596 research outputs found

    ‘Aimless and Absurd Wanderings’? Children at the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona)

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    AbstractThis article reports on the experience of children at the Museum of New and Old Art (Mona) in Hobart, Tasmania.  Referred to by its innovative owner as a ‘subversive adult Disneyland’, Mona went further than most new contemporary art galleries in designing a radically new experience of art.  It captured the imagination of people new to art in its own locality as well as a global art public.  Favoured by leading international contemporary artists for the freedom it gave art unmediated by art history, Mona also seemingly captured the imagination of children. Through an ethnographic approach in which five young children’s visits were documented in great detail, the article considers these in the light of children’s experiences of previous exhibitionary platforms and the relevance of Mona’s museological interventions for building their dispositions to art and broadening art publics

    Explaining Support for Animal Rights: A Comparison of Two Recent Approaches to Humans, Nonhuman Animals, and Postmodernity

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    Questions on "animal rights" in a cross-national survey conducted in 1993 provide an opportunity to compare the applicability to this issue of two theories of the socio-political changes summed up in "postmodernity": Inglehart's (1997) thesis of "postmaterialist values" and Franklin's (1999) synthesis of theories of late modernity. Although Inglehart seems not to have addressed human-nonhuman animal relations, it is reasonable to apply his theory of changing values under conditions of "existential security" to "animal rights." Inglehart's postmaterialism thesis argues that new values emerged within specific groups because of the achievement of material security. Although emphasizing human needs, they shift the agenda toward a series of lifestyle choices that favor extending lifestyle choices, rights, and environmental considerations. Franklin's account of nonhuman animals and modern cultures stresses a generalized "ontological insecurity." Under postmodern conditions, changes to core aspects of social and cultural life are both fragile and fugitive. As neighborhood, community, family, and friendship relations lose their normative and enduring qualities, companion animals increasingly are drawn in to those formerly exclusive human emotional spaces. With a method used by Inglehart and a focus in countries where his postmaterialist effects should be most evident, this study derives and tests different expectations from the theories, then tests them against data from a survey supporting Inglehart's theory. His theory is not well supported. We conclude that its own anthropocentrism limits it and that the allowance for hybrids of nature-culture in Franklin's account offers more promise for a social theory of animal rights in changing times

    The tourism ordering

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    Cet article commence par clarifier ce que j’entends par « la mise en ordre touristique ». Pendant des années, la théorie du tourisme a été inhibée par une théorisation structuraliste étroite et par la notion de « lieux marginaux ». En conséquence, le tourisme était considéré comme socialement et spatialement marginal par rapport aux activités principales du monde contemporain, et comme un problème. Ses effets plus larges ne furent donc jamais théorisés de façon adéquate. En recourant à un mélange d’idées de Foucault, Latour, Law, Deleuze et Guattari, ainsi qu’à ceux qui plaident pour une sociologie des mises en ordre, la « mise en ordre touristique » cherche non seulement à théoriser la place du tourisme dans les sociétés contemporaines, mais aussi à démontrer l’impact puissant de celui-ci en tant que principe de mise en ordre de la modernité. Sans chercher une rédemption absolue pour le tourisme, cet article cherchera finalement à identifier quelques-uns des effets de mise en ordre les plus positifs et intéressants qu’a eus ce dernier.This paper will start by clarifying what I mean by the tourism ordering. For many years tourism theory was inhibited by narrow structuralist theorising and the notion of ‘places on the margin’. Consequently tourism was considered both socially and spatially marginal to the main business of contemporary life and most often a problem in both senses. As a result, its wider effects were never adequately theorised. Using a mix of ideas from Foucault, Latour, Law, Deleuze and Guattari as well as those who advocate a sociology of orderings, the tourism ordering seeks not only to theorise the place of tourism in contemporary societies but to demonstrate its rather potent impact as an ordering of modernity. While not seeking absolute redemption for tourism this paper will seek to identify some of the more positive and interesting ‘ordering effects’ this ordering has had

    SHAPESLewisham and the Shape of Lewisham: Connectivity, Communication and Construction in a Creative Enterprise Zone

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    This paper provides a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs of creative workers in Lewisham in order that the Creative Enterprise Zone's aims can be successfully pursued. Through thematic, analytic examination of academic literature and direct evidence from creative practitioners - via both original primary case studies, and wider peer group expert reflections (SHAPESLewisham Talks) - this research provides a rich grounding for the CEZ to: • support growth needs, as well as recognise, celebrate and leverage cultural capital created in, and by, those of the CEZ; • identify key issues of risk management (societal and economic) that can ensure the CEZ retains its diverse talent and builds scale, and; • work collaboratively with local educational settings to better understand and develop existing relationships between creative practitioners and organisations such as Goldsmiths University

    Gestión ambiental y su relación con el manejo de residuos de solventes en una empresa de adhesivos, Lima 2022

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    En la presente investigación se ha planteado como objetivo general, determinar la relación entre la gestión ambiental y el manejo de residuos de solventes en una empresa de adhesivos, Lima 2022. La investigación presenta un diseño no experimental, tambien es de nivel correlacional, con un enfoque cuantitativo. Considerando una muestra de 50 empleados de la empresa de adhesivos, la técnica utilizada para la recoleccion de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario, el cual fue aplicado a los empleados y con el que se recabo la informacion apropiada. Los instrumentos fueron validados por el criterio de expertos y la confiabilidad se constato con el alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo una alta consistencia internase obtuvo como resultadoa tarves del Alfa de Cronbach una correlación de nivel alto, el cual permitio llegar a la conclusion que, entre la gestión ambiental y el manejo de residuos de solventes en una empresa de adhesivos, Lima 2022, si existe una relacion significativa, por lo que, si se cambia los mecanismos de gestión ambiental, cambiaran también el manejo de residuos de solventes en la empresa

    Inclined Surface Locomotion Strategies for Spherical Tensegrity Robots

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    This paper presents a new teleoperated spherical tensegrity robot capable of performing locomotion on steep inclined surfaces. With a novel control scheme centered around the simultaneous actuation of multiple cables, the robot demonstrates robust climbing on inclined surfaces in hardware experiments and speeds significantly faster than previous spherical tensegrity models. This robot is an improvement over other iterations in the TT-series and the first tensegrity to achieve reliable locomotion on inclined surfaces of up to 24\degree. We analyze locomotion in simulation and hardware under single and multi-cable actuation, and introduce two novel multi-cable actuation policies, suited for steep incline climbing and speed, respectively. We propose compelling justifications for the increased dynamic ability of the robot and motivate development of optimization algorithms able to take advantage of the robot's increased control authority.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, IROS 201

    Color image simplification by morphological hierarchical segmentation and color clustering

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    Morphological hierarchical segmentation of color images may be achieved in a straightforward way by measuring the persistence of regional minima from color gradients and using these measurements as a criterion to select markers for the watershed from markers framework. Since color has an implicit role in the selection of markers, the segmentation process may provide a bad combination of distinct colored regions, and this may lead to a distorted image simplification. This paper proposes a new method to color image simplification in which the importance of color is raised because color information is added to the marker selection process. Such method provides finer control over the final number of regions (n) and the resulting number of colors (c). A color clustering method splits the regional minima in to c minima sets, each of which has a representative color. The most prominent regional minima from each minima set are selected to form the markers for the segmentation framework. In the final segmentation, the color assigned to a region is given by the representative color bound to the marker that points to the region. It leads to an image whose segmented regions are quantized to fewer distinct colors.</p

    Insercion de la eutanasia en la legislacion ecuatoriana como figura juridica y social.

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    La vida es el bien mas precisado que tenemos los seres humanos, disfrutarla a plenitud es un derecho, pero a veces la enfermedad comienza a quitar ese derecho y la medicina ya no puede hacer nada por frenar esa dolencia. Entonces, surge la idea de poner fin a la existencia

    Teaching In Faculties: Making science relevant for professional degree programs

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    The Faculty of Science teaches in many professional degree programs especially in first year. These units of study are mostly mainstream, and hence not customized for the clients. The short term aims of this project are to: • improve the first year experience for students in client faculties; • develop targeted units of study for professional degree programs; • define models of ‘approaches to delivery’ that are transferable to other disciplines; and • raise staff awareness of the needs of incoming students. The long term aims of this project are to ensure: • sustainable ongoing delivery of quality focused learning experiences to students in professional degree programs; and • effective liaison with client faculties for ongoing developments. This project targets the student learning experiences in four professional degree programs
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