56 research outputs found

    Functional status of masticatory system, excutive function and episodic memory in older persons.

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    Findings from human experimental studies suggest that mastication positively influences cognitive function. The participants in those studies were relatively young. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between the functional status of the masticatory system, episodic memory, and executive functions in elderly people. The participants, elderly people living independently at home, were divided into two groups. One group had a full complement of natural teeth (n = 19) and the other group had full dentures (n = 19). The functional status of the masticatory system was assessed by measuring mandibular excursions (i.e. the distances over which the mandible can move in the open, lateral, and forward directions), bite force, number of occluding pairs and complaints of the masticatory system (facial pain, headaches/migraine). Executive functions and episodic memory were assessed by neuropsychological tests. Backward regression analysis showed that only in the group of elderly people with full dentures, 22% of executive functions were predicted by complaints of the masticatory system and 19.4% of episodic memory was predicted by masticatory performance (composed of mandibular excursions and bite force). The conclusion of this study is that only in older persons with full dentures the relationship between mastication, episodic memory, and executive function becomes evident when the functional status of the masticatory system decreases

    Influence of disinfectant solutions on test materials used for the determination of masticatory performance

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    Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Masticatory function can be evaluated objectively as the capacity of an individual to fragment solid food after a fixed number of chewing cycles, the so-called masticatory performance (MP). The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of four different test materials (Optosil, Optocal, Zetapuls, and Perfil) and five disinfection protocols by aspersion and immersion (no disinfection, 2% glutaraldehyde, 2% chlorhexidine, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, and 70% alcohol) on the MP, determined at three moments (24 hours, 15 and 60 days) after storing the fragmented blocks. MP was evaluated by calculating X50 through the sieving technique and the Rosim-Ramler equation. The weight and microbiologic count (colony forming units, CFUs) of chewed blocks were measured to identify any variations that would make MP determination unfeasible. Differences in MP were observed among the materials (p 0.05). The time and disinfection type had no influence on MP (p > 0.05). The number of CFUs differed between the nondisinfected group and all other disinfection groups at all time points (p < 0.01). No other significant difference in CFU count between disinfection groups was observed. In conclusion, disinfection did not alter the reliability of the test materials for the MP calculation for up to 60 days

    Masticatory function with implant-supported overdentures

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    The type of attachment that is used in implant-supported mandibular overdentures may influence the retention and stability of the prosthesis and, thus, masticatory function. In this within- subject cross- over clinical trial, we examined the hypothesis that greater retention and stability of the overdenture improve the masticatory function. Eighteen edentulous subjects received 2 oral implants, a new overdenture, and, successively, 3 different suprastructure modalities: magnet, ball, and bar- clip. Masticatory performance, masticatory efficiency, and swallowing threshold were measured. The masticatory function significantly improved after implant treatment with each of the 3 attachments. We observed small differences in masticatory function among the 3 attachment types: slightly better masticatory performance with ball and bar- clip than with magnet attachments. The number of chewing cycles until swallowing hardly decreased after implant treatment. We conclude that significantly better masticatory performance, combined with a slightly smaller number of chewing cycles after implant treatment, results in smaller food particles being swallowed

    Pain and instability during biting with mandibular implant-retained overdentures

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    We tested in a randomized controlled clinical trial the effect of pain and instability of dentures on bite force with different degrees of mucosal support. The trial involved 3 groups who had received: 1) a new conventional denture (CD-group), 2) an implant-mucosa-borne overdenture on 2 IMZ implants (IMZ-group) or 3) a mainly implant-borne overdenture retained by a transmandibular implant (TMI-group). Fifty-three women and 15 men, mean age 59 years, participated in this study. Bite force measurements were made unilaterally with a transducer and bilaterally with a bite fork. After the measurements, subjects were asked whether or not biting had caused pain or tilting of one of the dentures. Significantly more complete-denture wearers reported pain. They reported more frequent pain in the mandible than in the maxilla (
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