1,934 research outputs found

    Stochastic approach to correlations beyond the mean field with the Skyrme interaction

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    Large-scale calculation based on the multi-configuration Skyrme density functional theory is performed for the light N=Z even-even nucleus, 12C. Stochastic procedures and the imaginary-time evolution are utilized to prepare many Slater determinants. Each state is projected on eigenstates of parity and angular momentum. Then, performing the configuration mixing calculation with the Skyrme Hamiltonian, we obtain low-lying energy-eigenstates and their explicit wave functions. The generated wave functions are completely free from any assumption and symmetry restriction. Excitation spectra and transition probabilities are well reproduced, not only for the ground-state band, but for negative-parity excited states and the Hoyle state.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Talk at 2nd International Nuclear Physics Conference "Nuclear Structure and Dynamics", Opatija, Croatia, July 9 - 13, 201

    Summer-restricted migration of green turtles Chelonia mydas to a temperate habitat of the northwest Pacific Ocean

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    The foraging habitats of green turtles Chelonia mydas range from tropical to temperate areas. Previous studies have generally been biased toward tropical and sub-tropical areas; hence, available data do not accurately describe the species' foraging activity in temperate areas. To reveal seasonal patterns of habitat use in temperate areas, we conducted a by-catch survey, a mark-recapture study, and satellite tracking of green turtles along the Sanriku Coast, a temperate zone in the northwest Pacific Ocean. From July through November of 2005 to 2014, 78 green turtles were captured during a period of relatively high water temperatures (16 to 24°C). Straight carapace length (SCL) ranged from 36.8 to 85.6 cm (average: 49.4 ± 11.4 cm; n = 78), indicating that most of the turtles were juveniles. In the mark-recapture study, 14 of 72 tagged turtles were recaptured 5 to 426 d after release, 12 of which were recaptured south of the release point. Based on satellite tracking data, 3 turtles travelled more than 500 km to reach southern habitats, where water temperature was warmer (13 to 25°C) than along the Sanriku Coast (4 to 22°C). Our results revealed that the Sanriku Coast is a seasonally restricted habitat for juvenile green turtles, which migrate to southern habitats in winter, and that turtles in temperate areas migrated longer than those in tropical and sub-tropical areas. This is the first report of seasonal migration of juvenile green turtles to a temperate habitat in the northern Pacific Ocean.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    DNA-viivakoodaus elintarvikkeiden aitoustutkimuksissa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli ottaa käyttöön ja validoida DNA-viivakoodaus-menetelmä Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Eviralle. DNA-viivakoodaus oli alun perin ekologisiin tutkimuksiin kehitelty menetelmä, mutta pian siitä huomattiin olevan hyötyä myös muilla tutkimusalueilla, kuten elintarvikkeiden aitoustutkimuksissa. Elintarvikepetoksia ja etenkin mereneläviin kohdistuvia väärennöksiä paljastuu yhä enemmän maailmalla. Suomessa näitä väärennöksiä ei ole kovinkaan paljoa tutkittu aikaisemmin. DNA-viivakoodaus-menetelmä perustuu siihen, että genomista on valittu alue, jossa lajin sisällä emäsjärjestys vaihtelee mahdollisimman vähän ja eri lajien välillä suuresti. Lajit voidaan erottaa toisistaan viivakoodialueen sekvenssien perusteella. Eläinlajeilla käytetään usein mitokondriaalisen DNA:n sytokromi c oksidaasi 1 -geeniä (CO1) ja kasveilla kloroplastin maturaasi K (matK)- ja ribuloosi bisfosfaatti karboksylaasi iso alayksikkö (rbcL) -geenejä. Opinnäytetyön laboratorio-osuus suoritettiin pääosin Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkevirasto FDA:n laatiman työohjeen mukaisesti. Kalanäytteestä eristettiin DNA, josta monistettiin PCR:llä tietty nukleotidijakso. PCR-tuote puhdistettiin ja sekvensoitiin. Sekvensoinnin tulokset käsiteltiin bioinformatiikan työkaluin ja saatuja sekvenssejä verrattiin sekvenssitietokantoihin, jolloin saatiin selville näytteen kalalaji. Menetelmän käyttöönotto onnistui hyvin. DNA-eristys onnistui, mikäli näytemäärä ei ollut liian suuri. Erilaiset matriisit, kuten savustettu tai suolattu kala, eivät aiheuttaneet ongelmia. Poikkeuksena olivat ainoastaan liian prosessoidut tuotteet, kuten öljyyn säilötty purkkikala. Työssä käytetyt alukkeet toimivat usealle lajille, ja lajintunnistus onnistui vähintään sukutasolle asti. Alustavien tutkimusten perusteella samat alukkeet ja menetelmä soveltuvat myös eläinlajien määritykseen.The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to implement and validate a DNA barcoding method for Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira. DNA barcoding method was originally developed for ecological studies, but soon it was found to be useful in other areas of research as well, such as food authenticity studies. Increasing amount of food frauds, especially seafood forgeries have been found around the world. In Finland, these forgeries have not been studied intensively until recently. DNA barcoding method is based on analysis of a selected area in the genome. The selected genome area should have as little sequence variety as possible within a species and as much as possible between different species. Species can be identified by the sequences of the barcode region. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (CO1) from mitochondrial DNA is often used with animal identification, and maturase K (matK) and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large chain (rbcL) genes from the chloroplast are used when researching plants. The laboratory work in this thesis was carried out mainly in accordance with the standard operating procedure made by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA. The DNA was extracted from the fish sample, and a specific nucleotide sequence was amplified from the DNA. The PCR product was purified and sequenced. The results of the sequencing were processed with bioinformatics tools, and the gained sequences were compared to sequence databases to identify the species of the fish sample. The implementation of this method was successful. DNA extraction succeeded if the sample was not too large. Different matrices, such as smoked or salted fish, did not cause problems. The only exceptions were too far processed products, such as fish canned in oil. The primers used in this thesis were functional in many species and the identification of the species was successful until the family level at least. On the bases of the preliminary studies, the same primers and method are also suitable for the identification of several animal species

    A New Extraction System for Extremely Low Level 14C in Meteorites.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月29日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Stamina of a non-gasketed flange joint under combined internal pressure and axial loading

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    The performance of a bolted flange joint is characterized mainly by its 'strength' and 'sealing capability'. A number of numerical and experimental studies have been conducted to study these characteristics under internal pressure loading conditions alone. However, limited work is found in the literature under conditions of combined internal pressure and axial loading. The effect of external, axial loading pressure being unknown, the optimal performance of the bolted flange joint cannot be achieved. Current design codes do not address the effects of axial loading on structural integrity and sealing ability. To study joint strength and sealing capability under combined loading conditions, an extensive experimental and numerical study of a non-gasketed flange joint was carried out. Actual joint load capacity was determined at both design and test stages with the maximum external axial loading that can be applied for safe joint performance. Experimental and numerical results have been compared and overall joint performance and behaviour is discussed in detail

    Glasslike vs. crystalline thermal conductivity in carrier-tuned Ba8Ga16X30 clathrates (X = Ge, Sn)

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    The present controversy over the origin of glasslike thermal conductivity observed in certain crystalline materials is addressed by studies on single-crystal x-ray diffraction, thermal conductivity k(T) and specific heat Cp(T) of carrier-tuned Ba8Ga16X30 (X = Ge, Sn) clathrates. These crystals show radically different low-temperature k(T) behaviors depending on whether their charge carriers are electrons or holes, displaying the usual crystalline peak in the former case and an anomalous glasslike plateau in the latter. In contrast, Cp(T) above 4 K and the general structural properties are essentially insensitive to carrier tuning. We analyze these combined results within the framework of a Tunneling/Resonant/Rayleigh scatterings model, and conclude that the evolution from crystalline to glasslike k(T) is accompanied by an increase both in the effective density of tunnelling states and in the resonant scattering level, while neither one of these contributions can solely account for the observed changes in the full temperature range. This suggests that the most relevant factor which determines crystalline or glasslike behavior is the coupling strength between the guest vibrational modes and the frameworks with different charge carriers.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Développement d'une infrastructure verte dans un climat de moussons en Asie. Recommandations pour la conception d’ouvrages à Singapour intégrant le concept de gestion durable des eaux pluviales

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. Internationale.International audienc

    Identification of K-rich fragments in chondritic breccias using Imaging Plate (IP): an application to the planetary materials.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講