRIPS-like domains based on constructing and analyzing a compact structure we call a Planning Graph. We describe a new planner, Graphplan, that uses this paradigm. Graphplan always returns a shortestpossible partial-order plan, or states that no valid plan exists. We provide empirical evidence in favor of this approach, showing that Graphplan outperforms the total-order planner, Prodigy, and the partial-order planner, UCPOP, on a variety of interesting natural and artificial planning problems. We also give empirical evidence that the plans produced by Graphplan are quite sensible. Since searches made by this approach are fundamentally different from the searches of other common planning methods, they provide a new perspective on the planning problem

    What To Do With Your Free Time: Algorithms for Infrequent Requests and Randomized Weighted Caching

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    We consider an extension of the standard on-line model to settings in which an on-line algorithm has free time between successive requests in an input sequence. During this free time, the algorithm may perform operations without charge before receiving the next request. For instance, in planning the motion of fire trucks, there may be time in between fires that one could use to reposition the trucks in anticipation of the next fire. We prove both upper and lower bounds on the power of deterministic and randomized algorithms in this model. As our main lemma, we show an O(log 2 k)-competitive algorithm and an\Omega\Gamma/44 k) lower bound on the competitive ratio for any weighted caching problem on (k + 1)-point spaces in the standard on-line model, thus making progress on an open problem of [MMS88b, You91]. These results also apply to any metrical task system on spaces corresponding to weighted star graphs. We also consider extensions to the standard on-line model in which both free t..

    Multi-party protocols

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    process communication have been examined from a complexity pbint of view [SP, Y]. We study a new model, in which a collection of processes eo, "'', e~:~