7,142 research outputs found

    Zero-mode contribution to the light-front Hamiltonian of Yukawa type models

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    Light-front Hamiltonian for Yukawa type models is determined without the framework of canonical light-front formalism. Special attention is given to the contribution of zero modes.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, revised version with minor changes, Submitted to J.Phys.

    Empirical wind model for the middle and lower atmosphere. Part 1: Local time average

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    The HWM90 thermospheric wind model was revised in the lower thermosphere and extended into the mesosphere and lower atmosphere to provide a single analytic model for calculating zonal and meridional wind profiles representative of the climatological average for various geophysical conditions. Gradient winds from CIRA-86 plus rocket soundings, incoherent scatter radar, MF radar, and meteor radar provide the data base and are supplemented by previous data driven model summaries. Low-order spherical harmonics and Fourier series are used to describe the major variations throughout the atmosphere including latitude, annual, semiannual, and longitude (stationary wave 1). The model represents a smoothed compromise between the data sources. Although agreement between various data sources is generally good, some systematic differences are noted, particularly near the mesopause. Root mean square differences between data and model are on the order of 15 m/s in the mesosphere and 10 m/s in the stratosphere for zonal wind, and 10 m/s and 4 m/s, respectively, for meridional wind

    Efeito do sombreamento natural na produtividade e na composição química de capim elefante no Acre.

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    No estado do Acre, a cobertura vegetal predominante é a floresta tropical úmida, com elevada diversidade de espécies por hectare. Neste áreas, a principal atividade econômica, no último século, tem sido o extrativismo do látex da seringueira (Hevea brasiliense) e a coleta da castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa). Entretanto, nos últimos 30 anos, a desestruturação do sistema extrativo da borracha nos seringais nativos, a criação de projetos de colonização e a implantação e expansão da atividade pecuária transformaram a economia do setor primário do Acre. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade e composição química da forragem de capim elefante associado às leguminosas arbóreas nativas bordão-de-velho (Samanea sp.) e timbaúba (Enterolobium maximum), espécies que se regeneram naturalmente nas pastagens.bitstream/CPAF-AC/3646/1/comunicado116.pd

    Ökologische Milchviehzucht: Entwicklung und Bewertung züchterischer Ansätze unter Berücksichtigung der Genotyp x Umwelt-Interaktion und Schaffung eines Informationssystems für nachhaltige Zuchtstrategien

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    In dem Projekt wurden für verschiedene Merkmalskomplexe an zwei verschiedenen Datensätzen Genotyp x Umwelt-Interaktionen zwischen ökologischen und konventionellen Produktionssystemen geschätzt. Anhand Schweizer Daten wurden für Braunvieh und Fleckvieh für Milchleistungsmerkmale Korrelationen > 0.9 zwischen beiden Betriebsformen geschätzt, wohingegen die genetische Korrelationen für funktionale Merkmale (Rastzeit, Zellzahl) geringer (0.8 bis 0.9) waren. Diese Korrelationen konnten für die Rasse Holstein Friesian auf Grund einer Auswertung Deutscher Daten bestätigt werden. Generell liegt für Leistungsmerkmale keine und für funktionale Merkmale eine geringe Genotyp x Umwelt-Interaktion zwischen ökologischen und konventionellen Betrieben vor, wobei insbesondere für letztere die Informationsbasis begrenzt ist. Auswertungen der Betriebsdaten von > 450 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben und Befragungen der Betriebsleiter haben ergeben, dass sich diese Betriebe in ihren züchterischen Zielen kaum und in ihrem züchterischen Handeln gar nicht von konventionellen Betrieben unterscheiden. Zuchtplanerische Rechnungen haben ergeben, dass unter den gefundenen genetischen Parametern weder ein geschlossenes noch ein offenes eigenes Zuchtprogramm im ökologischen Sektor wirtschaftlich gerechtfertigt ist. Vielmehr ist anzustreben, dass sich ökologisch wirtschaftende Milchviehbetriebe stärker aktiv an etablierten Zuchtprogrammen beteiligen, z.B. durch den stärkeren Einsatz von Testbullen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, aufgrund der bestehenden Teilzuchtwerte einen Ökologischen Gesamtzuchtwert zu entwickeln, in dem funktionale Merkmale stärker gewichtet werden. Ein im Projekt entwickeltes Internetportal und eine entsprechend angepasste Anpaarungssoftware kann die Umsetzung dieses Vorschlags unterstützen. Erforderlich ist allerdings eine vollständigere Erfassung der ökologischen Milchviehbetriebe als Voraussetzung für eine bessere Unterstützung der ökologischen Milchviehzucht

    Large-uncertainty intelligent states for angular momentum and angle

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    The equality in the uncertainty principle for linear momentum and position is obtained for states which also minimize the uncertainty product. However, in the uncertainty relation for angular momentum and angular position both sides of the inequality are state dependent and therefore the intelligent states, which satisfy the equality, do not necessarily give a minimum for the uncertainty product. In this paper, we highlight the difference between intelligent states and minimum uncertainty states by investigating a class of intelligent states which obey the equality in the angular uncertainty relation while having an arbitrarily large uncertainty product. To develop an understanding for the uncertainties of angle and angular momentum for the large-uncertainty intelligent states we compare exact solutions with analytical approximations in two limiting cases.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Opt. B special issue in connection with ICSSUR 2005 conferenc

    Physics Opportunities at mu+mu- Higgs Factories

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    We update theoretical studies of the physics opportunities presented by mu+mu- Higgs factories. Interesting measurements of the Standard Model Higgs decays into {\bar b}b, tau+tau- and WW* may be possible if the Higgs mass is less than about 160 GeV, as preferred by the precision electroweak data, the mass range being extended by varying appropriately the beam energy resolution. A suitable value of the beam energy resolution would also enable the uncertainty in the b-quark mass to be minimized, facilitating measurements of parameters in the MSSM at such a first mu+mu- Higgs factory. These measurements would be sensitive to radiative corrections to the Higgs-fermion-antifermion decay vertices, which may violate CP. Radiative corrections in the MSSM may also induce CP violation in Higgs-mass mixing, which can be probed via various asymmetries measurable using polarized mu+mu- beams. In addition, Higgs-chargino couplings may be probed at a second mu+mu- Higgs factory.Comment: Report of the Higgs factory working group of the ECFA-CERN study on Neutrino Factory & Muon Storage Rings at CERN. 28 p

    About direct Dark Matter detection in Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    Direct dark matter detection is considered in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). The effective neutralino-quark Lagrangian is obtained and event rates are calculated for the Ge-73 isotope. Accelerator and cosmological constraints on the NMSSM parameter space are included. By means of scanning the parameter space at the Fermi scale we show that the lightest neutralino could be detected in dark matter experiments with sizable event rate.Comment: latex, 12 pages, 2 ps-figures; extra LEP constraint is included, extra figure is added, recorrected version, resubmitted to Phys.Rev.

    Polarization control of single photon quantum orbital angular momentum states

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    The orbital angular momentum of photons, being defined in an infinitely dimensional discrete Hilbert space, offers a promising resource for high-dimensional quantum information protocols in quantum optics. The biggest obstacle to its wider use is presently represented by the limited set of tools available for its control and manipulation. Here, we introduce and test experimentally a series of simple optical schemes for the coherent transfer of quantum information from the polarization to the orbital angular momentum of single photons and vice versa. All our schemes exploit a newly developed optical device, the so-called "q-plate", which enables the manipulation of the photon orbital angular momentum driven by the polarization degree of freedom. By stacking several q-plates in a suitable sequence, one can also access to higher-order angular momentum subspaces. In particular, we demonstrate the control of the orbital angular momentum mm degree of freedom within the subspaces of m=2|m|=2 \hbar and m=4|m|=4\hbar per photon. Our experiments prove that these schemes are reliable, efficient and have a high fidelity.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in paediatric practice: an EFSUMB position statement

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    The use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in adults is well established in many different areas, with a number of current applications deemed off-label, but the use supported by clinical experience and evidence. Paediatric CEUS is also an off-label application until recently with approval specifically for assessment of focal liver lesions. Nevertheless there is mounting evidence of the usefulness of CEUS in children in many areas, primarily as an imaging technique that reduces exposure to radiation, iodinated contrast medium and the patient-friendly circumstances of ultrasonography. This position statement of the European Federation of Societies in Ultrasound and Medicine (EFSUMB) assesses the current status of CEUS applications in children and makes suggestions for further development of this technique