286 research outputs found

    Model assisted design of an intensified bioprocess

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    Transcriptomics data integration reveals Jak-STAT as a common pathway affected by pathogenic intracellular bacteria in natural reservoir hosts

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    The study of the host-pathogen interface in natural reservoir hosts is essential to identify host-cell mechanisms affected by bacterial infection and persistence. Herein we used the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) to integrate transcriptomics data and find common host-cell biological processes, molecular functions and pathways affected by pathogenic intracellular bacteria of the genera Anaplasma, Brucella and Mycobacterium during infection and persistence in two natural reservoir hosts, wild boar and sheep. The results showed that the upregulation of host innate immune pro-inflammatory genes and signaling pathways constitutes a general antibacterial mechanism in response to intracellular bacteria. Pathway focused analysis revealed a role for the Jak-STAT pathway during bacterial intracellular infection, a fact reported before in Mycobacterium infected cells but not during Brucella spp. and A. phagocytophilum infection. A clear activation of the Jak-STAT pathway was observed in A. phagocytophilum infected wild boar and sheep when compared to uninfected controls. Brucella spp. infection resulted in a balanced regulation of the Jak-STAT signaling and M. bovis infection of wild boar clearly produced a downregulation of some of the Jak-STAT effectors such as IL5 and TKY2. These results suggested that mycobacteria and brucellae induce host innate immune responses while manipulating adaptive immunity to circumvent host-cell defenses and establish infection. In contrast, A. phagocytophilum infection induces both innate and adaptive immunity, those suggesting that this pathogen uses other mechanisms to circumvent host-cell defenses by downregulating other adaptive immune genes and delaying the apoptotic death of neutrophils through activation of the Jak-STAT pathway among other mechanisms.This research was supported by the Grupo Santander and Fundación Marcelino Botín, Spain (project Control of Tuberculosis in Wildlife) and the EU FP7, ANTIGONE project number 278976. R.C. Galindo was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación (MEC), Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Como la vida misma. La comedia británica en los años 90

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    Pombo, R.; De La Fuente, J. (1998). Como la vida misma. La comedia británica en los años 90. La madriguera. (5):62-62. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41635.Importación Masiva6262

    Molecular identification of Cordylobia anthropophaga Blanchard (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae collected from dogs (Canis familiaris) in Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Myiasis-causing larvae were extracted from dogs attending veterinary clinics in Plateau State, Nigeria and subjected to molecular analysis involving polymerase chain reaction amplification of the 28S rRNA gene of blowflies, cloning and sequencing techniques. All larvae were confirmed as Cordylobia anthropophaga Blanchard (Diptera: Calliphoridae) after the initial morphological identification. This is the first molecular identification of any myiasis-causing fly species in Nigeria and may serve as a reliable alternative to morphological identification where samples are not well preserved or difficult to identify to species level.We thank at the Instituto de Investigacion en Recursos Cinegiticos, IREC (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM), Ciudad Real, Spain for providing the facilities to carry out this research.Peer Reviewe

    IrSPI, a tick serine protease inhibitor involved in tick feeding and Bartonella henselae infection

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Ixodes ricinus is the most widespread and abundant tick in Europe, frequently bites humans, and is the vector of several pathogens including those responsible for Lyme disease, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and bartonellosis. These tick-borne pathogens are transmitted to vertebrate hosts via tick saliva during blood feeding, and tick salivary gland (SG) factors are likely implicated in transmission. In order to identify such tick factors, we characterized the transcriptome of female I. ricinus SGs using next generation sequencing techniques, and compared transcriptomes between Bartonella henselae-infected and non-infected ticks. High-throughput sequencing of I. ricinus SG transcriptomes led to the generation of 24,539 isotigs. Among them, 829 and 517 transcripts were either significantly up- or down-regulated respectively, in response to bacterial infection. Searches based on sequence identity showed that among the differentially expressed transcripts, 161 transcripts corresponded to nine groups of previously annotated tick SG gene families, while the others corresponded to genes of unknown function. Expression patterns of five selected genes belonging to the BPTI/Kunitz family of serine protease inhibitors, the tick salivary peptide group 1 protein, the salp15 super-family, and the arthropod defensin family, were validated by qRT-PCR. IrSPI, a member of the BPTI/Kunitz family of serine protease inhibitors, showed the highest up-regulation in SGs in response to Bartonella infection. IrSPI silencing impaired tick feeding, as well as resulted in reduced bacterial load in tick SGs. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of I. ricinus SG transcriptome and contributes significant genomic information about this important disease vector. This in-depth knowledge will enable a better understanding of the molecular interactions between ticks and tick-borne pathogens, and identifies IrSPI, a candidate to study now in detail to estimate its potentialities as vaccine against the ticks and the pathogens they transmit.XYL was supported by funds from the China Scholarship Council (CSC). This work was funded by INRA and EU grant FP7-261504 EDENext and is catalogued by the EDENext Steering Committee as EDENext037 (http://www.edenext.eu). This work was also partially supported by the Spanish Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad project BFU2011-23896.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of Water Quality on the Efficiency of Retention Aids Systems for the Paper Industry

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    It has been reported that about 10-15% of the fresh water intake in a paper mill is used for feeding and diluting retention aids, so significant savings could be achieved by replacing fresh water with process water. Water from different sources and qualitiessfresh water, the outflow from an internal ultrafiltration placed in the machine circuit of a paper mill, and water from a membrane bioreactor used to treat the final effluent of this paper millswere used to prepare a dual retention system consisting of a cationic polyacrylamide and bentonite. While the behavior of bentonite was not significantly affected by the quality of the water used in its preparation, the efficiency of the cationic polyacrylamide was reduced to about 12% when it was prepared with water with high anionic trash content and conductivity as a result of a partial neutralization of the charged groups. The effect of nonionic chemical oxygen demand on the efficiency of the polymer was negligible

    Complications of harvesting a connective tissue graft from the palate. A retrospective study and description of a new technique

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    Connective tissue graft (CTG) is considered as the gold standard for the treatment of gingival recessions (GR). There are few studies assessing the complications that can arise in the donor site when harvesting a connective tissue graft (CTG) and how the harvesting technique can influence those complications. A retrospective clinical study was carried out in order to compare the complications observed in 40 patients with Miller class I, II and III GR ? 3 mm, after using the trap-door technique (TD) in the control group and a newly described technique, the ?UPV/EHU technique?, in the test group. Patients were consecutively allocated to each treatment group. Patients were monitored 14 days after surgery in order to evaluate post-operative complications in the donor site: presence of pain (P), bleeding (B), infection (I) and necrosis > 30%. Although morbidity was observed in both groups, it was less important in the test group (no pain and minimal pain in 30% and 35% of the cases, respectively, and absence of bleeding or infection and necrosis >30% in only 5% of the cases). Within the limits of this study, this newly described ?UPV/EHU technique? should be considered as a treatment option when harvesting a CTG, with minimal morbidity for patients

    The quality of life of people with ASD through physical activity and sports

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    Among the factors that influence the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), physical activity and sport are key dimensions of physical well-being. Few studies take into account the perspectives of people with ASD in order to understand the extent of physical well-being and their subjective perception of it. The development of a system of quality of life indicators related to physical activity and sport for people with ASD and their analysis is the aim of this study, providing guidelines for improvement. A study was carried out with a sample of 276 people, professionals (n = 143), family members (n = 73) and people with ASD (n = 60). The people with ASD in the sample belonged to three age categories: children aged 8–12 years, adolescents aged 12–18 years and adults over 18 years. The research team used a qualitative methodology in the collection of information. They adapted three questionnaires, with validated quality of life scales, to guide the interviews and also applied them in the design of the focus group protocols. Subsequently, the research team analysed the information collected in the focus groups with families and professionals using a DELPHI method. A system for coding the responses and qualitative analysis of the responses was also prepared for the analysis of the data by the research team. Finally, the information obtained was compared with a group of representative experts. The results concluded with the elaboration of a system of quality of life indicators related to the dimension of physical well-being, as well as guidelines and proposals that bring together the perspectives of people with ASD in relation to the practice of sport and physical activity. There is a need to increase the practice of sport among people with ASD in order to promote their health, social participation and personal satisfaction. It is concluded that it is not possible to obtain a broad picture of the quality of life of people with ASD and their families due to lack of information. However, the method and the results obtained represent a first approach at national level to increase knowledge about the quality of life of people with ASD

    pH and particle structure effects on silica removal by coagulation

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    Producción CientíficaCoagulation is presented as an efficient alternative to reduce the silica content in effluents from recovered-paper mills that are intended to be recycled by a final reverse-osmosis (RO) step. Coagulation pretreatment by several polyaluminum chlorides (PACls) or FeCl3 was optimized prior to the RO process. PACls with low alumina content and high basicity achieved almost a 100 % removal of silica at pH 10.5. A good reduction of the silica content was attained without regulating the pH by adding one of these PACls. Silica removal was related to the structure of the produced clots in which cylindrical particles produced higher silica removal. All coagulants removed more than 50 % of the chemical oxygen demand (COD).Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto P2009/AMB-1480)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Proyecto CTM2008-06886-C02- 01)Comisión Europea - (Proyecto 211534

    La Familia Telerín: Connected Learning through Transmedia

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    Nowadays, transmedia storytelling has shaped new ways to produce children’s content, in which the audience has an increasingly active role (Livingstone and Bovill 2013; Cortesi et al. 2015). The fruition of storytelling content through digital media allows to connect it with personal interests and school activitiesas well as to enhance the link between adults and children (Ito et al. 2013; Jenkins, Īto, and boyd 2015). The main goal of this paper is to analyze the new transmedia release of one the most successful and recognized TV cartoons all over Spain and Latin America: La Familia Telerín. Specifically, we want to discover how the cartoon was re-valued by the production company Anima Kitchen, and understand the role that transmedia storytelling played out in this regard. Adopting a digital anthropology approach (Horst and Miller 2012), our findings come from big data, a focus group and through a virtual ethnography. The findings provide us with a clear understanding about how transmedia storytelling supports social values, media skills and learning activities into the everyday life of children